Discouragement example sentences

Related (7): disheartenment, disappointment, frustration, dejection, despair, hopelessness, demoralization

"Discouragement" Example Sentences

1. The constant criticisms led to her discouragement and lack of self-confidence.
2. He faced discouragement after discouragement but never gave up hope.
3. Her early failures led to discouragement, but she persisted and eventually succeeded.
4. The initial rejections were a source of discouragement but did not deter him in the long run.
5. His lack of progress caused him great discouragement and doubt.
6. The early setbacks caused only temporary discouragement before her drive and determination took over.
7. Discouragement seeped into his mind after months of searching for a job without success.
8. Despite his discouragement, he vowed to keep trying.
9. After weeks of depression and discouragement, he finally found the motivation to keep going.
10. Facing steep odds, she battled discouragement and self-doubt every step of the way.
11. The long string of failures led to feelings of hopelessness and discouragement.
12. He tried to rise above the discouragement and look at things in a more positive light.
13. After struggling with discouragement for months, she finally found the inner strength to move forward again.
14. In the face of failure, discouragement tried to creep in but she refused to give in to negative thoughts.
15. The therapist helped him combat feelings of discouragement and work through his self-doubt.
16. She finally overcame her discouragement through sheer determination and grit.
17. It took weeks for his discouragement to lessen enough to try again.
18. Persistence in the face of discouragement was his greatest character strength.
19. The harsh criticisms of others fueled her feelings of inadequacy and discouragement.
20. Constant rejection caused deep discouragement, but he gathered his resolve and kept going.
21. Her friend's kind words helped combat her growing discouragement.
22. She felt overwhelmed by discouragement but knew she had to push on.
23. Her natural optimism helped her rise above feelings of discouragement.
24. In the face of major setbacks, discouragement threatened to overwhelm him.
25. The constant struggle eventually caused deep discouragement and hopelessness.
26. His inner strength eventually helped him overcome his feelings of discouragement.
27. Facing one obstacle after another led to deep discouragement before she found success.
28. Persistence through discouragement led to eventual triumph.
29. Even the smallest victories helped combat her growing discouragement.
30. She finally conquered her feelings of discouragement through sheer grit and perseverance.
31. Despite feelings of discouragement, he vowed to keep pursuing his dream.
32. The long string of rejections bred discouragement deep within him.
33. Feeling discouraged, he almost gave up before summoning the willpower to keep trying.
34. Overcoming discouragement required resilience of spirit and sheer force of will.
35. Failure after failure eventually bred discouragement and apathy.
36. Persistence through discouragement was the only path to eventual success.
37. Long weeks of struggle and discouragement eventually led to a breakthrough.
38. The journey was riddled with pitfalls that bred discouragement along the way.
39. Every setback brought discouragement closer to overwhelming him.
40. Feelings of discouragement threatened to derail her progress at every turn.
41. Failure after failure eventually bred deep discouragement before he finally succeeded.
42. Persistence through discouragement led her to eventual triumph.
43. Facing discouragement at every turn required resilience and tenacity.
44. She eventually conquered her feelings of discouragement through sheer grit and perseverance.
45. Even the smallest victories helped combat his growing discouragement.
46. The long journey was riddled with obstacles that bred discouragement along the way.
47. Discouragement clouded his mind, but he refused to give up.
48. Success finally came after months of battling feelings of discouragement.
49. Every obstacle sowed the seeds of discouragement within him.
50. Failure after failure eventually led to deep discouragement and hopelessness.

