Consenting example sentences

Related (10): willing, agreeable, cooperative, acquiescent, complaisant, permissive, supportive, affirmative, assenting, approbatory.



consenting (adjective)

  - giving permission for or agreeing to something:

  - voluntarily agreeing to sexual activity while having the legal freedom and capacity to make such a choice:



consenting (present participle)

  - give permission for something to happen:

  - agree to do something:

  - voluntarily agree to sexual activity while having the legal freedom and capacity to make such a choice:


ready, prepared, disposed, inclined, minded, happy, glad, pleased, eager, keen, enthusiastic, agreeable, amenable, accommodating, obliging, compliant, acquiescent, game, unwilling, reluctant, disinclined, allow, sanction, accept, approve, dissent, forbid, Legal

"Consenting" Example Sentences

1. The two consenting adults got married.
2. The law requires consenting to an arranged marriage between adults.
3. The law protects the rights of consenting adults to engage in any sexual activity they choose.
4. Both parties must be consenting adults for an adoption to take place.
5. We insisted on speaking to both consenting parents before administering the child's medical procedure.
6. The law forbids sexual relations between an adult and a non-consenting minor.
7. Consenting donors are needed to provide life-saving blood and organ donations.
8. With both parties consenting, the legal contract was signed.
9. The doctor required written consent forms from both consenting parents.
10. The plaintiff claimed the sexual encounter was non-consensual while the defendant argued both parties were consenting adults.
11. The consenting witnesses signed the finalized legal document.
12. Tasers should only be used on non-compliant individuals, not consenting citizens.
13. The consenting donors lined up to give blood.
14. The legal debate centered around whether consenting adults should have the freedom to engage in any activities they choose.
15. Consenting patients signed the HIPAA release forms.
16. The bill requires the consent of both parents before any medical procedure on a minor.
17. The lawmaker proposed legislation to decriminalize consensual sexual activities between consenting adults.
18. The consenting parties signed the deed transferring ownership of the property.
19. The adoption agency would only place a child with consenting, qualified parents.
20. The surgery required written consent from both consenting parents.
21. Upon receiving consent from both parties, the legal documents were finalized.
22. Consenting participants were needed for the medical study.
23. The plea deal required the consent of both the defendant and the prosecution.
24. Consenting adults have the right to make their own choices.
25. The loan required the signatures of both consenting parties.
26. The judge ruled that sexual activities between consenting adults should not be considered a criminal offense.
27. The organ donor legally consented to donation after his death.
28. The suspect claimed the sexual encounter was between two consenting adults.
29. Both consenting parties signed the non-disclosure agreement.
30. The proposed legislation sought to decriminalize euthanasia for consenting patients in the late stages of terminal illness.
31. The loan application required the signatures of both consenting parties.
32. All consenting participants provided written permission before the study began.
33. The proposal required the consent of both consenting spouses.
34. After obtaining consent from both parents, the surgical procedure was performed on the child.
35. Consensual sexual activities between consenting adults should not be legislated.
36. The blood donors all legally consented to donation.
37. The consenting patients signed all necessary release forms.
38. With both consenting parties in agreement, the legal documents were finalized.
39. Consenting witnesses were needed to sign the will.
40. The bill sought legalize consensual marriage between consenting adults of any gender combination.
41. The suspect and alleged victim gave conflicting accounts of whether consent was given for the sexual encounter.
42. The marriage license application required the signatures of both consenting parties.
43. Organizations fighting for LGBT rights argued that consenting adults should have the freedom to marry whoever they choose.
44. Consent forms were obtained from both consenting parents before administering the child's medical treatment.
45. The defendant claimed the sexual encounter was between two consenting adults.
46. Both consenting parties signed the contract before it took legal effect.
47. Consenting couples challenged the laws banning same-sex marriage.
48. All consenting participants signed medical waivers before taking part in the risky experiment.
49. The two consenting donors signed paperwork officially consenting to organ donation upon their death.
50. The suspect claimed the victim was a consenting adult at the time of the alleged offense.
51. Upon receiving written consent from both parents, medical treatment was administered to the child.
52. Consenting adults should have the freedom to marry whomever they love.
53. The contract required the consent signatures of both consenting parties.
54. Non-coercive, consensual sexual activities between consenting adults should not be criminalized.
55. The marriage license required the signatures of both consenting spouses.
56. The suspect claimed the sex was consensual between two consenting adults.
57. The plaintiff claimed the sex act was nonconsensual while the defendant argued both parties were consenting adults.
58. Proposed legislation sought to legalize consensual sexual activities between consenting adults of any gender or orientation.
59. The medical procedure required written consent from both consenting parents.
60. Consenting volunteers were needed to participate in the study.

Common Phases

1. Consenting adults
This phrase refers to adults of legal age who are able to make their own choices and provide informed consent.
2. Free consent of the consenting parties
This refers to consent that is given freely without coercion.
3. Consenting donors
People who voluntarily agree to donate blood, tissue, or organs.
4. Consenting patients
Patients who understand what a medical procedure entails and provide informed consent.
5. Consenting witnesses
Witnesses who voluntarily sign legal documents to verify their authenticity.
6. Written consent forms
Documents legally requiring a signature to show consent was given for a specific purpose.
7. Non-consenting minor
A minor who is under the legal age of consent and unable to provide informed consent.
8. Consent forms
Documents requiring signatures to show consent was given for a specific purpose, often for medical procedures.
9. Obtain consent
To acquire consent or permission from someone for a specific purpose.
10. Consensual activities
Actions or encounters that are undertaken with the consent of all parties involved.

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