Divorce example sentences

Related (5): marriage, alimony, custody, settlement, mediation

"Divorce" Example Sentences

1. They decided to file for divorce.
2. The divorce proceedings were long and drawn out.
3. After the divorce, he had to find a new place to live.
4. The divorce left both of them emotionally drained.
5. They attended marriage counseling to try and save the marriage before filing for divorce.
6. The divorce settlement gave her primary custody of the children.
7. He moved out of the house shortly after they announced their divorce.
8. His lawyer handled all the paperwork related to the divorce.
9. Their divorce was finalized in the county courthouse.
10. They had been married for 10 years before getting a divorce.
11. Their friends tried to convince them to reconcile instead of going through with the divorce.
12. Financial issues were a major factor in their decision to get divorced.
13. She had to get a job after the divorce to support herself.
14. After the divorce, he barely saw his children.
15. The couple tried to remain civil during the divorce for the sake of their children.
16. They had been having problems for awhile before finally filing for divorce.
17. Alimony payments were a major point of contention during the divorce negotiations.
18. The divorce left both of them emotionally vulnerable for a long time.
19. Their lives were turned upside down by the divorce.
20. The divorce left her afraid she would never find love again.
21. The divorce pushed them emotionally further apart.
22. The divorce decree specified child support payments and visitation rights.
23. They appeared unhappy for years before officially deciding to divorce.
24. She felt a sense of relief after the long divorce was finally over.
25. His lawyer requested a substantial share of the marital assets during the divorce hearings.
26. She moved back in with her parents while the divorce was being finalized.
27. They had to divide up all their shared possessions after the divorce.
28. Their friends were shocked when they announced their divorce.
29. The judge granted the divorce based on irreconcilable differences.
30. The divorce rate in their country was alarmingly high.
31. She struggled financially for the first year after the divorce.
32. They went through a period of minimal communication during the divorce proceedings.
33. Their divorce was amicable and they remained on good terms afterward.
34. Her lawyer aggressively fought for her during divorce negotiations.
35. Many of their mutual friends sided with him after the divorce.
36. The divorce left both children and parents emotionally devastated.
37. They drifted apart over time until things finally ended in divorce.
38. The divorce became final six months after they separated.
39. His lawyer filed the divorce papers with the court.
40. Divorce was a last resort for them after years of issues in the marriage.
41. They went through the painful process of dividing up their retirement savings after the divorce.
42. The contentious divorce dragged on for over a year.
43. Their divorce signals the end of a chapter in both their lives.
44. Their marriage had been struggling for years before they finally decided to separate and divorce.
45. The couple blamed each other for the failure of their marriage during the divorce proceedings.
46. The divorce settlement gave him custody of the dog.
47. After years of fighting, separation and counseling, they decided divorce was the only option.
48. The divorce rate among celebrities is even higher than the general population.
49. They struggled to remain civil for the children during the divorce process.
50. Their friends tried to urge them to reconcile after the divorce was finalized.
51. The divorce left him emotionally shut down for years.
52. Dividing up their shared assets became a contentious issue during the divorce.
53. The couple drifted apart over time until their differences could no longer be reconciled, resulting in divorce.
54. Their different views on having children was one of the major issues that led to the divorce.
55. They fought bitterly over custody arrangements during the divorce proceedings.
56. The custody battle dragged on for months after the official divorce decree was issued.
57. Their constant arguing led to an unsalvageable rift in the marriage, ultimately ending in divorce.
58. After years of struggling, they decided divorce was the healthiest option for both of them.
59. Divorce was not an option for them until the conflicts became too much to bear.
60. The divorce papers ended a marriage that had long since fallen apart.

Common Phases

1. File for divorce
2. Finalize a divorce
3. Get a divorce
4. Proceed with a divorce
5. Process a divorce
6. Decide to divorce
7. Officially divorce
8. Formalize a divorce
9. Legally divorce
10. legally end a marriage through divorce
11. Legally separate through divorce
12. Initiate divorce proceedings
13. Officiate a divorce
14. Complete the divorce
15. Announce a divorce

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