Compactorize example sentences
[ˈkämˌpaktər, kəmˈpaktər] ✕ Play
- noun form of compact
✕ Play adjective [ˈkämˌpak(t), kəmˈpak(t), kämˈpak(t)]
compact (adjective)
- closely and neatly packed together; dense:
- having all the necessary components or features neatly fitted into a small space:
- (of a person or animal) small, solid, and well-proportioned.
- (of speech or writing) concise in expression:
- composed or made up of:
- exert force on (something) to make it more dense; compress:
- (of a substance) become compressed:
- form (something) by pressing its component parts firmly together:
- express in fewer words; condense:
- a small flat case containing face powder, a mirror, and a powder puff.
- something that is a small and conveniently shaped example of its kind:
- short for compact car
- a mass of powdered metal compacted together in preparation for sintering: