Decodings example sentences

Related (10): interpretations, translations, decipherings, readings, understandings, unravelings, encodings, decompressions, conversions, deconstructions

"Decodings" Example Sentences

1. The machine's decodings were consistent and error-free.
2. Linguistic experts were needed to analyze the decodings of ancient texts.
3. The government agency was tasked with deciphering the complex decodings of encrypted messages.
4. The software was designed to provide instant decodings of barcode scans.
5. The team spent weeks reviewing the decodings of the intercepted transmissions.
6. The detectives relied on their knowledge of criminal codes to make sense of the decodings.
7. The scientist used advanced algorithms to optimize decodings of genetic sequences.
8. Military strategists studied the decodings of enemy signals to plan their attacks.
9. A team of cryptographers worked tirelessly to crack the mysterious decodings.
10. The new technology promised to revolutionize the accuracy and speed of decodings.
11. The expert was able to provide clear and concise decodings of the encrypted data.
12. The information was meaningless until the correct decodings were applied.
13. The analyst was skilled in the art of decodings, able to uncover secrets hidden in plain sight.
14. The team celebrated their breakthrough in finally achieving accurate decodings of the complex code.
15. The codebreaker made history with their successful decodings of a previously indecipherable message.
16. The decodings revealed a hidden message that had been buried in the data all along.
17. The forensic investigator used decodings to pinpoint the exact time of an electronic transaction.
18. The team was baffled by the unintelligible decodings of an alien language.
19. The sophisticated system provided real-time decodings of voice commands.
20. The researcher discovered a previously undiscovered key to unlocking the decodings of a complicated puzzle.
21. The linguist was able to provide decodings of obscure dialects that had long been forgotten.
22. The challenge was to find the correct key to unlock the decodings of the encrypted document.
23. The expert was called in to provide his expertise in the complex decodings required for the project.
24. The deciphered decodings revealed a shocking conspiracy that had been hidden for years.
25. The complex decodings took months to complete, but the team's perseverance paid off in the end.
26. The detective was able to use his knowledge of code-breaking to make sense of the cryptic decodings.
27. The system was able to generate decodings of handwritten text with a high degree of accuracy.
28. The researchers were amazed by the decodings found in the ancient manuscript, revealing a long-lost knowledge of a forgotten civilization.
29. The machine-learning algorithm provided more accurate decodings over time as it was exposed to more data.
30. The decodings were the key to unlocking the hidden message in the encrypted data.

Common Phases

1. "That makes sense; so what you're saying is..."
2. "I see your point; let me clarify mine..."
3. "I understand your perspective; however, have you considered..."
4. "Let me repeat back what I heard; did I get that right..."
5. "If I'm understanding you correctly; you're suggesting that..."
6. "Let me pause and confirm; you're saying..."
7. "From my understanding; you're asking me to..."
8. "Let me decode what you just said; you meant..."
9. "To summarize what I've heard; you're concerned about..."
10. "If I may rephrase your statement; you meant..."

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