Congruent example sentences

Related (9): equal, matching, consistent, harmonious, corresponding, symmetrical, proportional, identical, similar

"Congruent" Example Sentences

1. The circles appear to be congruent.
2. The triangles are congruent according to side-angle-side congruence.
3. The teacher proved the triangles congruent using a sequence of rigid motions.
4. The two triangles are not congruent because their corresponding sides and angles are unequal.
5. All pairs of corresponding angles in congruent polygons are congruent.
6. The shape templates must be congruent for the puzzle pieces to fit together properly.
7. Corresponding sides of congruent plane figures have equal lengths.
8. The mission's objectives and goals were fully congruent with the organization's values and principles.
9. His words and actions were not congruent, signaling a lack of sincerity.
10. Their job descriptions and actual duties were not congruent, leading to role confusion.
11. The set of figures are congruent under translations.
12. The isosceles triangles are congruent by ASA congruence.
13. SAS congruence was used to prove the triangles congruent.
14. When triangles are congruent, their corresponding parts are congruent.
15. Her explanation of the steps and the actual work performed were not congruent.
16. The company's stated mission and actual practices were not congruent.
17. Their words and actions were congruent, demonstrating integrity and authenticity.
18. The triangles can be proven congruent by using any of the congruence conditions.
19. The irregular polygons are congruent if corresponding angles are congruent.
20. Her stated priorities and time allocation were not congruent.
21. Their conflicting messages caused a lack of congruence and confusion.
22. Congruent angles must have equal measure.
23. Corresponding sides of congruent figures are equal in length.
24. Their goals and strategic plans were perfectly congruent.
25. The triangles can be proven congruent using a sequence of two reflections.
26. The two shapes are congruent under rotations of 120 degrees.
27. The circles are congruent through translations.
28. The congruent polygons share corresponding sides and angles.
29. The isosceles triangles are congruent based on AAA congruence.
30. The acute triangles are congruent through rotations of 60 degrees.
31. My schedule and actual responsibilities were completely congruent.
32. The process diagram and the actual workflow were not congruent.
33. Her words and actions were perfectly congruent, demonstrating honesty.
34. The correspondence theory of truth requires a congruence between propositions and factual situations.
35. Strategies should be congruent with organizational goals to be effective.
36. His remarks were completely incongruent with the actual facts.
37. The geometric shapes are congruent through reflections and translations.
38. The congruent triangles can be proven by side-side-side congruence.
39. Two angles are congruent when they have the same measure.
40. Corresponding sides of congruent quadrilaterals have equal lengths.
41. The curriculum and standardized tests were not congruent.
42. His behavior was totally congruent with his stated beliefs.
43. Corresponding angles of congruent polygons are congruent.
44. Their performance goals and actual accomplishments were completely congruent.
45. The identical triangles are congruent through rotations of 90 degrees.
46. The map diagram and actual layout were completely congruent.
47. The company's practices were not congruent with its mission statement.
48. Translations and reflections produced congruent geometric figures.
49. Their corporate policy and actual practices were not congruent.
50. Congruent figures have identical shape and size.
51. The figures are congruent through rotations of 180 degrees.
52. His schedule and spending habits were not congruent with his stated priorities.
53. Their team goals and actual performance metrics were not congruent.
54. The congruent shapes share corresponding sides, angles and areas.
55. Two geometric figures are congruent if they have the same shape and size.
56. The plan diagram and physical layout were totally congruent.
57. The isosceles triangles are congruent through translations.
58. The acute triangles are congruent under reflections.
59. Their job titles and actual roles were not congruent.
60. Her words and actions were perfectly congruent, demonstrating authenticity.

Common Phases

1. Corresponding parts are congruent
2. Congruent under rotations
3. Congruent under translations
4. Congruent under reflections
5. Not congruent
6. Totally congruent
7. Figures are congruent
8. Prove triangles congruent
9. Perfectly congruent
10. Completely congruent
11. Incongruent
12. Share congruent parts
13. Show triangles congruent
14. Congruent by AAA/AAS/SAS/ASA
15. Have congruent measure

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