Effective example sentences

Related (14): efficient, productive, successful, impactful, useful, powerful, potent, influential, compelling, convincing, persuasive, authoritative, valid, sound.

"Effective" Example Sentences

1. The treatment proved to be effective.
2. The teacher employed effective teaching methods.
3. Learn effective communication skills.
4. Exercise is an effective stress reliever.
5. He gave an effective speech that motivated the audience.
6. An effective apology includes taking responsibility and a plan for change.
7. Effective time management is key to success.
8. She utilized effective negotiation strategies.
9. The medicine had an effective but temporary result.
10. Study effective study habits and techniques.
11. Regular exercise is effective for weight loss.
12. She implemented an effective marketing campaign.
13. Exercise is an effective way to boost energy levels.
14. Leadership requires effective listening skills.
15. Effective debate involves citing facts to support arguments.
16. Good posture provides effective support for the body.
17. The vaccine was not fully effective against the new strain.
18. The employee received effective performance evaluations.
19. He used sarcasm as an effective form of persuasion.
20. She studied the material until she developed effective memorization techniques.
21. The executive gave an effective presentation that landed the new client.
22. An effective résumé highlights relevant skills and experiences.
23. Antibacterial soap is more effective at killing germs.
24. Practice makes perfect, so keep trying until you develop effective habits.
25. The team implemented an effective solution to the problem.
26. The effective leader inspired her team to achieve great results.
27. The new software greatly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the system.
28. She employed effective methods to teach her students challenging material.
29. The team brainstormed ideas to develop a more effective strategy.
30. The celebrity used their platform to spread an effective message of hope.
31. An effective plan has clear goals and measurable outcomes.
32. The management made changes to promote more effective communication.
33. Slow and measured breathing techniques are effective for reducing stress.
34. The surgeon performed an effective operation that saved the patient's life.
35. He researched effective workout routines for muscle growth.
36. The campaign adopted an effective slogan to promote voter turnout.
37. The story had an effective plot that kept readers engaged.
38. The remodel focused on creating a more effective workspace layout.
39.The company tested several options before launching an effective ad campaign.
40. Follow an effective workout program to see optimal results.
41. The team reviewed research to find the most effective strategies.
42. Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before sun exposure for maximum effectiveness.
43. The new system streamlined processes for greater effectiveness.
44. Effective research requires gathering information from multiple sources.
45. An effective diet targets weight loss while maintaining health.
46. The general issued effective commands that led the troops to victory.
47. Leaders must make effective decisions based on logic and reason.
48. The surgery was a complete success thanks to the surgeon's effective methods.
49. They optimized the workflow for maximum effectiveness and productivity.
50. The presentation lacked an effective call to action.
51. Effective teachers individualize instruction to meet students' needs.
52. He found an effective natural remedy for insomnia.
53. The diet combined both exercise and nutrition for maximum effectiveness.
54. The nurse provided effective comfort measures to relieve the patient's pain.
55. Positive reinforcement is more effective than punishment at changing behavior.
56. Avoid using ineffective filler words to give a more effective speech.
57. The response resulted in an effective resolution of the conflict.
58. Daily meditation practice can be an effective stress reliever.
59. The marketing campaign achieved effective results that exceeded objectives.
60. Think creatively to develop effective solutions to difficult problems.

Common Phases

1. An effective leader.
2. Effective communication.
3. Effective teaching.
4. Effective time management.
5. Effective strategies.
6. Effective natural remedies.
7. Effective problem solving.
8. Effective teaching methods.
9. Effective stress relief.
10. Effective study habits.
11. Effective management.
12. Effective marketing campaign.
13. Effective workout routine.
14. Effective weight loss.
15. Effective solutions.

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