Peevish example sentences

Related (8): irritable, fractious, petulant, testy, grumpy, moody, touchy, cantankerous

"Peevish" Example Sentences

1. The peevish child threw a temper tantrum.
2. My grandmother's peevish complaining irritated everyone at the dinner table.
3. His constant whining and peevish demands were starting to annoy me.
4. The supervisor frowned at the employee's peevish attitude.
5. Ever since she didn't get her way, she's been in an irritable and peevish mood.
6. The normally cheerful boy became peevish and irritable from lack of sleep.
7. Try not to act so peevish and impatient when things don't go your way.
8. She responded to his teasing with a peevish remark.
9. In her old age, she started to become slightly peevish and hard to please.
10. The judgement was expressed in a peevish and carping manner.
11. He responded to my harmless joke with a peevish glare.
12. Her peevish tone upset everyone at the meeting.
13. The peevish child didn't want to share his toys.
14. His annoyed and peevish response made me regret asking him for help.
15. Please don't be so peevish; I was only trying to help.
16. The mild frustration manifested as a slight peevishness in his tone.
17. The boss gave him a stern look for his peevish outburst.
18. He reluctantly agreed only after making a number of peevish remarks.
19. Her peevish mood ruined what had been a pleasant evening.
20. The sick child became peevish and irritable due to the fever.
21. The unreasonably peevish reaction only further annoyed his colleagues.
22. The normally gentle old woman became peevish and irritable when unwell.
23. His peevish manner recalled that of an ill-tempered child.
24. In her irascible and peevish old age, she found fault with everyone and everything.
25. The normally gentle giant became surprisingly peevish and irritable when tired.
26. His peevishness seemed disproportionate to the situation.
27. The peevish toddler threw his toys on the floor in anger.
28. She snarled at him with an ill-natured and peevish look.
29. Her peevish demands were starting to grate on everyone's nerves.
30. His complaints were voiced in a peevish and querulous manner.
31. The students raised objections in a mildly peevish fashion.
32. The curmudgeonly old man became peevish and irritable in his dotage.
33. Try not to be so thin-skinned and peevish when receiving criticism.
34. His tired response was laced with mild peevishness.
35. The normally cheerful boy became peevish due to his hunger.
36. He expressed his slight annoyance in a peevish tone of voice.
37. The slightly peevish tone betrayed his resentment over the situation.
38. His peevish tantrums at work were starting to wear down his colleagues' patience.
39. The old woman became peevish and cranky when her routine was disrupted.
40. The peevish reaction was unusual given his normally even temperament.
41. She became slightly peevish and grouchy due to her lack of sleep.
42. The normally gentle giant became slightly peevish due to hunger.
43. Try not to be so touchy and peevish when receiving constructive feedback.
44. There was a faintly peevish tone to his half-hearted apology.
45. His peevish attempts to pick a fight only further annoyed his colleagues.
46. Her normally cheerful mood turned peevish and grouchy due to lack of food.
47. The normally calm toddler became peevish and irritable due to lack of nap.
48. The carping and peevish comments soon drove everyone away.
49. His peevish behavior made others reluctant to work with him.
50. Try not to be so tetchy and peevish when things don't go your way.
51. The judge listened impatiently to the lawyer's peevish objections.
52. The peevish and fretful child threw an unreasonable tantrum.
53. His manner was faintly peevish due to his lack of sleep.
54. The child's peevish demands soon wore down her mother's patience.
55. The normally cheerful student became peevish and irritable due to lack of sleep.
56. He made his peevish displeasure known with a loud tut.
57. The normally gentle giant became slightly peevish due to lack of food.
58. Her petulant and peevish behavior made others reluctant to help her.
59. The usually even-tempered man became faintly peevish from lack of sleep.
60. His peevish complaints soon drove away any would-be helpers.

Common Phases

• in a peevish manner
• with a peevish tone
• in a peevish voice
• become peevish and irritable
• act peevish and impatient
• raise peevish objections
• make peevish remarks
• voice peevish complaints
• take on a peevish attitude
• respond peevishly
peevish displeasure
• slightly peevish
peevish temper
peevish reaction
peevish requests
• faintly peevish
• petulant and peevish behavior
• lightly peevish
• ill-natured and peevish look
• grow peevish
• feel peevish
• look peevish

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