Compulsion example sentences

Related (15): compulsion, urge, obsession, addiction, impulse, necessity, pressure, obligation, drive, craving, fixation, demand, imperative, instinct, propensity.

"Compulsion" Example Sentences

1. She had a compulsion to clean the house every day.
2. His compulsive behavior was driving everyone crazy.
3. The detective was driven by an inner compulsion to solve the crime.
4. She felt compelled to help those less fortunate.
5. The hoarder's obsession and compulsive tendency to accumulate led to a cluttered home.
6. She felt a strong compulsion to confess her sins.
7. His obsession turned into a compulsive behavior.
8. Under compulsion of law, he testified against his will.
9. Some mental disorders involve compulsive behaviors.
10. He couldn't resist the compulsion to check the door was locked multiple times.
11. There is no reasoning with someone's compulsive nature.
12. His inner compulsion drove him to make new discoveries.
13. She regularly gave into the compulsion to buy things she didn't need.
14. The nurse felt compelled to stay late and help the patients.
15. The actor was compelled by the director to give an emotional performance.
16. The detective followed every lead, compelled by his sense of duty.
17. The accident left her with compulsive behaviors around checking things.
18. Some people suffer from compulsive skin picking.
19. She inevitably gave into her compulsion to gossip.
20. She felt compelled to tell the truth, regardless of the cost.
21. Her compulsive behavior embarrassed her family.
22. The teen's compulsive lying became a problem.
23. His perfectionist tendencies turned into compulsive behaviors.
24. The counselor helped him manage his compulsive behaviors.
25. The written threat compelled her to pay the blackmailers.
26. She felt compelled to apologize for her behavior.
27. His compulsion to win drove him to achieve success.
28. His compulsivity around checking things became more severe over time.
29. She was compelled to fight for justice no matter the odds.
30. Her moral compass compelled her to do the right thing.
31. He felt compelled to follow his passion despite objections.
32. She resisted the compulsion to shop every time she walked by a store.
33. The gambler's compulsion eventually destroyed his life.
34. The compulsion to bite his nails was a lifelong struggle for him.
35. The witness testified under legal compulsion.
36. Her compulsion to answer every question perfectly interfered with learning.
37. He felt compelled to confess after seeing her tears.
38. Many suffer from the compulsion to overeat.
39. The need for perfection became a compulsive desire.
40. The hoarder's compulsive collecting behavior began harming others.
41. Her compulsion to diet and exercise became unhealthy.
42. The writer was compelled by an inner drive to create.
43. The psychiatrist helped clients address compulsive behaviors.
44. His compulsive habit of stealing arose from deep insecurity.
45. She fought against her compulsion to check every fact multiple times.
46. He felt compelled to stand up for what he believed in.
47. His compulsion around organizing things occupied much of his time.
48. The FBI agent was compelled by duty to seek truth and justice.
49. The compulsion to confess eventually drove him to turn himself in.
50. His compulsive gambling depleted his savings.
51.Her internal moral compass compelled her to take a stand.
52. She felt compelled to turn the music down after 10 p.m. out of respect for neighbors.
53. His compulsions eventually took over his life.
54. The actor was compelled by his character's inner demons to seek vengeance.
55.The compulsion to exercise bordered on an addiction for her.
56. She displayed compulsive behaviors around organizing and cleaning.
57. The novelist felt compelled by inspiration to keep writing.
58. He gave into the compulsion to check his email constantly.
59. She felt compelled to help those in need.
60. His compulsive spending was driven by a need to impress others.

Common Phases

compulsive behavior
compulsive personality
obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD)
compulsory education
by compulsion of law
under legal compulsion
driven by compulsion
act under compulsion
give into compulsion
succumb to compulsion
resist/fight compulsion
manage compulsive behaviors
address compulsive tendencies
inner compulsion
moral compulsion
compulsion to do something
felt compelled to do something
driven by compulsion
a sense of compulsion
overcome compulsive habits
a weakness for something
lose control and give in to compulsion
an uncontrollable compulsion
fight against compulsion
transform compulsion into passion

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