Emendare example sentences

Related (12): correct, amend, rectify, improve, revise, modify, refine, edit, polish, redraft, better, adjust

"Emendare" Example Sentences

1. The editor carefully emendavit textum to correct errors.
2. The scholars worked to properly emendare the ancient manuscript.
3. The critics tried to emendare many of the poet's verses.
4. The librarians strived to diligently emendare the books in their archives.
5. The first printed edition of the text needed to be extensively emendatum.
6. The scholars spent years studying the text in order to accurately emendare it.
7. The professor dedicated his career to critically emendando classical literature.
8. The publishers hired experts to thoroughly emendare the text before publication.
9. The ancient manuscript required careful examination and emendationes to make the text legible.
10. They meticulously emendarunt librum using the oldest surviving copies.
11. Before I could translate the text, I had to properly emendare many emendations.
12. The new editor promised to significantly emendare the emendationes of his predecessor.
13. The author begrudgingly allowed the publisher to emendare some errors in the text.
14. After much debate, the scholars agreed on the proper emendationes to the verse.
15. The copyist made so many mistakes that the text required extensive emendationes.
16. The playwright refused to emendare any of her own verses.
17. I spent hours checking the text for errors that needed to be emendate.
18. The librarian diligently worked to emendare her collection of rare books.
19. Scholars have debated for centuries how best to emendare certain difficult passages.
20. The historical society commissioned experts to thoroughly emendare the old manuscripts.
21. The scholar devoted his career to emendando and annotating ancient texts.
22. The senior editor reviewed all the emendationes made by his junior editors.
23. The published text included many controversial emendationes made by past scholars.
24. The new edition extensively emendavit the old emendationes of earlier editors.
25. I gladly accepted his invitation to help emendare the ancient text.
26. The old text needed to be thoroughly emendatum before it could be translated into modern Latin.
27. The scholar spent decades studying the manuscript in order to properly emendare it.
28. After much study, I believe I can now accurately emendare that difficult passage.
29. The librarian carefully emendavit each page of the fragile old books.
30. The published text included hundreds of footnotes citing various emendationes made over the years.
31. I welcomed the chance to critically emendare so many classical texts.
32. After reviewing the text thoroughly, I recommend several emendationes.
33. They debated for hours over the proper emendationes to make.
34. The publisher hired a team of experts to meticulously emendare the text before publication.
35. The editor promised to carefully emendare all typos and grammatical errors in the next edition.
36. The text required extensive emendationes before it could be published.
37. After much research, I believe I have found the proper emendationes for that difficult line.
38. The new edition incorporated many emendationes made by recent scholars.
39. The edition included footnotes citing over a hundred proposed emendationes.
40. The critics praised her for her insightful emendatio of the difficult text.
41. The specialist was called in to emendare the fragile historical documents.
42. The scholar devoted his life to emendando the works of forgotten Roman poets.
43. The published work included all previous emendationes as well as several new ones.
44. The emendationes he proposed were quite controversial among scholars.
45. The newly discovered manuscript helped scholars make important emendationes to the text.
46. Scholars debated whether or not the proposed emendationes were truly necessary.
47. After much study, she proposed several new emendationes to the difficult verses.
48. The translation required many emendationes based on findings in newer manuscripts.
49. The editor aggressively emendavit any mistakes he found in the text.
50. They revised all previous emendationes in light of the newly discovered fragments.
51. I spent hours researching the best way to emendare that particular error.
52. The critics praised his insightful emendationes of the text.
53. The librarian was tasked with emendando all the old encyclopedia volumes.
54. The scholars rigorously debated each proposed emendatio.
55. The emendationes controversae kept scholars busy for decades.
56. I'm happy to help emendare any errors you find in my work.
57. The scholars carefully studied alternate readings before proposing their emendationes.
58. The committee was tasked with emendando the constitutional errors.
59. The new edition took into account all previous emendationes as well as several new ones.
60. Critics debated for years over the merit of her proposed emendationes.

