Coyed example sentences

Related (3): coy, coyly, coyish

"Coyed" Example Sentences

1. She coyed her way out of telling him the truth.
2. He coyed with her feelings for his own amusement.
3. The salesman coyed us into buying a faulty product.
4. She coyed a smile in response to his flirtatious comment.
5. The actress coyed during the interview to maintain a sense of mystery.
6. He coyed around the question, never giving a straight answer.
7. I caught her coyedly checking herself out in the mirror.
8. The politician coyed the public with promises he never intended to keep.
9. She coyed with the idea of quitting her job and starting her own business.
10. He coyed his way out of getting in trouble with his boss.
11. The child coyed with his food, playing with it instead of eating it.
12. She coyed with the idea of a daring adventure to escape her mundane life.
13. He coyedly asked her out on a date, unsure of her response.
14. The artist coyed with various forms and styles, never sticking to one specific technique.
15. She coyed her way through the interview, pretending to know more than she did.
16. The cat coyed its way into the house, meowing and rubbing against the door until someone let it in.
17. He coyed with danger, taking risks that could have had serious consequences.
18. The bride coyly threw her bouquet to the waiting crowd.
19. She coyly batted her eyelashes at him, hoping to get his attention.
20. The bird coyed its way into the nest, pretending to be a harmless visitor.
21. He coyed his way out of trouble by making a flimsy excuse.
22. The teenager coyed her way into the club, claiming to be older than she was.
23. She coyed her way through the dance, pretending to know the steps even though she didn't.
24. The man coyed with the idea of proposing to his longtime girlfriend.
25. She coyly brushed her hand against his, hoping he would take the hint.
26. The company coyed with the idea of expanding into a new market.
27. He coyed with the idea of quitting his job and backpacking across Europe.
28. The baby coyed with the toy, grasping at it with chubby little fingers.
29. She coyly suggested they go somewhere more private, hinting at her intentions.
30. The dog coyed its way onto the couch, snuggling up next to its owner.

Common Phases

1. She coyly smiled at him;
2. He coyly avoided eye contact;
3. They coyly flirted with each other;
4. She coyly brushed her hair back;
5. He coyly hinted at his true feelings;
6. They coyly played hard to get;
7. She coyly blushed at his compliment;
8. He coyly laughed off her advances;
9. They coyly danced together;
10. She coyly whispered in his ear.

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