Contemplating example sentences

Related (15): meditating, pondering, ruminating, deliberating, reflecting, considering, weighing, examining, scrutinizing, speculating, musing, brooding, studying, reviewing, questioning.

"Contemplating" Example Sentences

1. I found him contemplating the sea from the cliff edge.
2. She spent hours contemplating the mysteries of the universe.
3. He sat contemplating life's big questions.
4. The monk sat cross-legged, contemplating the nature of the soul.
5. I found him sitting on the porch, contemplating the day's events.
6. She sat contemplating her options.
7. He walked along the beach, contemplating his next move.
8. The poet sat contemplating the meaning of existence.
9. The thinker sat contemplating the relationship between mind and matter.
10. I caught her staring into space, contemplating who knows what thoughts.
11. He sat in the garden, contemplating his good fortune.
12. She fell asleep contemplating possible solutions.
13. The scholar sat at her desk, contemplating the mysteries of the ancient texts.
14. He stared out the window, contemplating the future.
15. I found him pacing the floor, contemplating how to solve the problem.
16. She lay on the bed, contemplating various possibilities.
17. The philosopher sat contemplating the nature of truth.
18. She sat on the dock, contemplating her future career path.
19. He walked the city streets, contemplating life's challenges and opportunities.
20. I caught him lost in thought, contemplating some philosophical conundrum.
21. The recluse sat alone in his cabin, contemplating life's ultimate questions.
22. I woke her from her reverie as she sat contemplating who knows what.
23. The wanderer walked the road, contemplating life's riches and mysteries.
24. The thinker sat lost in thought, contemplating complex theories and ideas.
25. She sat staring into space, apparently contemplating some abstract concept.
26. The scholar contemplated the eternal questions during his evening walks.
27. I found him sitting pensively, contemplating life's big questions.
28. The mystic meditated, contemplating the nature of ultimate reality.
29. The astronomer contemplated the vastness of the cosmos.
30. He walked the beach, contemplating new directions for his life.
31. The scientist contemplated the wonders and possibilities of nature.
32. I found her gazing out the window, contemplating who knows what.
33. The poet contemplated life's beauty and mystery.
34. The old man sat contemplating life's journey as it neared its end.
35. The visionary sat contemplating possibilities beyond common imagination.
36. The philosopher contemplated the nature of truth and meaning.
37. The writer contemplated life's stories as he walked the city streets.
38. He sat contemplating possible responses to the problem.
39. The thinker contemplated the complex workings of the human mind.
40. The student lay on the grass, contemplating life's infinite possibilities.
41. The genius sat lost in thought, contemplating revolutionary new ideas.
42. She sat in the garden, contemplating the beauty and wonder of creation.
43. She fell asleep contemplating plans for the next day.
44. The sage contemplated life's deepest mysteries.
45. The inventor sat contemplating new technological possibilities.
46. The scientist contemplated possibilities beyond current understanding.
47. The mystic contemplated the nature of the divine.
48. The futurist sat contemplating visions of tomorrow.
49. I found him sitting pensively, apparently contemplating some philosophical question.
50. She sat on the balcony, contemplating various possible futures.

Common Phases

1. I stood by the window, contemplating my next move.
2. She sat by the pond, contemplating the events of the past few days.
3. He walked along the beach, contemplating his future.
4. The monk sat in meditation, contemplating existence.
5. I sat lost in thought, contemplating my purpose in life.
6. While contemplating the risks, I hadn't considered the rewards.
7. I went for a walk, contemplating whether I should take the job offer.
8. The couple sat on the cliff edge, contemplating their future together.
9. She stood at the window, contemplating the vast landscape before her.
10. He spent hours contemplating the mysteries of the universe.
11. I lay awake at night, contemplating the uncertainties of the future.
12. The statue stood stoic, contemplating the city before it.
13. She sat at her desk, contemplating how to break the news to her parents.
14. We spent the afternoon contemplating life's bigger questions.
15. The sculpture depicted a woman deep in thought, contemplating eternity.
16. I sat alone in the garden, contemplating the meaning of life.
17. He sat on the balcony, contemplating his options.
18. She stood before the painting, contemplating its hidden messages.
19. I spent the morning contemplating retiring early and traveling the world.
20. While contemplating selling my house, I hadn't considered my attachment to it.
21. She walked along the beach at dawn, contemplating her life's purpose.
22. He stood in the doorway, contemplating what he wanted to say.
23. We contemplated switching careers while gazing at the starry sky.
24. I spent hours contemplating the proposal, weighing the pros and cons.
25. The children sat in the treehouse, contemplating the mysteries of the universe.
26. She stood at the window, contemplating her next move in the game of life.
27. We contemplated moving to the country while walking through the park.
28. I sat on the porch swing, contemplating going back to school.
29. She walked the beach at sunset, contemplating her place in the universe.
30. We contemplated starting a family while gazing at the still lake.
31. I sat on a rock, contemplating the fragile beauty of nature.
32. We spent the afternoon contemplating life and the wonders of creation.
33. He spent hours contemplating the mysteries of life and existence.
34. She stood by the lake, contemplating the changes she wanted to make.
35. I sat in my favorite chair, contemplating my ambitions and dreams.
36. While contemplating travel this summer, I hadn't considered finances.
37. The statue depicted a man deep in thought, contemplating an unknown problem.
38. We contemplated changing careers while stargazing in the backyard.
39. I spent the morning contemplating my purpose and place in the universe.
40. While contemplating making a big decision, she hadn't considered the uncertainties.
41. The writer sat, contemplating the mysteries of the human condition.
42. He sat deep in thought, contemplating the meaning of a recent dream.
43. While contemplating retirement, she hadn't considered loneliness.
44. The old man sat on the park bench, contemplating life's simple pleasures.
45. I spent the afternoon contemplating the wonders of creation and existence.
46. The poem depicted a wanderer deep in thought, contemplating eternity.
47. I stood gazing out the window, contemplating possibilities.
48. They sat on a hilltop, contemplating the challenges ahead.
49. I stood in the garden, contemplating nature's grandeur.
50. She stood alone in the field at sunset, contemplating life and death.
51. The painting showed an old man, contemplating his past.
52. She stood in the window, contemplating changing jobs.
53. We contemplated moving abroad while gazing at the moonlit ocean.
54. He sat in a lotus position, contemplating enlightenment.
55. We contemplated getting married while walking through the wildflower meadow.
56. I sat under the tree, contemplating life's simple joys.
57. The poem depicted the wanderer deep in thought, contemplating eternity.
58. He sat on a rock, contemplating the vastness of the universe.
59. The monk sat in meditation, contemplating the nature of reality.
60. We contemplated retiring early while gazing at the starry night sky.

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