Drouthy example sentences

Related (6): thirsty, parched, dry, arid, drought-ridden, waterless

"Drouthy" Example Sentences

1. The farmers prayed for the rain to come as the land was drouthy.
2. My throat was extremely parched and drouthy after running for hours.
3. The desert was incredibly drouthy and barren, with no signs of life.
4. The drouthy grass crackled underfoot as we made our way through the plains.
5. Despite the drouthy weather, the crops miraculously managed to survive.
6. The town had a drouthy climate, affecting everything from the people to the buildings.
7. The drouthy summer had left the river bed dry and lifeless.
8. I could feel my eyes becoming drouthy as I stared at the computer screen for hours.
9. The drouthy wind rattled the windows and threatened to knock them off their hinges.
10. The plants in the garden were wilting and turning brown due to the prolonged drouthy weather.
11. The animals were suffering in the drouthy heat and desperately seeking shade.
12. He drank greedily from the drouthy flask, trying to quench his thirst.
13. The drouthy sand beneath his feet made walking a challenge on the beach.
14. The drouthy conditions made it nearly impossible for the firefighters to control the blazing inferno.
15. The drouthy climate contributed to the swirl of dust that kicked up with every step.
16. The lack of rainfall left the reservoirs drouthy and nearly dry.
17. The drouthy sun beat down on us relentlessly as we trekked through the desert.
18. The drouthy soil made it difficult for flowers and plants to thrive.
19. The scorching drouthy weather made her feel as if she was withering away.
20. The drouthy air made it difficult to breathe, let alone speak.
21. The drouthy leaves on the trees rustled in the wind, creating an eerie sound.
22. It was a drouthy day, and even the normally bustling streets were eerily quiet.
23. The drouthy air was filled with the scent of burnt wood and melted plastic.
24. We had to ration our water carefully because the conditions were so drouthy.
25. His throat was drouthy after giving a lengthy speech to the crowd.
26. The drouthy sands of the desert stretched out before us, seemingly endless.
27. The drouthy weeds in the garden were a telltale sign of neglect.
28. The drouthy climate had made the people tough and resilient, though not without cost.
29. The drouthy conditions had left the people longing for rain to save their crops.
30. The thirsty crowd clamored for water as the drouthy weather showed no signs of letting up.

Common Phases

1. The summer was so drouthy that the grass turned brown; the crops withered in the fields.
2. The drouthy landscape was dotted with cacti and tumbleweeds; the only sound was the distant call of a hawk.
3. A long drought had left the river drouthy and low; the fish populations were dwindling.
4. The town had been through a drouthy spell; residents were conserving water and praying for rain.
5. His throat felt drouthy after the long hike; he eagerly drank from his canteen.

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