Devastate example sentences

Related (8): destroy, demolish, ruin, ravage, decimate, annihilate, blast, obliterate

"Devastate" Example Sentences

1. The hurricane devastated the coastal towns.
2. The tsunami devastated large parts of Japan.
3. The earthquake devastated the capital city.
4. The wildfire devastated the forest and burned thousands of acres.
5. The flood devastated the farmland and destroyed crops.
6. The tornadoes devastated whole neighborhoods.
7. The loss of his job and home devastated him emotionally.
8. The death of his wife and child utterly devastated him.
9. The betrayal by his best friend devastated his trust in others.
10. Her illness devastated not just her, but also her family.
11. The news report devastated his hope and optimism for the future.
12. The car accident left her body devastated and in constant pain.
13. The war devastated the country and left millions homeless.
14. The economic crisis devastated the local businesses and left many unemployed.
15. The political scandal utterly devastated his once promising career.
16. The critics' reviews completely devastated her confidence as an artist.
17. The revelations about his past behavior devastated his reputation.
18. The criticism from her parents devastated her self-esteem.
19. The revelation utterly devastated her faith in humanity.
20. The company's failure threatened to devastate their retirement savings.
21. The cheating scandal completely devastated the team's morale.
22. The droughts devastated crops across the state.
23. His injuries will devastate his chances of ever playing professional baseball again.
24. His lies devastated her trust in their relationship.
25. The market crash threatened to financially devastate many families.
26. The hacking attack threatened to devastate the company's online presence.
27. Her addiction threatened to devastate her health and her family.
28. The letter utterly devastated her, bringing her to tears.
29. The breakdown of law and order threatens to utterly devastate the country.
30. The news report devastated hopes of finding any survivors.
31. The stock market plunge threatened to financially devastate many investors.
32. The wildfires threatened to devastate homes across the region.
33. Her sudden illness has devastated the family finances.
34. The revelations threatened to politically devastate his campaign.
35. The viral outbreak threatened to devastate the entire village.
36. The corporate espionage threatened to devastate the company.
37. The inspector's report threatened to devastate the restaurant's reputation.
38. The team's poor performance utterly devastated fan morale.
39. The insect infestation threatened to devastate the local crops.
40. The army's advance threatened to utterly devastate the town.
41. The savage reviews threaten to utterly devastate their Broadway show.
42. The diagnosis threatens to emotionally devastate the family.
43. The defeat utterly devastated the team's hopes of winning the championship.
44. The infection threatened to devastate her chances of a full recovery.
45. His insensitivity utterly devastated her spirit.
46. The disease continues to devastate communities across the continent.
47. Her good intentions were utterly devastated by lack of empathy.
48. Their response utterly devastated her hopes for progress.
49. The invasion threatened to completely devastate the smaller country.
50. The allegations threatened to utterly devastate his reputation.
51. The political upheaval threatened to utterly devastate the progress made.
52. The news utterly devastated her optimistic outlook.
53. The leaks threaten to politically devastate his campaign.
54. The crash threatened to financially devastate the entire family.
55. Her failure utterly devastated her confidence.
56. The war threatens to utterly devastate the region.
57. The rejection utterly devastated her spirit.
58. The fans' response utterly devastated the artist's spirit.
59. The crash utterly devastated him both physically and emotionally.
60. His betrayal utterly devastated their trust in one another.

Common Phases

1. The hurricane devastated the coastal town.
2. The oil spill devastated the wildlife and environment along the coast.
3. The fire devastated the forest, leaving nothing but ashes and charred tree trunks.
4. The economic crisis devastated small businesses in the area.
5. The drought has devastated farmers' crops this year.
6. The disease has devastated local cattle herds.
7. The tsunami devastated entire villages along the coast.
8. The avalanche devastated the mountainside, killing dozens.
9. The blizzard devastated crops across the Midwest.
10. The accident devastated the family.
11. She was devastated when her cat died.
12. The bad review devastated his ego.
13. The news of her illness devastated him.
14. Learning of her death absolutely devastated me.
15. The bullies' cruel words devastated her self-esteem.
16. The betrayal by her best friend completely devastated her trust in others.
17. The loss of her job devastated her finances.
18. Her parents' divorce devastated her as a child.
19. The tumor had devastated nearly half of her lung.
20. The tragic event left the survivors devastated.
21. The attack left the building completely devastated.
22. The fighting between them has devastated their relationship.
23. Seeing my hometown devastated by the hurricane was heartbreaking.
24. The revelations in the news story devastated the company's reputation.
25. The allegations devastated his political career.
26. His irresponsibility with money devastated their finances.
27. Their difference in priorities has devastated any hope for compromise.
28. The confession of his lies devastated her trust in him.
29. The diagnosis devastated him completely.
30. His drinking problem has devastated their family.
31. The war has devastated the region and left untold suffering.
32. His careless mistake devastated their hopes and dreams.
33. Her remarks utterly devastated me—I felt crushed.
34. The failed test results devastated her dreams of college.
35. The invasion devastated the once peaceful villages.
36. The famine has devastated the population.
37. The scandal has threatened to devastate her credibility.
38. The losses devastated the company's bottom line.
39. Unrequited love devastated me for months.
40. The arsonist's actions devastated the lives of thousands of victims.
41. The layoffs devastated the local economy.
42. The war between them has devastated their chances for reconciliation.
43. The crash devastated his finances and forced him into bankruptcy.
44. The betrayal by his best friend completely devastated his trust in others.
45. Learning that her childhood home had burned down devastated her.
46. The heartbreaking news report devastated me.
47. The drug epidemic has devastated families and communities across the country.
48. The crash devastated his dreams of becoming a professional race car driver.
49. The criticism utterly devastated her self-confidence.
50. Her partner's betrayal devastated not only their relationship but also her faith in love.
51. The tornado devastated the rural communities in its path.
52. The atrocities of war devastated the landscape and heart of the nation.
53. The loss of their only child devastated the couple.
54. The crime wave has devastated inner-city neighborhoods.
55. The allegations devastated his once stellar reputation.
56. All hope was devastated in an instant.
57. The attack devastated their defense systems.
58. His plan has threatened to devastate the entire ecology.
59. The town was left devastated after the riots.
60. His remarks utterly devastated her.

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