Demarcator example sentences

Related (10): boundary, divider, delineator, marker, limiter, partitioner, segregator, separator, isolator, encloser

"Demarcator" Example Sentences

1. The demarcator on the map indicated the border between the two countries.
2. Without a proper demarcator, the property line between the two neighbors was unclear.
3. The demarcator between the bike lane and the car lane was clearly painted on the road.
4. She used a demarcator to separate the different sections of her garden.
5. The surveyor used a demarcator to mark the boundaries of the property.
6. The demarcator helped the hikers stay on the designated trail.
7. The demarcator fence separated the zoo visitors from the animals.
8. It was difficult to see the demarcator in the dark, making navigation a challenge.
9. The demarcator helped the workers determine where to dig for the buried utilities.
10. The demarcator between the sea and the beach was disappearing due to erosion.
11. The demarcator flag helped the coach and players determine the boundaries of the playing field.
12. The federal judge ordered the placement of a demarcator to establish the boundary of the Indian reservation.
13. The absence of a demarcator caused a dispute between the neighboring businesses.
14. The demarcator buoy indicated the safe swimming area.
15. The demarcator tape separated the guests from the construction zone at the hotel.
16. The demarcator sign indicated the transition from a residential area to a commercial area.
17. The demarcator stone marked the location of the historical site.
18. The demarcator on the navigation map guided the ship safely through the narrow passage.
19. The lack of a demarcator led to confusion about which team scored the goal.
20. The demarcator beam prevented tall vehicles from entering the low-clearance bridge.
21. The demarcator between the different layers of the atmosphere was not visible to the naked eye.
22. The demarcator lighting highlighted the path for the nocturnal animals in the zoo.
23. The demarcator colors helped the soldiers distinguish between friend and foe during the battle.
24. The demarcator line on the airplane window gave an illusion of distance between the clouds.
25. The demarcator gate separated the farm animals from the crops.
26. The demarcator laser guided the workers in the assembly line.
27. The demarcator wheel represented the range of motion for the robot arm.
28. The demarcator pillars marked the path to the ancient temple.
29. The demarcator beacon alerted the pilots to the runway location during landing.
30. The demarcator radar detected the approaching aircraft before it entered the restricted airspace.

Common Phases

1. The demarcator line between the two countries is heavily guarded;
2. We need to establish a clear demarcator between personal and professional responsibilities;
3. The demarcator between right and wrong is often blurred;
4. The demarcator between success and failure can be a fine line;
5. The demarcator separating the two political parties is becoming increasingly polarized;
6. The demarcator between public and private property is clearly marked;
7. The demarcator between reality and fiction can sometimes be difficult to discern;
8. The demarcator separating the two opposing teams on the field is a white line;
9. It is important to have a clear demarcator between acceptable and unacceptable behavior;
10. The demarcator between childhood and adulthood is often marked by significant life events.

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