Corsair example sentences

Related (7): Pirate, privateer, buccaneer, marauder, raider, freebooter, brigand

"Corsair" Example Sentences

1. The corsair ship attacked the merchant vessel.
2. The pirate corsairs raided the coastal town.
3. The corsairs took prisoners to sell as slaves.
4. The corsair raid destroyed many ships in the harbor.
5. The corsair ship had black sails and flew a Jolly Roger flag.
6. The corsair captain and his crew were fierce and ruthless pirates.
7. The navy ships fought against the corsair pirates.
8. The corsair ship fled from the navy vessels in hot pursuit.
9. The corsair adventure novels told of battles at sea against enemy fleets.
10. The corsair's treasure map led to a remote uninhabited island.
11. The corsair captain demanded a large ransom for the noblewoman prisoner.
12. The corsair fleet sailed the Barbary Coast attacking merchant ships.
13. The Barbary corsairs raided Christian ships and towns along the Mediterranean coast.
14. The buccaneer and corsair captains terrorized the shipping lanes.
15. The young man dreamed of running away to become a corsair .
16. The dashing corsair captured her heart and her imagination.
17. The famed corsair Blackbeard struck fear into the hearts of seafarers.
18. The legendary corsair Jean Lafitte was known for his daring pirate exploits.
19. The corsair ship docked to trade its loot and captured slaves.
20. The corsair's treasure coffin contained gold coins and jewels.
21. The corsairs kidnapped young men to serve as unwilling crew members.
22. The corsair fleet ruled the sea with ruthless discipline.
23. The corsair spent his ill-gotten gains on wine, women and song.
24. The officers dressed in fine clothes contrasted with the ragged corsairs.
25. The bloodthirsty corsairs slaughtered the crew of the merchant vessel.
26. The raids by Barbary corsairs shaped European naval policy.
27. The island fortress provided a safe harbor for the corsairs.
28. The corsair life seemed glamorous and adventurous from afar.
29. The corsair ship sailed under a black flag signifying no mercy.
30. The bearded corsairs told tall tales of their daring exploits at sea.
31. The pirate ship's graceful lines and speed made it a dangerous corsair.
32. The corsairs terrorized traders, merchants and fishermen.
33. The defeated corsair crews were often hanged from the yardarm.
34. The corsair burned and sank any captured enemy ships.
35. The elegant corsair sloop had a shallow draft suitable for raids.
36. The corsair's rusted cutlass hung over the fireplace as a souvenir.
37. The little boy dressed up as a fearsome corsair for Halloween.
38. The corsair life was harsh and brutal, not romantic as imagined.
39. The captured merchant sailors were forced to serve on the corsair ship.
40. The pirate flag of the vicious corsair struck fear along the coast.
41. The corsair captain swore to pillage any ship flying enemy colors.
42. The rich booty captured by the corsair crew would make them all rich.
43. The naval authorities tried to suppress the corsair menace.
44. The attack by the Barbary corsairs was swift and deadly.
45. The roguish corsair swashbuckled his way through many adventures.
46. The local governor offered a reward for the capture of the notorious corsair.
47. The corsair ship flew into the wind like a bird of prey.
48. The corsair was known for his brutality and cruelty to prisoners.
49. The coastal village lived in fear of the next corsair raid.
50. The corsair raids disrupted the merchant shipping trade.
51. The drunken corsair sang sea shanties as he spent his loot.
52. The pirate corsair died with a smile and a curse on his lips.
53. The coastline provided secluded coves for the corsair ships.
54. The corsair ship Menace was notorious for its bloodthirsty crew.
55. The lone merchant ship fell prey to the nimble corsair sloop.
56. The government hanged dozens of captured corsairs as an example.
57. The young cabin boy dreamed of being an old salty corsair.
58. The corsair crew outnumbered the merchants ten to one.
59. The naval warship chased the fast corsair sloop across the open sea.
60. The corsair life was short but full of adventure and high living.

Common Phases

1. Barbary corsairs - pirates operating from North African ports along the Barbary Coast
2. Corsair fleets - pirate fleets made up of corsair ships
3. Corsair raid - a raid or attack by corsair pirates
4. Corsair sloop - a light, swift pirate ship used by corsairs
5. Corsair captain - the leader of a corsair pirate ship or fleet
6. Corsair ship - a pirate ship crewed by corsairs
7. Black corsair - a corsair pirate who is particularly cruel or ferocious
8. Dashing corsair - a romanticized image of a charming and adventurous corsair captain
9. Bloodthirsty corsair - a corsair pirate known for his brutality and violence
10. Suppress the corsairs - an attempt to defeat or eliminate corsair pirates

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