Coworker example sentences

Related (6): colleague, associate, partner, collaborator, workmate, co-worker



co-worker (noun) · co-workers (plural noun) · coworker (noun) · coworkers (plural noun)

  - a person with whom one works, typically someone in a similar role or at a similar level within an organization:

  - a person engaged in the practice of co-working:


companion, intimate, confidante, confidant, familiar, shadow, playmate, playfellow, classmate, schoolmate, workmate, ally, comrade, associate, sister, brother, pal, buddy, chum, spar, sidekick, cully, crony, bezzie, mate, oppo, china, mucker, butty, bruvver, bruv, mandem, galdem, marrow, marrer, marra, amigo, compadre, paisan, homie, bro, homeboy, homegirl, gabba, compeer, enemy

"Coworker" Example Sentences

1. My coworker and I work well together.
2. I enjoy chatting with my coworkers during lunch.
3. I had a disagreement with one of my coworkers the other day.
4. A few of my coworkers also volunteer at the animal shelter on weekends.
5. My coworker lent me her pen when mine ran out of ink.
6. My coworkers brought me cookies for my birthday.
7. I sometimes carpool to work with one of my coworkers.
8. Some of my coworkers have become good friends outside of work.
9. I went out for drinks after work with a few of my coworkers.
10. My coworker helped me fix a problem I was having with my computer.
11. My coworker and I tried to solve the issue together before asking our manager for help.
12. I had a nice chat with my coworker at the coffee machine this morning.
13. One of my coworkers always has jokes to share with the rest of the team.
14. I saw my coworker in the grocery store over the weekend.
15. My coworkers often ask me for advice on work projects.
16. I borrowed a book from one of my coworkers to read on my lunch break.
17. I sometimes socialize with my coworkers outside of work.
18. My coworker recommended a great restaurant to me.
19. My coworkers organized a farewell party for our colleague who retired.
20. One of my coworkers had to leave early because their child was sick.
21. I met my coworker's spouse when they came to visit for lunch.
22. My coworker caught a mistake I had made before it caused any issues.
23. I brought in cookies to share with my coworkers.
24. I cover for my coworker when they need time off to deal with a personal matter.
25. My coworker and I compared notes on our projects.
26. I goofed around with my coworkers to lighten the mood.
27. At my last job, I didn't get along with most of my coworkers.
28. I enjoy working as part of a team with my coworkers.
29. My coworker helped train me when I first started this job.
30. I once ran into a former coworker at the gym.
31. My coworker offered emotional support when I had a hard day at work.
32. My coworker covered my back when I made a mistake.
33. I exchanged contact information with a coworker in case we need help with future projects.
34. I tend to be quiet around my coworkers and focus on getting my work done.
35. My coworker high-fived me after we nailed an important presentation.
36. I say hello and goodbye to my coworkers every day.
37. My coworker praised my work in front of our manager.
38. I learned a lot from one of my more experienced coworkers.
39. One of my coworkers always has the latest office gossip.
40. My coworker tutored me patiently when I didn't understand a new process.
41. I celebrate coworkers' birthdays by bringing in treats for the office.
42. My coworker and I collaborated well on the team project.
43. I made small talk with my coworkers during our coffee break.
44. My coworker and I openly communicated when disagreements arose.
45. I socialized outside of work hours with a few close coworkers.
46. I listened supportively when a coworker confided a personal issue.
47. My coworker recommended I apply for an internal position.
48. My coworker offered to proofread an important report for me.
49. I gave a farewell party for a coworker who was moving to a new job.
50. I exchanged pleasantries with my coworkers when our paths crossed in the hallway.
51. My coworker and I took turns bringing in snacks for the team.
52. My coworker often asks for my opinions on work issues.
53. I helped my coworker debug a software issue over chat.
54. I babysat for a coworker when they needed time for an important appointment.
55. My coworker encouraged me when I felt lost.
56. One of my coworkers often jokes around to brighten the mood.
57. I receive work-related announcements from my coworkers via email.
58. My coworker shouted me a coffee to thank me for helping them with a project.
59. I advised a coworker on a personal issue outside of work.
60. I sometimes clash with the personalities of some of my coworkers.

