Egoist example sentences
Related (21): selfish, self-centered, self-serving, egotistical, arrogant, conceited, narcissistic, greedy, self-seeking, self-absorbed, selfishness, egoism, egoistic, egoistical, self-interested, self-important, self-obsessed, self-promoting, self-aggrandizing, self-indulgent, self-regarding
"Egoist" Example Sentences
1. His egoist attitude made it difficult for him to make friends.2. She was so egoist that she never thought about how her decisions would affect others.
3. His egoist behaviour was the main reason for the breakup.
4. His egoist nature often led him to make rash decisions.
5. His egoist tendencies made him a difficult person to be around.
6. His egoist outlook on life caused him to be very selfish.
7. His egoist attitude made it hard for him to accept criticism.
8. His egoist mindset caused him to be blind to the feelings of others.
9. His egoist views made it hard for him to understand other perspectives.
10. His egoist beliefs made him think that his opinion was always the right one.
11. His egoist behaviour often caused friction between him and his peers.
12. His egoist ways caused him to be unwilling to compromise with others.
13. His egoist attitude made it hard for him to work in teams.
14. Her egoist tendencies caused her to be overly competitive with her peers.
15. His egoist mindset made it impossible for him to accept any kind of help.
16. His egoist views caused him to be very uncooperative in group settings.
17. His egoist attitude made it hard for him to empathize with others.
18. His egoist nature caused him to be very unsympathetic to the plight of others.
19. His egoist outlook caused him to be very dismissive of other people's opinions.
20. His egoist behaviour made him a difficult person to have a relationship with.
21. His egoist ways often made him act impulsively without thinking of the consequences.
22. His egoist beliefs caused him to be very narrow-minded and unwilling to listen to reason.
23. His egoist attitude caused him to be very insensitive to the feelings of those around him.
24. His egoist nature meant that he was always trying to prove himself to be better than everyone else.
25. His egoist views caused him to be very dismissive of other people's ideas and opinions.
26. His egoist behaviour made it hard for him to admit when he was wrong or to take responsibility for his mistakes.
27. His egoist outlook on life caused him to be very self-absorbed and unable to see beyond his own needs.
28. His egoist tendencies meant that he was always trying to one-up everyone else and prove himself to be superior.
29. His egoist attitude caused him to be very unwilling to admit when he was wrong or to accept any kind of criticism.
30. His egoist mindset caused him to be very dismissive of other people's feelings and opinions.
31. His egoist beliefs caused him to be very uncooperative and unwilling to compromise with others.
32. His egoist views made it hard for him to understand other perspectives or to see beyond his own needs.
33. His egoist behaviour often caused him to act impulsively without considering the consequences of his actions.
34. His egoist nature caused him to be very self-centered and unable to empathize with the feelings of others.
35. His egoist outlook on life made it hard for him to accept help from others or to admit when he was wrong.
36. His egoist tendencies made him a difficult person to be around as he was always trying to prove himself to be better than everyone else.
37. His egoist attitude caused him to be very unsympathetic and unwilling to listen to the opinions of others.
38. His egoist mindset caused him to be very dismissive of other people's ideas and very unwilling to compromise.
39. His egoist behaviour often caused friction between him and his peers as he was always trying to prove himself to be the best.
40. His egoist nature made it difficult for him to work in teams as he was always trying to prove himself to be superior.