Devisen example sentences

Related (7): currency, forex, trading, speculation, fluctuation, market, reserve

"Devisen" Example Sentences

1. The value of the Euro against the U.S dollar is an important factor in devisen trading.
2. He invested heavily in devisen and made a fortune.
3. The world's major currencies are all used in devisen trading.
4. The fluctuations in the devisen market can be difficult to predict.
5. The central bank's decision to raise interest rates had a significant impact on the devisen market.
6. Political instability can cause devisen rates to swing wildly.
7. She works as a devisen trader for a large investment bank.
8. The rise in oil prices caused a downturn in the devisen market.
9. The country's reliance on exports is closely tied to the fluctuation of devisen rates.
10. The slump in the global economy had a major impact on the devisen market.
11. Currency speculators can make a lot of money in the devisen market.
12. The Chinese government's decision to devalue the renminbi caused a ripple effect in the devisen markets around the world.
13. The Swiss franc has long been considered a safe haven in the world of devisen trading.
14. The British pound has been experiencing a lot of volatility in the devisen market due to Brexit uncertainty.
15. The Australian dollar is closely linked to commodity prices and thus has a strong presence in the devisen market.
16. Devisen trading requires a deep understanding of global economics and geopolitical events.
17. The Japanese yen is often used as a funding currency in devisen carry trades.
18. The eurozone crisis had a profound impact on the devisen market.
19. The South African rand is considered a high-risk currency in devisen trading due to the country's political instability.
20. The Mexican peso is an emerging market currency that is becoming increasingly popular in devisen trading.
21. The Canadian dollar is often used as a proxy for the U.S dollar in devisen trading.
22. Devisen trading is a high-risk, high-reward activity that is not suitable for everyone.
23. The Russian ruble has been affected by sanctions and geopolitical tensions, making it a volatile currency in the devisen market.
24. Devisen traders often use technical analysis to identify trends and make predictions.
25. The Indian rupee is an important currency in the devisen market due to the country's large and growing economy.
26. The Turkish lira has experienced a lot of volatility in the devisen market due to political turmoil and economic instability.
27. Devisen traders can use leverage to amplify their gains (or losses).
28. The Brazilian real is a currency that is closely tied to commodity prices and thus has a strong presence in the devisen market.
29. Devisen trading is a global market that operates 24/7.
30. The U.S dollar is considered the "reserve currency" of the world and is involved in the majority of devisen trades.

Common Phases

1. Die Devisenmärkte sind volatil und unberechenbar.
2. Der Wechselkurs für diese Devisen ist sehr niedrig.
3. Große Unternehmen handeln täglich mit Devisen.
4. Der Euro ist eine wichtige Devisen der Weltwirtschaft.
5. Spekulanten können auf den Devisenmärkten viel Geld verdienen oder verlieren.
6. Der Handel mit Devisen birgt hohe Risiken.
7. Die Zentralbanken können durch den Kauf und Verkauf von Devisen den Wechselkurs beeinflussen.
8. Der Devisenhandel findet rund um die Uhr statt.
9. Die Devisenreserven eines Landes sind ein wichtiger Faktor für seine Wirtschaftsstabilität.
10. Es ist wichtig, die aktuellen Wechselkurse der Devisen im Blick zu behalten.

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