Demobilize example sentences
Related (5): disarm, disband, deactivate, demilitarize, decommission
"Demobilize" Example Sentences
1. It is important to demobilize troops after a conflict is resolved.2. The government has plans to demobilize soldiers in the coming months.
3. The United Nations helped to demobilize rebel forces in the region.
4. After serving in the military, it can be difficult to demobilize and adjust to civilian life.
5. The process to demobilize a nuclear weapon can be complex and time-consuming.
6. The decision to demobilize the national guard was met with mixed reactions.
7. In some countries, it is common to demobilize child soldiers after a conflict ends.
8. The commanders agreed to demobilize their forces in order to end the war.
9. The peace agreement required both sides to demobilize their armies and lay down their weapons.
10. It can be challenging to demobilize a large standing army without causing instability.
11. The process to demobilize a spacecraft involves shutting down various systems.
12. The company decided to demobilize their construction equipment after the project was completed.
13. It was difficult for the soldiers to demobilize and return to their former lives after the war.
14. The government is working to demobilize paramilitary groups and reduce violence in the country.
15. The demobilization of rebel groups is a key step towards a lasting peace in the region.
16. Demobilizing the nuclear program was a major diplomatic achievement for the international community.
17. The country faced challenges in demobilizing its former soldiers and reintegrating them into society.
18. The company had a detailed plan in place to demobilize their equipment and personnel at the end of the project.
19. The United Nations provided support to help demobilize child soldiers and reintegrate them into their communities.
20. It can be difficult to demobilize military equipment and reuse it in civilian projects.
21. The peace agreement included provisions for demobilizing rebels and integrating them into the government.
22. The company had to demobilize their drilling operation due to environmental concerns.
23. Demobilizing a military force requires careful planning and coordination with various stakeholders.
24. After serving overseas, many soldiers struggle to demobilize and adjust to life back home.
25. The government faced criticism for its slow progress in demobilizing insurgent groups.
26. The peace talks focused on demobilizing rebel forces and creating a stable government.
27. The company was required to demobilize their equipment and dismantle the site after the project was completed.
28. The military leaders agreed to demobilize their forces and allow international observers into the country.
29. The process to demobilize a ship involves securing the vessel and decommissioning various systems.
30. The demobilization of military units is a critical step towards a lasting peace in conflict zones.
Common Phases
1. It's time to demobilize the troops; the war is over.2. The construction project is complete; we need to demobilize the workers.
3. The company is downsizing; they are planning to demobilize the staff.
4. The emergency response team has completed their mission; they will demobilize soon.
5. The political campaign has ended; the team will demobilize and return home.
6. The military exercise is coming to an end; it's time to demobilize the equipment.
7. The strike has ended; the workers will demobilize and return to work.
8. The protest has achieved its goal; it's time to demobilize and celebrate.
9. The hurricane has passed; it's time to demobilize the emergency shelters.
10. The festival is over; it's time to demobilize the stages and equipment.