Addiction example sentences

Related (10): Compulsion, dependence, craving, obsession, habit, fixation, attachment, enslavement, enslaving, enslavement.

"Addiction" Example Sentences

1. His addiction to alcohol destroyed his health and relationships.
2. She sought treatment for her gambling addiction.
3. Researchers are working to better understand the biological factors that underlie drug addiction.
4. The clinic specialized in treating substance use disorders and behavioral addictions.
5. His drug addiction cost him his job and home.
6. She recognized that her online shopping had become an unhealthy addiction.
7. Many cigarette smokers struggle with nicotine addiction.
8. The dangers of social media addiction, especially among teens, are becoming more apparent.
9. Exercise releases endorphins that can make it addictive for some people.
10. Workaholism has been termed an addiction by some experts.
11. Researchers are studying why certain people develop addictions while others do not.
12. The rehab program aimed to help participants break free from their various addictions.
13. Experts warn of the dangers of developing an addiction to prescription painkillers.
14. The dangers of food addiction and obesity have become a public health crisis.
15. While some people can indulge in habits moderately, others develop addictions.
16. Coffee addiction is a more lighthearted term for a daily dependence on caffeine.
17. His sugar addiction caused him to consume excessive amounts of candy, soda and baked goods.
18. The dangers of cell phone addiction, especially among the young, have been compared to drug use.
19. Treatment for sex addiction often includes counseling, support groups and lifestyle changes.
20. Pornography addiction has become more prevalent with the rise of high-speed Internet access.
21. Video game addiction has been cited as an emerging public health issue.
22. Researchers are studying the possibility of Internet addiction, especially in young people.
23. Many addicts struggle with feelings of low self-esteem and shame related to their addictions.
24. The dangers of opioid addiction, including both prescription painkillers and heroin, have become a national epidemic.
25. The psychology of addiction helps explain why addicts often fail in attempts to quit on their own.
26. Shopaholics Anonymous offers support and community for those struggling with compulsive shopping addiction.
27. Experts caution that social media use can become addictive for some individuals.
28. Addiction recovery often involves changing routines, habits and associations that enable bad behaviors.
29. The psychology of behavioral addictions shows similarities to substance use disorders.
30. Workaholics Anonymous offers fellowship and understanding for those seeking to overcome work addiction.
31. Nicotine patches and gum aim to help smokers break their nicotine addiction.
32. Many food addicts engage in binge eating followed by feelings of guilt and shame.
33. Exercise addiction involves an excessive preoccupation with exercise to the detriment of other activities.
34. Sex addicts often engage in compulsive sexual behaviors despite negative consequences.
35. The warning signs of opioid addiction include changes in personal habits and social functioning.
36. Overcoming addiction requires willpower as well as strategies to avoid triggers and change routines.
37. Researchers are studying how addiction affects the brain and changes behavior.
38. Compulsive shopping involves continued shopping behavior despite financial problems caused by excessive spending.
39. Millions of Americans struggle with alcohol addiction, impacting families and communities.
40. Porn addicts often report looking at pornography for longer periods of time or more frequently than intended.
41. Withdrawal from opioid addiction can cause symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, nausea and other physical discomfort.
42. The psychology of addiction helps explain why compulsions persist despite negative consequences.
43. Acupuncture and herbal remedies have been used as adjunct therapies for patients in treatment for alcohol addiction.
44. Supportive relationships and healthy lifestyle changes help many addicts maintain recovery from their addictions.
45. The uncontrolled nature of addiction can cause health problems, financial difficulties and social isolation.
46. Many prescription painkiller addicts transition to cheaper and more accessible heroin.
47. The harmful effects of behavioral addictions like gambling and compulsive shopping have been increasingly recognized.
48. Drug abuse often leads to addiction for both legal and illegal substances.
49. Mindfulness strategies aim to increase addicts' awareness of triggers and compulsions.
50. Behavioral addictions involve repetitive behaviors that become difficult to control despite negative consequences.
51. The path to overcoming addiction is rarely straightforward and often involves relapses.
52. Exercise releases feel-good chemicals in the brain that some individuals become addicted to.
53. Many addicts believe they can control their addictions through willpower alone before seeking treatment.
54. Work addiction involves spending excessive time and energy on work to the detriment of personal relationships and health.
55. The medical community is working to reduce the negative stigma surrounding addiction and substance use disorders.
56. Many addicts begin their addictive behaviors as experimentation before developing compulsive use.
57. The marketing of unhealthy but addictive products like junk food and tobacco has been blamed for public health problems.
58. Recovery from addiction often requires a combination of personalized and holistic treatments.
59. Self-medicating with drugs and alcohol to relieve emotional pain can lead to substance use disorder and addiction.
60. Internet addiction affects people's abilities to disengage from technology to handle daily tasks and responsibilities.