Common Phases

1. My coworker brought in donuts for everyone this morning.
2. I have lunch with a few of my coworkers every day.
3. My coworker and I swap stories about our kids between helping customers.
4. I borrowed a pen from my coworker since I forgot mine at home.
5. My coworker is helping me learn the new software system we have to use.
6. My coworker's jokes often make me laugh out loud.
7. The office just isn't the same when my favorite coworker is on vacation.
8. I avoid gossiping with my overly chatty coworker.
9. I enjoy chatting with my funny coworker who sits next to me.
10. I try to steal glances at my attractive coworker when nobody's looking.
11. I got my coworker a gift card for their birthday.
12. My disagreeable coworker always argues about every little thing.
13. I occasionally grab lunch with a few of my coworkers.
14. My coworker saved me from making a big mistake on that report.
15. I told my coworker I appreciated their help with the project.
16. My coworker high-fived me when we finished the presentation on time.
17. I invited my new coworker out for coffee to get to know them better.
18. I avoid sharing personal details with most of my coworkers.
19. My coworker complained to the boss that I wasn't doing my fair share.
20. I pretend to work when my lazy coworker is watching.
21. My coworker sent me a helpful article related to our job.
22. I try to be friendly but not too close with my coworkers.
23. My coworker makes snide comments under their breath that are distracting.
24. I confided in my trustworthy coworker going through a similar situation.
25. My coworker helped me move some heavy boxes to the storage room.
26. My competitive coworker tries to one-up me at every opportunity.
27. My coworker makes work more enjoyable with their cheerful attitude.
28. I avoid discussing politics with my conservative coworker.
29. My coworker pitched in to help when we were in a rush to meet the deadline.
30. I shared a smile with my coworker when our annoying boss left the room.
31. I keep my workspace neat to avoid embarrassing myself in front of my coworkers.
32. My coworker apologized after mistakenly blaming me for an error.
33. I fist bumped my coworker after landing a big client.
34. My rude coworker talks over me constantly during meetings.
35. My nosy coworker tries to listen in on all my phone calls.
36. My coworker's unprofessional Facebook posts embarrass the rest of us.
37. My coworker always seems to be in a bad mood and brings the vibe down.
38. My chatty coworker distracts me from getting my work done.
39. My coworker belittled me in front of the others to try to make themselves look better.
40. My coworker intercepted the rude customer so I wouldn't have to deal with them.
41. My coworker and I joke around to make the day go by faster.
42. I dislike how my lazy coworker leaves their messes for others to clean up.
43. My coworker tried to take credit for the report I wrote.
44. I congratulated my coworker on the promotion they deserved.
45. My coworker and I vent to each other about our terrible boss.
46. My coworker offered to cover for me when my kid is sick.
47. My coworker's negative attitude plummets team morale.
48. I avoid getting too attached to any of my coworkers.
49. My trusty coworker who has been there for years trains all the new hires.
50. My coworker photocopied some documents for me when the printer was jammed.
51. I greeted my coworker with a wave and a smile when we passed each other in the hall.
52. My coworker dropped off a sympathy card when my mother passed away.
53. My coworker rolled their eyes when the boss wasn't looking.
54. My coworker forgot to submit the TPS report like I reminded them three times.
55. I was grateful when my coworker vouched for me to the boss.
56. My coworker and I teamed up to solve a difficult problem for a client.
57. My irritating coworker insists on humming all day long.
58. My helpful coworker ordered me a refill on the office supplies I'd run out of.
59. My coworker covered my shift when I came down with the flu.
60. My coworker and I cheered together when we finally met our goals for the quarter.

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