Separation example sentences

Related (10): divorce, break-up, segregation, disconnection, split, parting, isolation, detachment, alienation, withdrawal.

"Separation" Example Sentences

1. The divorce finalized the separation of the couple.
2. Their political views led to the separation of the friends.
3. After years together, the separation was difficult for both of them.
4. The political divide widened the separation between the two parties.
5. The siblings grew further apart due to their physical separation.
6. The polarization of society increased the separation between viewpoints.
7. Their breakup marked the official separation of the former lovers.
8. Separation anxiety plagued the young child when her parents left for work.
9. Financial difficulties often cause separation and divorce.
10. The partition created a physical separation between the two countries.
11. The chemical reaction resulted in the separation of the compounds.
12. The wall symbolized the separation and divide between the two groups.
13. The device uses centrifugal force for separation of the particles.
14. Their move across the country meant separation from extended family.
15. Separation from his children caused intense sadness and grief.
16. Science seeks to understand the separation of matter at the atomic level.
17. The border guards strictly enforced separation of the travelers by nationality.
18. The blizzard created physical separation between family members for days.
19. The judge ordered the angry parents to remain separated until they could settle their issues.
20. Security measures mandated separation of passengers by risk level.
21. Military deployment lead to the separation of many families.
22. The filter works by electrostatic separation of particles.
23. The technology uses magnetic separation for sorting materials.
24. The push and pull of forces resulted in the separation of the binary stars.
25. Debt and mismanagement eventually lead to the separation of the business partners.
26. The equipment uses light refraction to enable separation of substances.
27. Membranes can facilitate the separation of solutions based on particle size.
28. The art installation symbolized the separation of people by race and class.
29. The distance and infrequent communication lead to their eventual separation.
30. Difficulties in the relationship lead to discussion of possible separation.
31. The loss of intimacy lead to their emotional separation.
32. Thesis and antithesis lead to the emergence of synthesis through their separation and opposition.
33. They talked about taking a temporary separation to evaluate their relationship.
34. Conflict and arguments lead to most permanent separations and divorces.
35. The argument resulted in their final separation and ending of the relationship.
36. Personality clashes and different interests widened the separation between them.
37. The quarantine created physical separation between the scientist and her family.
38. The siblings felt a sense of separation despite living close together.
39. Separation and individuation are normal stages in child development.
40. The new job meant separation from his closest friends and favorite haunts.
41. Their religious differences contributed to their eventual separation.
42. Time and distance caused an emotional separation between the friends.
43. Infidelity was cited as the primary cause for their legal separation.
44. The membrane enables precise separation based on molecular size.
45. Despite a lack of intimacy, they avoided discussing a possible separation.
46. The still image conveyed a sense of separation and isolation.
47. The device works by filtering to enable separation based on particle size.
48. Political estrangement caused further separation between the once close allies.
49. Centrifugal separation is a common method used to separate mixtures.
50. The contract stipulated separation of duties between the partners.
51. Their interests pulled them in separate directions, leading to a natural separation.
52. Separate vacations lead to a sense of emotional separation between the couple.
53. Attachment issues can make separation anxiety more severe.
54. Differences in philosophy lead to their eventual intellectual separation.
55. Chromatography techniques use separation of components based on molecular properties.
56. The arguments and shouting matches ultimately lead to legal separation.
57. Their diverging career paths contributed to their eventual emotional separation.
58. The wine industry uses centrifugal separation to clarify wine.
59. The device enables separation of components based on density.
60. Distillation utilizes differences in boiling points to achieve separation of liquids.

Common Phases

1. Separation anxiety
2. Cause for separation
3. Legal separation
4. Temporary separation
5. Final separation
6. Physical separation
7. Emotional separation
8. Political separation
9. Geographic separation
10. Forced separation
11. Voluntary separation
12. Mutual separation
13. Spiritual separation
14. Occupational separation
15. Intellectual separation
16. Cellular separation
17. Molecular separation
18. Particle separation
19. Phase separation
20. Chromatographic separation

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