Useful example sentences

Related (15): practical, beneficial, advantageous, functional, effective, valuable, helpful, constructive, applicable, viable, productive, utilitarian, expedient, fruitful, worthwhile.

"Useful" Example Sentences

1. An education is useful for getting a good job.
2. Practice makes perfect, so the more you do something the more useful it will become.
3. Software development tools are useful aids for programmers.
4. Data analysis produced useful insights into customer behavior.
5. The training workshop provided many useful tips for my job.
6. Exercise is useful for maintaining good physical and mental health.
7. Research skills become increasingly useful as you progress through school.
8. Hardware tools like hammers and screwdrivers are useful for DIY projects.
9. A strong work ethic is useful for achieving career success.
10. Keeping an open mind is useful when learning new things.
11. Statistics can provide useful information for analyzing trends and patterns.
12. The feedback from customers provided useful suggestions for product improvements.
13. Networking skills become increasingly useful for career advancement.
14. Mathematical concepts become more useful as you progress to higher levels of study.
15. Advice from experienced people can be very useful.
16. Basic cooking skills are useful for independent living.
17. Planning tools like calendars and to-do lists can be quite useful.
18. Social media can be useful for keeping in touch with friends and family.
19. Medical checkups provide useful information about your health status.
20. Good communication skills are useful in all areas of life.
21. References from previous employers can be useful in job applications.
22. A good imagination can be quite useful for creative problem-solving.
23. Critical thinking skills are increasingly useful in the modern economy.
24. Common household tools like screwdrivers and pliers are quite useful.
25. Graphs and charts can be a useful way to summarize and visualize data.
26. Software development tools can save developers a lot of time and effort, making them very useful.
27. Scaffolding is a useful teaching tool for explaining new concepts.
28. Archives of historical records can be a useful resource for researchers.
29. Smartphones have become remarkably useful tools for work and life.
30. Search engines are extremely useful for finding information online.
31. Calculators can be useful tools for performing mathematical computations quickly.
32. References books like dictionaries and thesauruses are useful for looking up information.
33. Science fiction can provide useful thought experiments for addressing societal challenges.
34. Mentors can provide useful advice and guidance to those just starting out in a career.
35. References from former teachers can be useful additions to your resume or CV.
36. Proficiency in multiple languages can be useful for international business and travel.
37. Scientific modeling tools are useful for testing hypotheses and predictions.
38. Precision tools like calipers and levels are useful for accurate measurement and assembly.
39. Spreadsheets can be useful tools for organizing and analyzing large datasets.
40. Financial planning tools can be quite useful for managing budgets and investments.
41. Online tutorials and how-to guides can be very useful for learning new skills.
42. Knowledge of probabilities and statistics is useful for interpreting data and research.
43. Strong writing skills are useful for any type of job or career.
44. Design thinking promotes creativity which can be very useful for innovation.
45. Mindfulness practices can be useful tools for reducing stress and anxiety.
46. Interpersonal skills like active listening and empathy are useful in all types of relationships.
47. Curiosity and a willingness to learn are useful qualities for personal growth and development.
48. Problem-solving skills become increasingly useful as life gets more complex.
49. Self-awareness promotes useful self-reflection and personal improvement.
50. Creativity can provide useful new solutions to old problems.
51. Data visualization tools are increasingly useful for making data accessible and actionable.
52. Time management skills become increasingly useful as responsibilities grow.
53. Adaptability is a useful trait for dealing with change and uncertainty.
54. Metacognition allows us to think about thinking in useful ways.
55. Networking events can provide useful connections for career and business development.
56. Metrics provide useful indicators for evaluating performance and progress.
57. A sense of humor can be useful for lightening difficult situations.
58. Checklists can be useful tools for ensuring completeness and accuracy.
59. Knowledge of history provides useful context and perspective for current events.
60. Useful life skills like cooking, budgeting and handywork are learned through practice.

Common Phases

1. That information was very useful, thank you.
2. The guidebook provides useful tips for tourists.
3. Her advice has been very useful in getting this project started.
4. The website offers many useful resources for students.
5. I downloaded a useful app to help me manage my time better.
6. Skill sharing is a useful way to learn from others and give back.
7. Keeping a journal can be a useful tool for self-reflection.
8. Spreadsheets are very useful for organizing data tables.
9. Learning a foreign language can be very useful for career opportunities.
10. Knowledge of computers and technology is increasingly becoming useful in many fields.
11. Practicing mindfulness and meditation can be very useful for managing stress and anxiety.
12. Having a basic understanding of statistics is becoming more and more useful in daily life.
13. The textbook provides many useful examples to illustrate the concepts.
14. Her idea was very insightful and useful for solving the problem.
15. Basic cooking skills are very useful for living independently.
16. Online tutorials can offer useful solutions for common technical problems.
17. Troubleshooting guides can provide useful tips for fixing common issues.
18. Learning life skills at a young age can be very useful in adulthood.
19. Feedback is always useful for improving and working towards my goals.
20. Reviews can provide useful information about products before buying them.
21. That tool would be very useful to have around the house.
22. Networking offers useful connections with people in your industry.
23. Reflecting on your mistakes can provide useful lessons for the future.
24. Outlines and headings make text and writing more useful and readable.
25. Spreading goodwill and positivity can be useful for society as a whole.
26. Customer service representatives need useful communication skills.
27. Clarity and precision of expression make a story more useful and impactful.
28. Checklists can be extremely useful for ensuring tasks are completed properly.
29. Math is useful for many everyday tasks like budgeting and measuring.
30. Useful transferable skills include communication, teamwork, and time management.
31. Repairs around the house are always useful to learn how to do yourself.
32. Filters can make search results more useful by excluding irrelevant content.
33. Theory provides a useful framework for understanding and interpreting data.
34. Practice makes perfect, so keep practicing useful skills regularly.
35. Be aware of useful resources around you that can help you achieve your goals.
36. An organizing system ensures information remains useful over long periods of time.
37. Assessment rubrics provide useful guidelines for evaluating assignments.
38. Knowing the difference between fact and opinion makes data more useful.
39. Keeping an open mind is always useful for learning and growth.
40. Visual aids can make any presentation more useful and engaging.
41. Close reading of texts can reveal useful insights and perspectives.
42. Debate and discussion offer useful perspectives for approaching complex issues.
43. Simple habits can have the most useful positive impact over time.
44. Mentorship provides useful wisdom from experienced individuals.
45. Persistence and hard work are always more useful than natural talent alone.
46. Good note taking can make lessons and meetings much more useful afterwards.
47. Collaborating with others exposes you to useful ideas and viewpoints.
48. Databases organize useful information methodically for easy retrieval.
49. Mathematics provides useful problem-solving skills for many applications.
50. Useful skills can also lead to opportunities for career growth and advancement.
51. Critical thinking skills prove useful in nearly every subject and profession.
52. Scientific studies provide useful insight into complex social and health issues.
53. Plans and schedules ensure tasks are completed on time and in a useful order.
54. Asking questions is always useful for clarification and better understanding.
55. Peer review provides useful critiques for improvement and revision.
56. A positive attitude makes any exercise or learning more useful and enjoyable.
57. Simplicity makes designs, explanations and tools much more useful and intuitive.
58. Research provides useful evidence to support claims and arguments.
59. Taking notes helps make lectures and conversations much more useful afterwards.
60. Dictionaries provide useful definitions for understanding new vocabulary.

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