Condolements example sentences

Related (15): sympathy, condolence, comfort, solace, compassion, understanding, support, empathy, sorrow, regret, commiseration, pity, condoling, consoling, consolatory.

"Condolements" Example Sentences

1. Please offer my condolements to your family during this difficult time.
2. His sincere condolements were greatly appreciated by the mourning family.
3. I extend my condolements to you for the loss of your beloved pet.
4. Our deepest condolements go out to those affected by the tragedy.
5. She expressed her condolements to her friend who lost her job.
6. It's important to give condolements to those who are grieving.
7. The entire community offered their condolements to the family of the deceased.
8. My heart goes out to you and your family with my sincere condolements.
9. He sent a letter of condolements to his former mentor's family.
10. Your words of condolements brought comfort during a difficult time.
11. We want to express our condolements to those affected by the natural disaster.
12. The priest spoke words of condolements during the funeral service.
13. The CEO offered his condolements to the employees affected by the layoff.
14. The condolence card offered kind words of condolements to the bereaved family.
15. Our thoughts and condolements are with the victims of the tragedy.
16. The church community expressed their condolements for the loss of their beloved pastor.
17. She hugged her friend and offered her condolements for the loss of her mother.
18. The mayor issued a statement expressing his condolements to the families affected by the accident.
19. The memorial service featured songs and words of condolements.
20. He received many letters of condolements from his colleagues after the passing of his wife.
21. The condolence book was filled with heartfelt expressions of condolements.
22. She attended the visitation to offer her condolements to the family.
23. They prayed and offered condolements to the victims of the terrorist attack.
24. The charity organization sent flowers and a letter of condolements to the family.
25. The grieving husband received an outpouring of condolements from the community.
26. The funeral director expressed his condolements to the bereaved family.
27. She said a prayer and offered her condolements to her neighbor who lost her son.
28. The church bell tolled as a sign of condolements for those who passed away.
29. The president issued a statement of condolements for the families of the fallen soldiers.
30. The support group provided a safe space for members to share their condolements with each other.

Common Phases

1. "Please accept my condolements on the loss of your loved one;"
2. "We are sorry for your loss and offer our sincere condolements;"
3. "My thoughts and condolements are with you and your family during this difficult time;"
4. "Sending you condolements and wishing you strength during this grieving process;"
5. "May my condolements bring you some comfort in the midst of sorrow."

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