Constringed example sentences
constrained (adjective)
- appearing forced or overly controlled:
- severely restricted in scope, extent, or activity:
constrained (past tense) · constrained (past participle)
- compel or force (someone) to follow a particular course of action:
- severely restrict the scope, extent, or activity of:
- bring about (something) by compulsion:
- confine forcibly; imprison:
unnatural, awkward, mannered, artificial, wooden, stilted, strained, forced, contrived, labored, inhibited, repressed, uneasy, embarrassed, restrained, reserved, reticent, guarded, distant, aloof, cold, cool, standoffish, relaxed, compel, force, coerce, drive, impel, oblige, require, press, push, pressure, pressurize, urge, bully, dragoon, browbeat, railroad, bulldoze, steamroller, hustle, restrict, limit, curb, check, restrain, regulate, contain, confine, restrain, restrict, impede, hamstring, balk, frustrate, stifle, hinder, hamper, check, retard, cramp, chain, imprison, incarcerate, intern, trammel"Constringed" Example Sentences
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