Colonial example sentences

Related (12): Imperialism, exploration, settlement, exploitation, oppression, domination, subjugation, enslavement, colonialism, conquest, annexation, decolonization.

"Colonial" Example Sentences

1. The colonial period was marked by conflict and subjugation of the natives.
2. The colonial architecture still stands in the old city center.
3. The colonial government ruled with an iron fist.
4. After independence, many remnants of colonial rule were removed.
5. Colonial forces brutally suppressed the uprising.
6. The British had a vast colonial empire that spanned the globe.
7. The remnants of colonialism still linger in many post-colonial nations.
8. The Dutch established colonial outposts throughout the East Indies.
9. The old colonial cities retain much of their historic charm.
10. France had large colonial possessions in North Africa and Indochina.
11. Colonial rule came to an end after the country gained independence in the 1950s.
12. The majority of the population opposed colonial occupation.
13. The colonial administration brought the infrastructure needed for economic development.
14. Colonial powers exploited the natural resources of their possessions.
15. Many languages spread during the colonial era through trade and governance.
16. The long shadow of colonialism still impacts international relations today.
17. Spain and Portugal had vast colonial empires in the Americas and Asia.
18. Colonial officers lived separately from the general population.
19. Colonial forces needed to maintain a constant military presence.
20. The colonial legacy includes important intellectual and cultural contributions.
21. Indigenous peoples suffered greatly under colonial rule.
22. Colonial policies fostered racial and ethnic divisions.
23. Colonial products like sugar, coffee and cotton fueled industrial growth in Europe.
24. Many post-colonial nations struggle with neocolonial economic domination.
25. The colonial education system focused on producing lower level functionaries.
26. The country continues to recover from the colonial era economic distortions.
27. There has been a revival of interest in precolonial cultural expressions.
28. The colonial history can be seen in the place names that survive today.
29. Many colonial era laws and institutions remain in place.
30. The country achieved self-rule and ended colonial occupation.
31. Colonial art and architecture reflect colonial priorities and prejudices.
32. The country has worked to correct some of the inequalities created by colonialism.
33. Colonial powers justified their rule using racist ideologies.
34. Post-colonial scholars have examined the legacies of colonialism.
35. The country commemorates the day it gained independence from colonial rule.
36. Colonial currency and naming conventions were imposed.
37. Anti-colonial movements spread across European colonies during the 20th century.
38. The anti-colonial movement eventually gained enough support to end colonial occupation.
39. Colonial expansion disrupted and often destroyed indigenous cultures and identities.
40. Colonial rule introduced new administrative and governance structures.
41. Colonial authorities exploited local resources to benefit the colonial power.
42. The colonial period opened the country to Western influence and ideas.
43. The colonial system created new social classes and hierarchies.
44. Colonial interests and control extended deep into local societies.
45. The aftermath of colonialism is still evident in ethnic and regional divisions.
46. The country has worked to distance itself from its colonial past.
47. Colonial monuments have become a source of controversy in many post-colonial nations.
48. Local resistance to colonial rule took many forms, from passive to violent.
49. Events from the colonial era continue to shape international relations today.
50. The push for decolonization gained momentum after World War II.
51. The colonial system implanted new cultural values and norms.
52. Indigenous languages were suppressed in favor of the colonial languages.
53. The colonial powers attempted to shape the education system to serve their interests.
54. Post-colonial literature has explored the complex legacies of colonialism.
55. The country continues to grapple with its colonial past.
56. Certain crops and industries remain from the colonial period.
57. Indigenous art forms were denigrated under colonial rule.
58. Anti-colonial thinkers criticized the racist foundations of colonial society.
59. The post-colonial era has seen many difficult economic and social transitions.
60. Globalization has created a new form of neocolonial economic dependence.

Common Phases

1. colonial era
2. colonial rule
3. colonial power
4. colonial period
5. colonial authorities
6. colonial administration
7. colonial empire
8. colonial occupation
9. colonial legacy
10. colonial forces
11. colonial history
12. colonial officials
13. colonial architecture
14. remnants of colonialism
15. end of colonialism

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