Common Phases

1. The constant criticism led to her discouragement and low self-esteem.
2. The hurdles seemed insurmountable at times, but he persevered despite discouragement.
3. After months of fruitless job searching, she was feeling immense discouragement and hopelessness.
4. His words were meant to lift my spirit, not cause further discouragement.
5. The hardships and difficulties often led to discouragement, but they continued to push forward.
6. Instead of dwelling in discouragement, they chose to keep working to make improvements.
7. With encouragement and support, he was able to overcome the initial discouragement and make progress.
8. He tried to offer words of comfort to counteract her growing discouragement.
9. They worked to minimize discouragement and maximize motivation among their team members.
10. In the face of many challenges, she found ways to avoid the paralysis of discouragement.
11. With little funding and many setbacks, there were many times of deep discouragement along the journey.
12. The path was difficult, but her passion drove her forward, past moments of discouragement.
13. After she met with the investor, she was filled with new hope and her prior discouragement lifted.
14. They worked to build each other up and minimize discouragement throughout the grueling project.
15. She picked herself up after the initial discouragement and failure to try again.
16. His words offered encouragement in the midst of her discouragement and self-doubt.
17. The dean's criticism led to discouragement and a loss of motivation among the students.
18. Instead of wallowing in discouragement, he chose to take action to improve the situation.
19. The frequent loss and failure led to moments of deep discouragement that she had to overcome.
20. Despite the initial discouragement, the team worked together and eventually found success.
21. After months of fruitless searching, his spirit became full of discouragement and sorrow.
22. Their job was to give encouragement and remove any seeds of discouragement.
23. Only through self-encouragement was she able to avoid the pitfalls of doubt and discouragement.
24. Avoid dwelling in discouragement; find ways to move forward, despite challenges.
25. He refused to let initial failures lead to discouragement; instead, he learned from them.
26. Many words of discouragement were hurled his way, but he persevered.
27. They struggled to keep discouragement at bay and maintain a positive outlook.
28. The constant rejection and setbacks led to a deep state of discouragement.
29. His words helped lift her spirit and counteract feelings of discouragement.
30. Discouragement can be a paralyzing force; one must find ways to avoid its effects.
31. Moments of discouragement are normal, but you shouldn't dwell in them for long.
32. Her spirit was full of discouragement from the relentless criticism and doubt.
33. Despite feelings of discouragement, she pressed on, determined to achieve her goal.
34. Rather than dwell in discouragement, find ways to push forward with courage and hope.
35. When discouragement set in, he found ways to remind himself of his initial passion.
36. Avoid prematurely giving up due to feelings of discouragement or self-doubt.
37. Their words served to build her up after a season of deep discouragement.
38. The professor's harsh criticism led to a spirit of discouragement and self-doubt.
39. She worked hard to overcome feelings of discouragement through self-encouragement.
40. Avoid dwelling on obstacles and setbacks; the path to discouragement lies therein.
41. Even moments of deep discouragement could not extinguish her passion and determination.
42. His words helped instill hope and motivation in the face of growing discouragement.
43. They battled discouragement season after season, but their perseverance eventually paid off.
44. The season of discouragement soon gave way to motivation as new opportunities arose.
45. When discouragement crept in, she countered it with reminders of her calling and purpose.
46. The words of discouragement soon gave way to words of challenge and hope.
47. Many words of discouragement had been hurled his way, but they only steeled his resolve.
48. His spirit was full of discouragement and sorrow from years of fruitless searching.
49. Despite her discouragement, she refused to give up hope that her dream could still come true.
50. Let no word of discouragement diminish your spirit or steal your joy.
51. The road traveled was filled with discouragement and difficulty, but they persevered.
52. The harsh words led to a spirit of deep discouragement and weariness within her.
53. Find ways to renew your spirit in the face of discouragement and difficulty.
54. Moments of discouragement will inevitably come, but overcome them quickly.
55. Their words and affirmation helped lift her spirit out of the deep pit of discouragement.
56. Though full of discouragement, their passion drove them forward.
57. Their words helped counteract the growing spirit of discouragement among the students.
58. When discouragement threatened, she found ways to renew her spirit and motivation.
59. Avoid dwelling too long in any spirit of discouragement; move forward with courage.
60. Their words were meant to minimize discouragement and maximize motivation.

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