Dashingly example sentences
Related (10): suavely, stylishly, debonairly, gallantly, elegantly, gracefully, smartly, charmingly, rakishly, devilishly
- adverb form of dashing
dashing (adjective)
- attractive, adventurous, and full of confidence (typically used of a man):
- stylish and fashionable:
dashing, debonair, jaunty, breezy, raffish, sporty, stylish, dazzling, romantic, attractive, spirited, lively, buoyant, energetic, animated, exuberant, flamboyant, dynamic, gallant, bold, intrepid, daring, adventurous, venturesome, plucky, swashbuckling, peppy, boring, unadventurous, stylish, smart, elegant, chic, crisp, dapper, spruce, trim, debonair, tasteful, understated, attractive, flattering, fancy, fashionable, modish, voguish, modern, ultramodern, contemporary, designer, trendy, in, now, hip, sharp, snappy, snazzy, classy, natty, nifty, dressy, swish, fly, spiffy, sassy, kicky, tony, swagger, trig, dowdy, unfashionable"Dashingly" Example Sentences
1. Jack looked dashingly handsome in his tuxedo.2. The actor walked down the red carpet dashingly.
3. The prince rode through the village on his horse, looking dashingly regal.
4. The model strutted on the runway dashingly.
5. The spy escaped the enemy base dashingly.
6. The superhero dashed through the city streets dashingly.
7. The pirate leader commanded his crew dashingly.
8. The explorer cut through the jungle dashingly.
9. The race car driver sped around the track dashingly.
10. The fashion designer presented her collection dashingly.
11. The magician performed his illusions dashingly.
12. The fighter pilot soared through the air dashingly.
13. The dancer moved across the stage dashingly.
14. The athlete won the race dashingly.
15. The detective solved the case dashingly.
16. The fireman rescued the cat dashingly.
17. The musician played the piano dashingly.
18. The chef cooked the meal dashingly.
19. The soldier charged forward dashingly.
20. The cowboy rode his horse across the plains dashingly.
21. The teacher taught her students dashingly.
22. The motivational speaker inspired the audience dashingly.
23. The ambassador negotiated the treaty dashingly.
24. The president addressed the nation dashingly.
25. The entrepreneur pitched her idea dashingly.
26. The architect designed the building dashingly.
27. The scientist conducted her experiment dashingly.
28. The doctor performed the surgery dashingly.
29. The lawyer argued her case dashingly.
30. The journalist reported the news dashingly.
31. The explorer discovered the new land dashingly.
32. The chef presented the dessert dashingly.
33. The athlete broke the world record dashingly.
34. The musician wrote the song dashingly.
35. The diplomat mediated the conflict dashingly.
36. The motivational speaker encouraged the crowd dashingly.
37. The artist painted the portrait dashingly.
38. The firefighter extinguished the flames dashingly.
39. The writer crafted the story dashingly.
40. The teacher corrected the homework dashingly.
Common Phases
1. He walked in dashingly, wearing a black tuxedo; his smile captured everyone's attention.2. The young prince mounted his horse dashingly, ready to embark on his journey; the crowd cheered him on.
3. She sashayed into the party, dashingly; her dress flowing behind her in a train of elegance.
4. He leaned in to kiss her cheek dashingly, making her heart skip a beat; she blushed.
5. With a flick of his hair, he turned to face the camera, dashingly; the photoshoot was a success.
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