Jaunty example sentences

Related (11): energetic, lively, spirited, perky, buoyant, confident, carefree, peppy, vivacious, sprightly, cheerful.

"Jaunty" Example Sentences

1. He walked with a jaunty stride.
2. She wore a jaunty beret at a rakish angle.
3. The sailor had a jaunty melody whistled on his lips.
4. He tipped his jaunty cap to the ladies.
5. The marching band played a jaunty tune.
6. The boy wore a jaunty smile.
7. She donned a jaunty baseball cap.
8. In his jaunty yellow scarf, he looked like a canary.
9. He strolled along with a jaunty air of confidence.
10. She tossed her hair with a jaunty flick.
11. He doffed his jaunty cap and bowed.
12. The jaunty little car zipped down the road.
13. The dog trotted along with a jaunty gait.
14. The sailor's jaunty sea chanty carried across the waves.
15. The boy wore a jaunty diagonal cap.
16. His jaunty whistle filled the air.
17. The pirate wore a jaunty patch over one eye.
18. The newsboy marched along with a jaunty step.
19. The little girl's jaunty ponytails bounced as she skipped down the sidewalk.
20. The character's jaunty dialogue added humor to the scene.
21. His jaunty salute made the troops smile.
22. She greeted him with a jaunty wave.
23. The horse ambled along with a jaunty canter.
24. The cocky teenager walked with a jaunty swagger.
25. Her jaunty stride belied her 93 years.
26. Her jaunty bobbed wig made her feel years younger.
27. The fisherman launched into a jaunty sea shanty.
28. He tipped his jaunty hat at a raffish angle.
29. The colonel marched in with a jaunty bearing.
30. The dapper gentleman doffed his jaunty fedora.
31. The music changed to a faster, more jaunty tune.
32. The child wore his pirate costume with jaunty swagger.
33. The character spoke his lines with jaunty confidence.
34. The horse ambled along with a jaunty canter.
35. The jaunty sailor whistled a merry tune as he strolled down the gangplank.
36. The little dog trotted along with a jaunty gait.
37. The sports car zipped by with jaunty freedom.
38. The old man walked with a jaunty spring in his step.
39. His jaunty whistle filled the country lane.
40. The soldiers marched with jaunty precision.
41. The trick rider displayed jaunty bravado as he performed daring stunts.
42. The flapper danced with jaunty spunk.
43. The pilot greeted his passengers with a jaunty smile.
44. The wind ruffled his jaunty thatch of hair.
45. The actor delivered his lines with jaunty panache.
46. The jaunty tune brought a smile to my face.
47. The children marched behind the band with jaunty steps.
48. She wore her years with jaunty grace.
49. The entrepreneur spoke with jaunty optimism.
50. Her jaunty walk radiated joy and high spirits.
51. The comedian delivered his jokes with jaunty glee.
52. The old sailor's jaunty whistling filled the air.
53. The youth strode along with jaunty vigor.
54. The pony trotted along with jaunty spirit.
55. The comedy character had a perpetually jaunty demeanor.
56. Her jaunty tone masked deep sadness.
57. The gentleman doffed his flat cap in a jaunty fashion.
58. The boy's jaunty step belied his worry.
59. His jaunty patter amused the crowd.
60. The guitarist strummed a jaunty melody.

Common Phases

1. Jaunty gait - A lively, springy walk or way of moving
2. Jaunty tune - An upbeat, cheerful melody
3. Jaunty whistle - A cheerful, carefree whistle
4. Jaunty stride- An upbeat, springy stride or walk
5. Jaunty air - A cheerful, confident manner
6. Jaunty step - An upbeat, springy step or way of walking
7. Jaunty swagger- A confident, cocky way of walking or moving
8. Jaunty spirit - A cheerful, upbeat mood or attitude
9. Jaunty bearing - A confident, dignified posture or carriage
10. With a jaunty wave - With a cheerful, animated wave of the hand
11. With jaunty bravado - With boastful courage and confidence
12. In a jaunty fashion - In a cheerful, lively manner
13. Jaunty panache - Flamboyant confidence and style
14. Jaunty patter - Lively, cheerful chatter or jokes
15. Wear with jaunty grace - Carry or wear with cheerful, dignified elegance

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