Divinationn example sentences

Related (8): Tarot, astrology, numerology, palmistry, scrying, runes, pendulum, cartomancy.

"Divinationn" Example Sentences

1. Many people turned to divination for guidance during uncertain times.
2. My friend is obsessed with divination and owns dozens of tarot decks.
3. Some people believe that divination can reveal future events.
4. Divination has been used for centuries to communicate with spiritual entities.
5. I had a divination reading last week and it was surprisingly accurate.
6. Divination practices are often frowned upon by organized religions.
7. The art of divination requires a deep understanding of symbolism and spirituality.
8. Some cultures use divination as a way to connect with their ancestors.
9. Divination can take many forms, including astrology, palm reading, and tea leaf reading.
10. The fortune teller used a crystal ball for her divination reading.
11. Divination is seen as a tool for introspection and self-discovery by some.
12. I don't believe in divination, but I find it fascinating to learn about.
13. Divination has its roots in ancient civilizations like Egypt and Greece.
14. Some people use divination to make important decisions in their lives.
15. The accuracy of divination readings varies widely depending on the individual reader.
16. Divination can be a controversial practice due to its association with supernatural beliefs.
17. Divination readings are often used as a form of entertainment at parties and events.
18. The use of divination is banned in some countries due to its perceived danger.
19. Hobbies like tarot card reading and astrology fall under the umbrella of divination.
20. Some people claim to have had life-changing experiences through the use of divination.
21. Divination is often used to gain insight into personal relationships and dynamics.
22. The practice of divination can be therapeutic for some individuals.
23. There are many online communities dedicated to divination and its different forms.
24. Divination can be used to predict upcoming events, but it's important to take these readings with a grain of salt.
25. The accuracy of divination methods like tarot cards depends on the skill and intuition of the reader.
26. Divination readings can be a source of comfort for those who are feeling lost or uncertain.
27. Despite its controversial reputation, divination continues to be a popular practice around the world.
28. Learning about divination can help us to better understand our own beliefs and spiritual practices.
29. Some people believe that divination can connect us with a higher spiritual power.
30. Divination is a complex and multifaceted subject that invites us to explore the mysteries of the universe.

Common Phases

1. Let's try divination to see what the future holds;
2. She uses divination to guide her decisions in life;
3. Divination has been practiced for centuries across many cultures;
4. I consulted a divination expert to gain insight into my situation;
5. The art of divination is shrouded in mystery and intrigue;
6. My grandmother believed in the power of divination and passed it down to me;
7. Divination tools such as tarot cards and crystals can be used for guidance;
8. Some people use divination to connect with their spiritual beliefs;
9. Divination can provide clarity and a deeper understanding of the world around us;
10. I was skeptical about divination until I tried it for myself and was pleasantly surprised.

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