Common Phases

1. Her drug addiction was ruining her life.
2. He sought treatment to battle his alcohol addiction.
3. Gambling addiction is a serious problem for many people.
4. Food addiction can be difficult to overcome.
5. Video game addiction is becoming more common, especially among teenagers.
6. His cigarette addiction started when he was just a teenager.
7. Shopping addiction causes many people to go into debt.
8. Work addiction can leave people feeling burnt out and disconnected from loved ones.
9. She sought counseling to help overcome her social media addiction.
10. His porn addiction caused problems in his marriage.
11. Sex addiction can destroy relationships and careers.
12. Addiction knows no socioeconomic boundaries.
13. She struggled with overcoming her caffeine addiction.
14. Addiction causes people to lose control over their behavior.
15. He attended AA meetings to help him tackle his alcohol addiction.
16. Experts believe video game addiction activates the same brain reward pathways as drug addiction.
17. His addiction was destroying his body and his soul.
18. Treatment programs can help people break the cycle of addiction.
19. She has spent years trying to overcome her prescription drug addiction.
20. The singer publicly spoke out about recovering from addiction.
21. The film focused on the harsh realities of drug addiction.
22. Her former partner's addiction put a strain on their relationship.
23. Breaking an addiction requires hard work and mental strength.
24. He entered rehab to treat his debilitating addiction.
25. His family staged an intervention to confront his prescription drug addiction.
26. The support of loved ones can help addicts overcome their addiction.
27. Her addiction started innocently but soon spiraled out of control.
28. Addiction often stems from underlying pain or trauma.
29. The cycle of addiction is difficult but not impossible to break.
30. The long-term effects of addiction can be devastating.
31. Addiction makes addicts value drugs or alcohol more than human relationships.
32. His struggles with addiction were well documented.
33. Overcoming addiction requires willpower and perseverance.
34. Addiction robs people of their dignity and self-respect.
35. Addiction is both a mental and physical condition.
36. Doctors nowadays recognize addiction as a chronic disease.
37. His lifelong battle with addiction eventually led to his early death.
38. She hopes her story will inspire others fighting addiction.
39. Addiction grips its victims in an inexorable hold.
40. His addiction caused his health to rapidly deteriorate.
41. He had to hit rock bottom before seeking treatment for his addiction.
42. Addiction numbs emotional and spiritual pain.
43. She managed to overcome her addiction and rebuild her life.
44. People living with addiction often feel alone and ashamed.
45. Society misunderstands and stigmatizes people suffering from addiction.
46. For addicts, addiction quickly becomes all-consuming.
47. He reached out to a support group to help him fight his addiction.
48. Her addiction shattered the dreams she once had for her life.
49. Substance abuse and addiction take a huge economic toll on society.
50. Some people are genetically predisposed to addiction.
51. Addiction threatens health, happiness and human relationships.
52. Treating addiction often requires a multifaceted approach.
53. The foundation's goal was to raise awareness about mental health and addiction issues.
54. Addiction can be very difficult for loved ones of the addict.
55. For many, addiction starts as a means of self-medication or coping.
56. Addiction frequently leads to loss of employment and financial instability.
57. Media portrayals of addiction do not always accurately reflect the lived reality of addiction.
58. Living with addiction often involves feelings of shame and hopelessness.
59. Family intervention may be necessary for addicts who refuse to seek treatment.
60. The greatest obstacle for addicts is the stigma associated with addiction.

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