Curmudgeonly example sentences

Related (19): grumpy, cantankerous, irritable, grouchy, crusty, surly, pessimistic, mean-spirited, jaded, cynical, sour, acrimonious, bitter, testy, choleric, cross, peevish, dyspeptic, crabby.

"Curmudgeonly" Example Sentences

1. Despite his curmudgeonly ways, Mr. Johnson secretly enjoyed the company of his grandchildren.
2. The curmudgeonly old man would often grumble about the weather.
3. Even though she was kind-hearted, her curmudgeonly face made her seem unapproachable.
4. His curmudgeonly attitude was especially evident during the holiday season.
5. At first, the curmudgeonly store owner seemed unfriendly, but he eventually warmed up to his customers.
6. The curmudgeonly professor was known for his tough standards and unforgiving grading.
7. Despite his curmudgeonly reputation, the old man would sometimes surprise his neighbors with acts of kindness.
8. The curmudgeonly restaurant critic left scathing reviews for every establishment.
9. Her curmudgeonly comments often made her coworkers uncomfortable.
10. The curmudgeonly editor rejected many submissions without explanation.
11. Even though he was curmudgeonly towards most people, the old man doted on his cat.
12. Some people found her curmudgeonly demeanor amusing, but others were put off by it.
13. The curmudgeonly grandfather would always grumble about the younger generation's lack of respect.
14. Despite his curmudgeonly ways, the old man had a soft spot for classic movies.
15. The curmudgeonly bartender was notorious for cutting off customers who had had one too many drinks.
16. The curmudgeonly coach was tough on his players, but they respected him for it.
17. His curmudgeonly behavior only worsened after his wife passed away.
18. The curmudgeonly CEO was known for his unscrupulous business practices.
19. Her curmudgeonly remarks about modern technology made her seem out of touch.
20. Even though he was curmudgeonly, the old man had a dry wit that many people appreciated.
21. The curmudgeonly theater critic would often fall asleep during shows he deemed boring.
22. Despite his curmudgeonly ways, the old man was always quick to offer advice to those who asked for it.
23. The curmudgeonly neighbor would always complain about the noise from nearby construction.
24. His curmudgeonly personality caused many people to shy away from him.
25. Even though he was curmudgeonly, the old man loved spending time in nature.
26. The curmudgeonly boss was always quick to criticize his employees.
27. Her curmudgeonly nature made it difficult to get close to her.
28. Despite his curmudgeonly reputation, the old man had a soft spot for his pet dog.
29. The curmudgeonly judge was known for his harsh sentencing.
30. His curmudgeonly ways didn't stop his grandchildren from loving him.

Common Phases

1. "Quit being so curmudgeonly; it's not helping anyone."
2. "I know he seems curmudgeonly, but he's actually really kind."
3. "Her curmudgeonly attitude may be a defense mechanism."
4. "His curmudgeonly behavior is getting on my nerves."
5. "I can't help but find her curmudgeonly comments amusing."
6. "Even though he's curmudgeonly, I respect his honesty."
7. "She's always so curmudgeonly; she needs to learn to lighten up."
8. "His curmudgeonly demeanor doesn't reflect his true character."

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