Cried example sentences

Related (10): wailed, whimpered, sobbed, howled, bawled, blubbered, sniveled, wept, moaned, shrieked

"Cried" Example Sentences

1. She cried tears of joy when her son graduated from college.
2. The little boy cried for his mom when he got hurt.
3. I cried when I heard the sad news about my friend's death.
4. The baby cried nonstop last night while I tried to calm her down.
5. He cried himself to sleep after breaking up with his girlfriend.
6. I cried as I listened to the beautiful music filling the concert hall.
7. She cried out in pain when she burned her hand on the stove.
8. I cried bitter tears of regret for years after the breakup.
9. The little girl cried loudly when she scraped her knee on the concrete.
10. I cried silently at night when no one could see me.
11. My eyes filled with tears and I cried like a child when my mom got sick.
12. The bereaved widow cried inconsolably at her husband's funeral.
13. The children cried until they were hoarse from exhaustion.
14. I cried buckets when my puppy died last year.
15. The man cried hopelessly as he lost everything in the flood.
16. The audience cried with laughter at the comedian's jokes.
17. I cried myself to sleep over a bad grade on an exam.
18. His heart spilled over with joy and he cried tears of happiness.
19. The refugees cried for relief from their suffering.
20. The little girl cried until her face turned red with anger.
21. The baby cried all night, keeping his parents awake.
22. She cried softly so no one could hear her sorrow.
23. The boy cried out for his lost dog.
24. My pillowcase was soaked with tears by the time I finally stopped crying.
25. The Olympic athlete cried tears of joy on the victory podium.
26. I cried great heaving sobs that shook my body.
27. The discovery of love caused him to cry tears of wonder.
28. I cried seeing my child grow up so fast.
29. The fans cried and cheered at the same time.
30. My tears blurred my vision as I cried over my loss.
31. The baby cried until she was purple in the face with frustration.
32. The little boy cried when he dropped his ice cream cone.
33. I cried salty tears of pain and relief.
34. The music moved her to tears and she cried like a little girl.
35. We all cried at the moving speech.
36. I cried for help but no one came.
37. She cried bitter tears at night over her many regrets.
38. They cried out to their lost savior.
39. I cried like my heart would break from the pain.
40. My eyes cried tears of mourning.
41. The river began to cry tears of rain.
42. The little girl cried when she saw the clown.
43. I cried myself sick with worry over her.
44. The river cried tears of joy to be reunited with the sea.
45. The baby cried until its face turned red with anger.
46. He cried out with joy at the miracle he witnessed.
47. The child cried until exhausted from emotion.
48. I cried so hard that my face hurt.
49. We all cried tears of joy when peace was finally declared.
50. The hurt child cried until his throat felt raw.
51. I cried a river of tears at her funeral.
52. The sound of the music made me cry.
53. My eyes and nose ran like a faucet and I cried all night.
54. She cried bitter tears that stained her pillow.
55. The new mother cried tears of joy at the sight of her baby.
56. I cried silently so no one would hear my tears fall.
57. I cried so hard my body shook and I could barely breathe.
58. Tears ran down my face as I cried at the tragic scene.
59. She cried until she dropped into an exhausted sleep.
60. The child cried heart-wrenching sobs at the loss of his puppy.

Common Phases

1. She cried when she heard the sad news.
2. The baby cried all night.
3. The little boy cried when he fell and hurt his knee.
4. I cried tears of joy when I saw my family again.
5. The crowd cried out in anger at the injustice.
6. He cried out in pain and clutched his injured arm.
7. The child cried himself to sleep after a long, tiring day.
8. I cried buckets when I watched that sad movie.
9. She burst into tears and cried uncontrollably.
10. He cried wolf once too often, and no one believed him when he was actually in danger.
11. The mother cried bitter tears at the loss of her child.
12. The dog cried loudly when his owner left for work.
13. They cried for help but no one could hear them.
14. The fans cried out his name when he stepped onto the field.
15. I cried out in alarm when I heard the loud bang.
16. She cried her eyes out after the breakup.
17. He cried foul play when he lost the game.
18. His voice cracked as he cried into the phone.
19. The accused cried innocence throughout the trial.
20. The actress cried real tears for the emotional scenes.
21. The forced marches left the soldiers crying with exhaustion.
22. The refugees cried desperately for food and water.
23. The tortured prisoner cried out begging for mercy.
24. The survivors cried with joy at seeing their rescuers.
25. My heart cried with longing for my old home.
26. His soul cried for comfort and peace.
27. She cried bitter tears of regret.
28. He cried out in anguish at the tragic loss of life.
29. The widow cried silent tears at her husband's funeral.
30. The singer's beautiful voice brought tears that cried down my face.
31. The scared child cried for his mother.
32. The little bird cried piteously as it struggled to fly with its injured wing.
33. Our eyes met and we cried at remembering old times.
34. We cried with laughter at the funny joke.
35. The witness cried falsely at the trial.
36. The spectators cried hoarsely for the bull to be spared.
37. The child cried until she was sick.
38. I cried until I could cry no more.
39. The condemned man cried bitterly before his execution.
40. He cried out in delirium as the fever took hold.
41. They cried with relief when they finally reached safety.
42. The hunted deer cried piteously as the hounds closed in.
43. The fans cried with joy when their team won the championship.
44. I cried for an hour after hearing the terrible news.
45. The cheering crowd cried out his name.
46. The terrified soldiers cried for their mothers.
47. The horse whinnied and cried out as the vet treated its wound.
48. The captain of the sinking ship cried out last orders to the crew.
49. She cried out in shock at the unpleasant surprise.
50. She cried with happiness at seeing her lost dog alive and well.
51. The golf fans cried foul at the referee's decision.
52. The innocent man cried out to proclaim his integrity.
53. The actors cried real tears during the emotional scene.
54. He cried hoarsely during the fever that wracked his body.
55. The widow cried self-pitying tears at her plight.
56. The coach cried out instructions to the struggling players.
57. The prisoner cried daily for freedom.
58. The baby cried pitifully for its mother.
59. The tortured POW cried out the names of his family to retain his sanity.
60. My heart cried out for justice for the victims.

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