"Disavow" Example Sentences
1. The leader disavowed any knowledge of the plot.
2. The politician quickly disavowed the controversial remarks made by his staff member.
3. The company publicly disavowed the actions of the errant employee.
4. The family quickly disavowed the criminal actions of their relative.
5. I disavow any responsibility for the mistake.
6. She had to publicly disavow her former beliefs.
7. He disavowed all involvement in the scheme.
8. The company was forced to disavow the posts made by the former employee.
9. The statements by the alleged spokesperson have been officially disavowed.
10. The senator disavowed the offensive comments attributed to him.
11. He formally disavowed his relationship with the controversial organization.
12. The former president publicly disavowed the violent actions of his supporters.
13. The candidate quickly disavowed the endorsement of the fringe political group.
14. We publicly disavow the harmful statements recently made by that individual.
15. The senator formally disavowed the racially insensitive remarks.
16. I disavow any connection to the illegal activity.
17. They completely disavowed his comments.
18. The spokesman promptly disavowed the remark made by the CEO.
19. The government completely disavowed responsibility for the attack.
20. The army formally disavowed the actions of the rogue soldiers.
21. They publicly disavowed the unlawful actions taken by that employee.
22. The cult leader disavowed responsibility for his followers' crimes.
23. She promptly disavowed the controversial statements made without her knowledge.
24. I formally disavow any affiliation with that organization.
25. The political campaign quickly disavowed the doctored images.
26. The preacher formally disavowed his heretical teachings.
27. The politician immediately disavowed the hateful campaign ad.
28. The manager had to disavow the actions of the rogue employees.
29. He immediately disavowed responsibility for the company's actions.
30. The senator formally disavowed the offensive comments attributed to him.
31. The spokesperson officially disavowed any involvement in the crime.
32. The company promptly disavowed the offensive social media posts.
33. The authorities instantly disavowed any knowledge of the attack.
34. The director disavowed the inflammatory comments made by the actor.
35. The PR team had to disavow the offensive statements made by the CEO.
36. She formally disavowed her involvement in the illegal activity.
37. The church disavowed the controversial teachings of the former priest.
38. The professor disavowed any connection to the racist rant made by a student.
39. The prime minister formally disavowed the offensive comments made by his cabinet member.
40. The union had to disavow the violent acts of some of its members.
41. The political party quickly disavowed the extremist views of one of its candidates.
42. The government immediately disavowed responsibility for the military strike.
43. She vehemently disavowed the defamatory comments made about her.
44. The CEO publicly disavowed the inappropriate remarks made by the CFO.
45. Officials promptly disavowed any foreknowledge of the terrorist plot.
46. The parents quickly disavowed their son's inflammatory online posts.
47. He immediately disavowed the actions undertaken without his authorization.
48. The family patriarch disavowed the "rebellious" actions of his son.
49. The company promptly disavowed the unlawful actions of the rogue employee.
50. The organization formally disavowed any affiliation with the criminal element.
51. The government instantaneously disavowed the controversial remarks made by the general.
52. The leader officially disavowed responsibility for the botched operation.
53. The spokesperson vehemently disavowed the unauthorized statements.
54. They publicly disavowed any involvement in or support of the illegal activity.
55. The CEO promptly disavowed the inappropriate personal actions of his CFO.
56. I formally disavow any connection to the illegal activities undertaken.
57. Officials instantly disavowed responsibility for the military strike.
58. The former employee has been formally disavowed by the company.
59. The government formally disavowed foreknowledge of the terrorist plot.
60. The politician formally disavowed any connection to the controversial organization.
Common Phases
1. publicly
disavow - Make a public statement to disown or deny an association with someone or something.
2. formally
disavow - Make a formal statement to reject or deny an association.
3. vehemently
disavow - To disown or deny very strongly and passionately.
4. officially
disavow - To disown or deny through official channels or statements.
5. officially and publicly
disavow - To issue both an official statement and a public declaration to reject or deny an association.
6. instantly
disavow - To immediately and decisively disown or deny an association.
7. promptly
disavow - To disown or deny something quickly and without delay.
8. completely
disavow - To totally renounce and reject any connection to something.
9. categorically
disavow - To firmly, unconditionally and unequivocally disown or deny an association.
10. unequivocally
disavow - To disown or deny something in an undoubted or unambiguous manner.