Picaroon example sentences

Related (5): pirate, buccaneer, marauder, privateer, plunderer

"Picaroon" Example Sentences

1. The notorious picaroon was finally captured by the authorities.
2. As a child, she always loved reading about the adventures of daring picaroons.
3. The captain of the pirate ship was a fearsome picaroon who struck fear into the hearts of his enemies.
4. Despite his reputation as a skilled picaroon, he was ultimately betrayed by his crew and left stranded on a deserted island.
5. The picaroon's treasure hoard was said to be vast and extravagant, with jewels and gold beyond belief.
6. Once a humble sailor, he was seduced by the lure of riches and power and became a picaroon.
7. The picaroon's ship was easily recognizable by its black sails and skull-and-crossbones flag.
8. Though he was known as a picaroon, he was also a master strategist and tactician who often outwitted his opponents.
9. The picaroon's legacy would live on long after his death, inspiring countless tales and songs of daring adventure on the high seas.
10. Wanderlust and a taste for adventure drove him to join the ranks of the picaroons.
11. Despite his many successes as a picaroon, he always knew that his life of piracy would be a short and dangerous one.
12. The picaroon's penchant for flamboyant dress and showy displays of wealth often made him an object of both envy and scorn.
13. The young man dreamed of one day becoming a picaroon like his hero, the legendary Black Bart.
14. To be a successful picaroon required not only skill and bravery, but also a certain ruthlessness and cunning.
15. The picaroon's exploits were the stuff of legend, and his name was whispered in awe and fear throughout the land.
16. The picaroon's loyal crew was made up of men and women from all walks of life, united by a common desire for wealth and adventure.
17. Not all picaroons were cutthroat killers and thieves - some were simply desperate men and women trying to make a living.
18. The picaroon's wily tricks and daring escapes often left his enemies scratching their heads in disbelief.
19. Though he was often hunted by the authorities, the picaroon was always able to elude capture and slip away into the night.
20. The picaroon's exploits inspired countless ballads and tales, and his name became synonymous with romance, adventure, and danger.
21. Though he was a feared picaroon, he had a soft spot for the downtrodden and often gave generously to those in need.
22. The picaroon's true identity remained a mystery to all but his closest confidantes and trusted allies.
23. The picaroon's ship was well-stocked with all manner of weapons, including swords, pistols, and muskets.
24. The picaroon's flag was a symbol of defiance and rebellion, an emblem of the free and lawless life he led.
25. Though he was born into poverty, the picaroon made a name for himself as one of the wealthiest and most successful pirates of all time.
26. The picaroon's downfall came not from a lack of skill or cunning, but from a single moment of careless arrogance.
27. The picaroon's restless spirit and unquenchable thirst for adventure led him to roam the seas in search of new horizons.
28. Though he had many enemies, the picaroon also had many friends and admirers who marveled at his bold and daring exploits.
29. The picaroon was a fearless leader who inspired loyalty and devotion in his crew.
30. Though he lived a life of danger and uncertainty, the picaroon was never happier than when he was at sea, with the wind in his sails and the open ocean before him.

Common Phases

1. I found a picaroon laying on the ground outside; I picked it up and examined it.
2. The pirate ship was equipped with several picaroons for boarding other vessels; they were sharp and deadly.
3. I used the picaroon to cut through the rusty chains holding the treasure chest; it was a satisfying feeling.
4. The thief was caught trying to steal a picaroon from the hardware store; he was arrested for shoplifting.
5. The old sailor showed me a picaroon he had used many years ago; it was worn and weathered from its many adventures.

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