Conceit example sentences
Related (5): arrogance, vanity, self-importance, egotism, narcissism
"Conceit" Example Sentences
1. His conceit knew no bounds, as he claimed to be the best in everything.
2. Her vain conceit and inflated ego made her unpleasant to be around.
3. The poet's fanciful conceits and metaphors elevated the mundane verse.
4. The woman's ridiculous conceit made her imagine herself to be beautiful.
5. The artist's conceit led him to believe his work was more brilliant than it actually was.
6. She laughed at his arrogant conceit and gross overestimation of his abilities.
7. The prince's conceit and narcissism isolated him from his people.
8. The literary critic argued that the poet's conceits were excessive and detracted from the simplicity of his verse.
9. His conceited nature prevented him from evaluating his work objectively.
10. The pretentious teenager's overinflated conceit amused the adults.
11. Conceit is often a flaw of youth which fades with maturity and experience.
12. The woman's modesty was a refreshing contrast to the arrogant conceit of the men.
13. The sharp rebuke cut through his thick layer of conceit and forced him to see himself realistically.
14. Shakespeare used conceits and metaphors to great effect in his sonnets.
15. Petrarchan conceits expressing the pain and pleasure of love permeate his sonnets.
16. The writer's fanciful conceits amused readers but lacked depth and meaning.
17. Pride often breeds conceit, which blinds one to one's own shortcomings.
18. The musician's lighthearted conceits and flights of fancy charmed the audience.
19. His ornate and affected conceits felt contrived and artificial.
20. The author's witty conceits and flights of imagination enlivened the narrative.
21. The poet's clever use of conceits linked the abstract concept of love with concrete imagery.
22. The president's conceit in his own abilities led to disastrous decisions.
23. Experience gradually taught him to set aside his youthful conceit and pride.
24. His conceit and arrogance ultimately drove away his friends.
25. The fanciful conceit of the poem linked love to the cycle of the seasons.
26. The prince's self-absorbed conceit made him unwilling to hear criticism.
27. The barrister's ornate conceits and purple prose failed to inspire the jury.
28. The philosophic poet's fanciful conceits sought to illuminate eternal truths.
29. The author's overwrought conceits and tortuous metaphors obscured rather than illuminated meaning.
30. Fond conceits can sometimes congeal into delusions of grandeur.
31. The author's mocking conceit satirized society's obsession with youth and beauty.
32. The princess's haughty conceit alienated her from her subjects.
33. The poem uses conceits to draw parallels between the natural world and human emotions.
34. The prince's arrogant conceit blinded him to his own faults and shortcomings.
35. His musical conceits enchanted listeners though they lacked real substance.
36. Her fanciful poetic conceits likened love to seasons, stars, and flowers.
37. The conceited man was blind to his own many deficiencies and flaws.
38. The officer's arrogant conceit prevented him from heeding the wise advice of others.
39. His poetic conceits compared the pain of love to the prick of a sharp thorn.
40. The writer tried to compensate for a lack of wit with flowery and ornate conceits.
41. The poet's ornate conceits infused earthly delights with spiritual meaning.
42. His overweening conceit blinded him to the errors in his own reasoning.
43. The author uses conceits to draw analogies between the physical world and spiritual realities.
44. The empress's overweening conceit led her to overestimate her own wisdom.
45. The writer mocks conceited fools with elaborate literary conceits.
46. The fickle poet's fancy moved quickly from one fanciful conceit to another.
47. The philosopher's elaborate conceits sought to illustrate complex ideas.
48. His poetic conceits compared a woman's disdain to the cruel blast of winter.
49. The poet uses conceits to draw parallels between earthly love and divine love.
50. The prince's childish conceit stemmed from being constantly indulged and praised.
51. The ornate poetic conceits compared love's pleasures to the sweetness of spring.
52. The general's conceited belief in his own brilliance led to strategic blunders.
53. The poet's whimsical conceits likened love's joys to a heavenly feast.
54. The author mocked pompous fools through the ornate conceits of his characters.
55. The girl's vain conceit stemmed from being constantly praised and indulged.
56. His youthful conceits soon faded in the face of reality and wisdom.
57. The prince's royal conceit puffed up his perception of his own wisdom.
58. The poetic conceit compared love's suffering to the torments of hell.
59. The speaker's conceited posturing masked deep feelings of insecurity.
60. The lover's poetic conceits described the pain of unrequited love
Common Phases
1. conceive of something - imagine or form an idea of something
2. conceive a plan/idea - form an idea or plan in one's mind
3. overweening conceit - excessive or exaggerated pride in oneself
4. conceited person - a person who has an excessively high opinion of themselves
5. vanity and conceit - excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements
6. fanciful conceit - an elaborate and imaginative comparison, especially one that is far-fetched
7. height of conceit - the extreme or worst excess of pride or conceit
8. literary/poetic conceit - an elaborate, far-fetched metaphor or image used as an ingenious comparison, especially in a poem
9. swell with conceit- to become or feel full of pride and arrogance
10. puffed up with conceit - inflated with pride or arrogance
11. burst one's conceit - to prick or destroy one's vanity and conceit by criticism or ridicule
12. conceive a child/baby - become pregnant
13. conceive an affection/dislike - develop a liking or dislike for something
14. seize/play upon/feed one's conceit - take advantage of or exploit one's excessive pride and self-esteem
15. conceive ideas /thoughts - form or produce notions or concepts in the mind