Decoyn example sentences

Related (6): deceit, deception, trickery, ruse, hoax, stratagem

"Decoyn" Example Sentences

1. She tried to decoyn him into buying the expensive car.
2. The salesman used flattery to decoyn the customer into purchasing the product.
3. The thief attempted to decoyn the woman's purse from her grasp.
4. The politician's promises were an attempt to decoyn voters to support him.
5. The con artist used his charm to decoyn people into giving him their money.
6. The advertisement was designed to decoyn customers into visiting the store.
7. She was successful in decoyning the man into giving her a ride home.
8. The magician used misdirection to decoyn the audience's attention.
9. The company offered a discount to decoyn customers into buying their product.
10. He used his good looks to decoyn women into going out with him.
11. The kidnapper decoyned the child into entering his car.
12. The spy used a decoy to decoy the enemy's attention away from his true target.
13. The criminal decoyned the police into chasing him in the wrong direction.
14. The teacher used a game to decoyn the students into learning.
15. The company used a giveaway to decoyn people into liking their page on social media.
16. The actress used her acting skills to decoyn the audience into believing she was in love with her co-star.
17. The chef used the aroma of the food to decoyn customers into coming into the restaurant.
18. The designer used a flashy display to decoyn customers into buying their clothing.
19. The spy used a decoy package to decoyn the enemy agents into following the wrong person.
20. The company used an email campaign to decoyn people into visiting their website.
21. The burglar attempted to decoy the family dog away from the house.
22. The politician's speech was designed to decoyn people into supporting his policies.
23. The book's cover was designed to decoyn readers into buying it.
24. The trainer used treats to decoyn the dog into performing tricks.
25. The hunter used a decoy to decoyn the ducks into coming closer.
26. The charity used emotional ads to decoyn people into donating to their cause.
27. The artist used bright colors to decoyn people into looking at their artwork.
28. The photographer used a decoy object to decoyn the child into looking at the camera.
29. The hacker used a phishing email to decoyn people into giving him their personal information.
30. The architect used a unique design to decoyn people into visiting the building.

Common Phases

not follow this decoy; the decoy has been identified; that's just a decoy; It's a decoy, don't be fooled; the real item is not here, it's probably a decoy; the thief left a decoy behind; the enemy set up a decoy to mislead us; it's a clever decoy, but we can still find the real thing.

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