Denigrated example sentences
Related (18): belittled, disparaged, derogated, diminished, vilified, scorned, criticized, condemned, depreciated, degraded, debased, derided, discredited, slandered, ridiculed, insulted, traduced, slandered.
"Denigrated" Example Sentences
1. The minority group has long been denigrated and marginalized.
2. He denigrated her work, calling it amateurish and unoriginal.
3. Some groups in society are systematically denigrated and oppressed.
4. The politician denigrated his opponent's character and background.
5. The media often denigrates people based on superficial characteristics.
6. Throughout history, women have been denigrated and deemed inferior.
7. His accomplishments were denigrated as unimportant and insignificant.
8. Manual laborers have long been denigrated in our society.
9. The witness denigrated the testimony of the other side's expert.
10. Their culture has been unfairly denigrated and looked down upon.
11. He tried to denigrate her achievements to make himself look better.
12. She denigrated my opinions in front of the others.
13. The professor denigrated his students' work as shoddy and lazy.
14. Underprivileged groups are often unfairly denigrated in society.
15. Disabled people have historically been denigrated and discriminated against.
16. The historical figure has unfairly been denigrated by later scholars.
17. The remarks denigrated the opposition's platform.
18. Her ex denigrated her to their mutual friends.
19. The customs of indigenous people have been denigrated as primitive.
20. The lawyer tried to denigrate the witness's credibility.
21. The reviewer denigrated the book, calling it poorly written and unoriginal.
22. Specific ethnic and racial groups are routinely denigrated in the media.
23. The elder sister often denigrated her younger sibling's accomplishments.
24. The comedian denigrated various minority groups in his act.
25. He tried to denigrate my interests as trivial and unimportant.
26. Specific immigrants have been denigrated as undesirable and unwelcome.
27. Art made by outsiders is often denigrated as amateurish and unskilled.
28. The candidates denigrated each other during the debates.
29. The professor denigrated the more creative interpretation of the text.
30. Alternative viewpoints are regularly denigrated as stupid and uninformed.
31. His competitor tried to denigrate his professional expertise.
32. Writers and artists are sometimes denigrated for their lifestyles.
33. His remarks unfairly denigrated people of faith.
34. Women traditionally have been denigrated and portrayed as inferior.
35. Minorities are often denigrated through harmful stereotypes.
36. The Senator tried to denigrate the reputation of his opponent.
37. Her remarks unfairly denigrated people in service jobs.
38. The marketing executive tried to denigrate the competition's offerings.
39. The blogger denigrated the accomplishments of well-known figures.
40. Marginalized communities are routinely denigrated and dismissed.
41. The reviewer denigrated the research, calling it pointless and narrow.
42. The literary genre has historically been denigrated as superficial and escapist.
43. The harsh criticism unfairly denigrated the student's work.
44. Certain accents and dialects are routinely denigrated as uneducated and uncouth.
45. His co-worker tried to denigrate his performance to make herself look better.
46. Atheists are often denigrated and characterized as immoral and dangerous.
47. Local traditions have been unfairly denigrated as backwards and primitive.
48. Her looks were unfairly denigrated by jealous peers.
49. The article unfairly denigrated developments in modern art.
50. The elite denigrated the tastes of the masses as crass and vulgar.
51. The critic unfairly denigrated the noble intentions of the movement.
52. Researchers are sometimes denigrated for focusing on obscure topics
53. His political opponents unfairly denigrated his character and motivation.
54. The arts have historically been denigrated as inferior to science and philosophy.
55. Different cultures have unfairly denigrated each other throughout history.
56. People in trade jobs have been denigrated as inferior to those in the professions.
57. The professor unfairly denigrated the ideas proposed by the student.
58. The newspaper routinely denigrates certain groups to stir up controversy.
59. Men have traditionally denigrated women's role as caregivers and nurturers.
60. Some politicians denigrate immigrants to gain political points.
Common Phases
1. The ethnic minority group has long been denigrated and mistreated.
2. She felt denigrated and insulted by his remarks about women.
3. For years, farmers have been denigrated and overlooked in favor of urban folk.
4. Immigrants are often denigrated and viewed with suspicion.
5. The working class has historically been denigrated by the upper class.
6. Advocates argue that the mentally ill have been unfairly denigrated and misunderstood.
7. Her accomplishments have been denigrated due to gender bias.
8. The politician denigrated his opponent with unfounded personal attacks.
9. They denigrated the band's music, saying it promoted unhealthy values.
10. The critic denigrated the author's work as amateurish and inept.
11. The study found that women scientists felt routinely denigrated and undervalued.
12.Manual labor jobs have long been denigrated as unimportant and low-skilled.
