Constructive example sentences

Related (10): beneficial, helpful, productive, positive, useful, creative, practical, effective, valuable, progressive

"Constructive" Example Sentences

1. The team provided constructive feedback on the proposal.
2. They had a constructive discussion about possible solutions.
3. He offered constructive criticism to help improve my work.
4. The coach provided constructive criticism to help the players improve.
5. Let's have a constructive conversation about how we can work better together.
6. She gave a constructive review of the report.
7. The manager provided constructive suggestions to make progress on the project.
8. He delivered his criticism in a constructive manner that was helpful.
9. The editor gave constructive comments to improve the manuscript.
10. The mentor offered constructive advice to assist the mentee.
11. The teacher provided constructive guidance to improve the student's grades.
12. The supervisor offered constructive guidance to help staff perform at their best.
13. My supervisor provided constructive feedback on my presentation.
14. The speech included many constructive ideas to solve the problem.
15. He made a constructive proposal to resolve the issue.
16. The negotiations led to a constructive agreement between both sides.
17. They sought constructive solutions through open communication.
18. The committee made several constructive recommendations in their report.
19. She asked constructive questions to facilitate discussion.
20. The debate produced many constructive proposals.
21. I appreciate receiving constructive feedback to help me improve.
22. They had a constructive argument that ultimately helped both parties.
23. He responded to criticism in a constructive manner.
24. The board voted in favor of the constructive proposal.
25. The constructive feedback helped move the project forward.
26. The meeting yielded many constructive ideas for improvement.
27. Their constructive thinking led to innovative solutions.
28. The discussion resulted in a constructive plan of action.
29. His constructive analysis illuminated potential solutions.
30. The teacher fostered a constructive educational environment.
31. He interpreted the criticism in a constructive manner.
32. They supported each other's ideas to create a constructive work environment.
33. The firm implemented many of the constructive recommendations from the report.
34. Her constructive comments helped clarify the issue.
35. The constructive changes have really helped improve performance.
36. The board members provided many constructive suggestions.
37. Her constructive narrative approach appealed to diverse perspectives.
38. Their constructive dialogue led them to a compromise.
39. The supervisor encouraged a constructive work environment.
40. The reviewer proposed several constructive modifications to the design.
41. She constructively handled criticism from her supervisor.
42. I tried to approach the conflict in a constructive manner.
43. Their constructive language helped resolve the issue peacefully.
44. His constructive outlook helped him overcome challenges.
45. They made many constructive proposals to resolve the conflict.
46. The employee responded positively to the manager's constructive guidance.
47. She used constructive language to avoid escalating tensions.
48. Her constructive attitude helped fuel creative ideas.
49. The council members engaged in a constructive debate.
50. They sought a constructive solution that satisfied all parties.

Common Phases

1. Her criticism was very constructive and helped me improve.
2. The teacher encouraged constructive feedback in the classroom.
3. They had a constructive discussion that led to positive changes.
4. The board members exchanged constructive opinions at the meeting.
5. His attitude toward conflict resolution is very constructive.
6. We need to approach this debate in a constructive manner.
7. She has a constructive approach to solving workplace issues.
8. He framed his concerns in a constructive way that encouraged dialogue.
9. The conflict resolution training focused on constructive communication.
10. I tried to provide feedback in a constructive, helpful manner.
11. They engaged in constructive debate rather than destructive arguments.
12. The teacher hoped his feedback would be taken in a constructive spirit.
13. The employee had a constructive conversation with her boss.
14. They opposed his proposal in a constructive way, suggesting alternative options.
15. The group members offered constructive suggestions to improve the project plan.
16. Her message was strongly worded but intended in a constructive spirit.
17. Can we discuss this in a more constructive fashion?
18. The mediator helped them resolve their dispute in a constructive way.
19. I tried to focus my remarks on what could be done to improve the situation.
20. They came up with constructive solutions rather than complaining about the problem.
21. The teacher encouraged students to engage in constructive dialogues.
22. He presents an alternative viewpoint in a constructive manner.
23. The discussion allowed everyone to express opinions in a constructive way.
24. The team members exchanged constructive suggestions to improve their processes.
25. The couple argued in a constructive manner and made compromises.
26. The constructive criticism helped me improve my work.
27. His attitude toward others is usually positive and constructive.
28. The coach offered constructive advice to help the young athlete improve.
29. Their constructive dialogue allowed them to make progress toward a compromise.
30. The board members approached the issue constructively by proposing alternatives.
31. Feedback should always be framed in a constructive manner.
32. The mediator helped them move beyond angry accusations to constructive discussions.
33. The teacher hopes to foster a constructive environment in the classroom.
34. She presented alternative options in a constructive manner.
35. The conflict was resolved through constructive dialogue.
36. The boss offered helpful suggestions in a constructive manner.
37. Can we focus on constructive solutions rather than who is at fault?
38. They moved forward with renewed optimism and constructive cooperation.
39. Constructive feedback helps me improve my performance.
40. The company promotes a constructive culture that values teamwork.
41. The interviewers asked many constructive questions that sparked good ideas.
42. They turned an argument into a constructive discussion that led to compromise.
43. The review was fair and helpful rather than destructive.
44. He framed his counterarguments in a respectful, constructive manner.
45. The debate was heated but ultimately constructive.
46. The panel offered many constructive recommendations for improvement.
47. The message was meant to be constructive rather than confrontational.
48. Their constructive talks led to a new policy with broad support.
49. The mediator helped facilitate a constructive discussion.
50. They had a constructive exchange of ideas that resulted in an improved plan.
51. She presented her objections in a way that was thoughtful and constructive.
52. The colleague offered help in a very constructive manner.
53. Instead of listing problems, they focused on constructive proposals.
54. The team implemented several constructive changes based on their discussions.
55. Their open, constructive dialogue improved team morale and productivity.
56. The criticism was meant to be helpful and constructive.
57. Let's focus our discussion on constructive solutions rather than old grievances.
58. The opposing parties engaged in constructive negotiations and achieved consensus.
59. She turned potential arguments into productive, constructive discussions.
60. The boss encouraged employees to share constructive feedback.

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