Elusion example sentences

Related (10): escape, avoidance, evasiveness, dodging, circumvention, elusiveness, disappearance, trickery, illusion, phantasm

"Elusion" Example Sentences

1. The kidnapper's elusion made it difficult for the police to track him down.
2. The athlete was known for his elusion tactics during the game.
3. The magician's elusion trick left the audience amazed.
4. The escaped prisoner's elusion was possible due to his cunningness.
5. The spy's elusion was successful due to his skillful disguise.
6. The criminal mastermind planned an elusion that the authorities couldn't even imagine.
7. The politician's elusion of the media questions wasn't satisfying enough.
8. The deer's elusion from the predator saved its life.
9. The chase scene's elusion sequence was expertly directed in the movie.
10. The criminal's elusion from the police was captured on the CCTV footage.
11. The detective's elusion of the murderer's motive was crucial in the investigation.
12. The spy's elusion from the enemy's facility was a huge intelligence success.
13. The artist's elusion of different colors in the painting was very creative.
14. The chef's elusion of special spices made the dish taste like heaven.
15. The writer's elusion of the plot kept the readers on edge till the end.
16. The athlete's elusion from the injury was a great comeback story.
17. The explorer's elusion from the jungle's dangers was a survival tale of courage.
18. The musician's elusion of emotions in the lyrics was critically acclaimed.
19. The scientist's elusion of a new theory was groundbreaking.
20. The adrenaline junkies' elusion into the extreme sport life was dangerous yet thrilling.
21. The book's elusion to past events was revealed in the final chapter.
22. The documentary's elusion of the truth was eye-opening.
23. The children's elusion of the world of fairies and magic was a wonderland.
24. The historical drama's elusion of events was accurate and educational.
25. The spy novel's elusion of conspiracy theories kept the readers hooked.
26. The teenager's elusion of peer pressure was a lesson in self-esteem and individuality.
27. The architect's elusion of the building's structure was impressive and innovative.
28. The fashion designer's elusion of the latest trend in their collection was stylish.
29. The poet's elusion of the beauty in nature was romantic and blissful.
30. The comedian's elusion of satire in their act was hilarious and thought-provoking.

Common Phases

1) The elusion of reality;
2) A sense of elusion upon waking up from a dream;
3) The constant elusion of success;
4) The elusion of control in a chaotic situation;
5) The elusion of happiness in material possessions;
6) A feeling of elusion when attempting to solve a complicated problem;
7) The elusion of safety in a dangerous environment;
8) The elusion of simplicity in complex situations;
9) The elusion of love in a superficial relationship;
10) The elusion of freedom in a restrictive society.

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