Desperateness example sentences

Related (6): desperation, urgency, helplessness, hopelessness, despair, anguish

"Desperateness" Example Sentences

1. The desperateness of his situation was palpable.
2. Her actions showed the desperateness of her need for attention.
3. He tried to hide his desperateness for promotion.
4. The desperateness in her voice made it clear she needed help.
5. The man's desperateness for food was evident from his gaunt appearance.
6. She felt a sense of desperateness as she watched the fire spreading.
7. The desperateness of the situation called for drastic measures.
8. The desperateness in her eyes showed she was not joking.
9. The family's desperateness to find their missing child was heart-wrenching.
10. The desperateness of the survivors was heightened by the lack of food and water.
11. The desperateness of the situation made even the most fearless soldiers feel afraid.
12. She tried to mask her desperateness to win the race.
13. He felt his desperateness for love growing stronger each day.
14. The man's desperateness for money led him to make some questionable decisions.
15. The desperateness in her voice made him want to comfort her.
16. The mountain climbers felt a sense of desperateness as the blizzard raged on.
17. The team's desperateness to win the championship game was evident in their play.
18. The desperateness in her posture conveyed a sense of defeat.
19. The coaches could sense the players' desperateness to win the game.
20. The man's eyes betrayed his desperateness for a drink.
21. She tried to stifle her desperateness for affection.
22. The desperateness of the situation demanded immediate action.
23. The couple's desperateness for a child led them to pursue adoption.
24. His desperateness for success consumed his every waking moment.
25. The desperateness of the refugee crisis was unimaginable.
26. The desperateness in her eyes made him realize the gravity of the situation.
27. The soldiers' desperateness to survive pushed them to fight harder.
28. She tried to hide her desperateness for help.
29. The man's desperateness for oxygen was evidenced by his shallow breathing.
30. The desperateness of the situation made her feel completely helpless.

Common Phases

1. I could feel the desperateness in her voice; it was palpable.
2. His actions reeked of desperateness; he was clawing for any solution.
3. As she reached for the phone, a wave of desperateness swept over her.
4. The fact that he resorted to such extremes showed the desperateness of his situation.
5. She tried to hide the desperateness in her eyes, but it was too late.
6. His pleas for help were filled with desperateness; there was no denying it.
7. The desperateness of the situation was clear as day; they needed a miracle.
8. Despite his bravado, the desperateness in his voice was unmistakable.
9. The sense of desperateness in the air was suffocating; they were running out of time.
10. I could see the desperateness etched into her face; there was no way to ignore it.

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