13. The journalist denigrated the charity's efforts to help the disadvantaged.
14. Social workers often feel denigrated and underappreciated for their important role.
15. The newly appointed CEO quickly denigrated his predecessor's leadership.
16. Physical work has historically been denigrated as inferior to intellectual labor.
17. Alternative medicine has long been denigrated by traditional practitioners.
18. The perspectives of the elderly are often unfairly denigrated in our youth-obsessed culture.
19. Her contributions were unjustly denigrated due to jealousy and resentment.
20. He denigrated the pizzas as crude, processed foods compared to authentic Italian dishes.
21.Fans denigrated the new movie as inferior to the original in every way.
22. Scientists should not denigrate unorthodox theories without thoroughly investigating them first.
23. Some critics unfairly denigrated the film because of its indie roots.
24. His remarks about women in business denigrated half the workforce.
25. Activists argue that authors of color have routinely been denigrated by the mainstream literary establishment.
26. Working mothers are often unjustly denigrated for "abandoning" their children.
27. Her viewpoints were unfairly denigrated on account of her cultural background.
28. The article denigrated organic farming as inefficient and unscientific.
29. The journalist unjustly denigrated the history book as misleading and inaccurate.
30. Many felt his speech denigrated struggling Americans instead of offering real solutions.
31. Some religious traditions have historically been denigrated as "pagan" or "backwards."
32.Manual trades have long been denigrated as somehow "lesser" occupations.
33. Her accomplishments were unfairly denigrated due to implicit biases against women in tech.
34. The critic denigrated the film on superficial grounds instead of engaging with its deeper meaning.
35. The politician quickly denigrated his opponent's record instead of proposing meaningful solutions.
36. The new boss swiftly denigrated the work of his predecessor upon taking office.
37.The company's workers have long felt denigrated and undervalued.
38.Nonprofit work is often unfairly denigrated as less important than for-profit employment.
39. Local artists feel denigrated and overlooked in favor of big-name performers.
40.The study found that minority students often feel denigrated and disrespected.
41.He denigrated the volunteer program as pointless instead of recognizing the good it did.
42.Credentials and degrees are unfairly denigrated in some fields that value experience over formal qualifications.
43.Rescue dogs are unfairly denigrated despite their value as companions.
44. His speech unfairly denigrated women instead of addressing real issues facing both genders.
45. Community college has long been denigrated despite its importance for students of limited means.
46.Her comments unfairly denigrated refugees fleeing dire circumstances.
47. The minority candidate's credentials were unfairly denigrated during the hiring process.
48. His speech denigrated struggling Americans instead of offering real solutions.
49. The media often unfairly denigrated some political candidates based on superficial grounds.
50. The historical record has long been denigrated people of color unfairly.
51. Teenagers are unfairly denigrated in our culture instead of being understood developmentally.
52.His attitudes unfairly denigrated immigrants as threats instead of recognizing their invaluable contributions.
53.The needs of special education students are unfairly denigrated instead of being properly funded and supported.
54. Older workers are often unfairly denigrated instead of valued for wisdom and experience.
55. She unfairly denigrated young people as lazy and entitled.
56. The work of stay-at-home parents is unfairly denigrated instead of valued.
57. The importance of art history is often unfairly denigrated in favor of the hard sciences.
58. His campaign unfairly denigrated Muslim Americans instead of condemning extremism.
59. The professor unfairly denigrated the student's paper instead of providing constructive feedback.
60. Non-STEM majors are unfairly denigrated instead of appreciated for teaching important life skills.