Common Phases

1. Intendono emendare la proposta di legge.
They intend to amend the bill.
2. Stanno emendando il regolamento.
They are amending the regulations.
3. Il Senato ha emendato la dichiarazione finale.
The Senate amended the final statement.
4. Gli errori sono stati emendati nella nuova edizione.
The errors were amended in the new edition.
5. La Corte Costituzionale ha emendato l'articolo della legge.
The Constitutional Court amended the article of the law.
6. Bisogna emendare immediatamente la situazione.
The situation needs to be amended immediately.
7. L'autore emendò diverse citazioni nel terzo capitolo.
The author amended several quotations in the third chapter.
8. L'epilogo del racconto venne emendato dall'editore.
The epilogue of the story was amended by the editor.
9. La Costituzione è stata più volte emendata nel tempo.
The Constitution has been amended several times over the years.
10. La storia venne emendata per sembrare più accettabile.
The story was amended to appear more acceptable.
11. L'articolo è stato recentemente emendato in Parlamento.
The article has recently been amended in Parliament.
12. La proposta è stata emendata per renderla più chiara.
The proposal was amended to make it clearer.
13. Il testo del decreto dovrà essere emendato in alcuni punti.
The text of the decree will have to be amended in some points.
14. Ho emendato alcuni errori nella relazione finale.
I amended some errors in the final report.
15. L'emendamento è stato accolto dalla maggioranza.
The amendment was accepted by the majority.
16. L'ufficio legale emenderà il contratto prima della firma.
The legal office will amend the contract before signing.
17. Ha apportato alcune modifiche ed emendamenti al testo.
He made some changes and amendments to the text.
18. Gli emendamenti al disegno di legge sono stati bocciati.
The amendments to the bill were voted down.
19. Hanno consultato alcuni esperti per emendare il progetto.
They consulted some experts to amend the project.
20. L'avvocato ha suggerito alcuni emendamenti al contratto.
The lawyer suggested some amendments to the contract.
21. I deputati hanno presentato numerosi emendamenti.
The deputies presented numerous amendments.
22. La proposta è stata emendata sulla base delle critiche ricevute.
The proposal was amended based on the criticisms received.
23. L'emendamento venne approvato con una maggioranza schiacciante.
The amendment was approved with an overwhelming majority.
24. La versione preliminare richiede alcuni emendamenti.
The preliminary version requires some amendments.
25. La notizia fu emendata per ridurre le possibili polemiche.
The news was amended to reduce possible controversy.
26. La compagnia ha emendato le sue politiche di risarcimento.
The company has amended its compensation policies.
27. L'artista emendò molte delle sue opere nel corso degli anni.
The artist amended many of his works over the years.
28. Bisogna emendare queste affermazioni al più presto.
These statements must be amended as soon as possible.
29. L'editore esigeva emendamenti prima della pubblicazione.
The publisher demanded amendments before publication.
30. La proposta originaria venne pesantemente emendata.
The original proposal was heavily amended.
31. Si sono opposti strenuamente agli emendamenti proposti.
They fiercely opposed the proposed amendments.
32. Ha apportato alcune modifiche ed emendamenti minori al testo.
He made some minor changes and amendments to the text.
33. Il disegno di legge è stato emendato in molti punti.
The bill has been amended in many points.
34. Un emendamento correttivo è stato presentato in Parlamento.
A corrective amendment has been presented in Parliament.
35. La sentenza verrà presto emendata in appello.
The verdict will soon be amended on appeal.
36. L'articolo deve essere emendato per eliminare l'ambiguità.
The article needs to be amended to eliminate the ambiguity.
37. La Costituzione è stata emendata per limitare i poteri del Presidente.
The Constitution was amended to limit the powers of the President.
38. Il deputato ha presentato numerosi emendamenti al disegno di legge.
The deputy presented numerous amendments to the bill.
39. L'atto è stato emendato per correggere alcuni errori formali.
The act was amended to correct some formal errors.
40. Hanno presentato emendamenti mirati per modificare alcuni punti.
They presented targeted amendments to modify some points.
41. L'autore emendò il romanzo su suggerimento dell'editore.
The author amended the novel on the editor's suggestion.
42. La relazione fu gravemente emendata a causa delle critiche ricevute.
The report was heavily amended due to the criticisms received.
43. La legge è stata emendata in diverse occasioni nel corso degli anni.
The law has been amended on several occasions over the years.
44. Hanno emendato i documenti per renderli conformi alle nuove norme.
They amended the documents to make them comply with the new regulations.
45. L'emendamento è stato approvato con una maggioranza schiacciante.
The amendment was approved with an overwhelming majority.
46. Il Parlamento ha accolto l'emendamento con larga maggioranza.
Parliament accepted the amendment with a large majority.
47. La bozza originale ha subito pesanti modifiche ed emendamenti.
The original draft underwent heavy modifications and amendments.
48. Il disegno di legge è stato emendato diverse volte in Parlamento.
The bill has been amended several times in Parliament.
49. Hanno proposto emendamenti per semplificare le procedure.
They proposed amendments to simplify the procedures.
50. Il giudice ha richiesto emendamenti al rapporto prima della sentenza.
The judge requested amendments to the report before the ruling.
51. Gli emendamenti vanno accolti per rendere la legge più efficace.
The amendments must be accepted to make the law more effective.
52. L'autorità ha respinto l'emendamento come fuorviante.
The authority rejected the amendment as misleading.
53. Il testo del trattato internazionale è stato emendato dopo i negoziati.
The text of the international treaty was amended after the negotiations.
54. Il governo ha emendato la legge per aumentare le tasse.
The government amended the law to increase taxes.
55. Intendono emendare la proposta per rendere lo scopo più chiaro.
They intend to amend the proposal to make the purpose clearer.
56. Il romanzo venne emendato prima della sua pubblicazione.
The novel was amended before its publication.
57. Gli emendamenti vennero respinti in blocco dal legislatore.
The amendments were rejected en bloc by the legislature.
58. Lo scritto venne emendato per eliminare passaggi problematici.
The writing was amended to remove problematic passages.
59. Il progetto è stato pesantemente emendato dopo le lamentele ricevute.
The project was heavily amended after the complaints received.
60. La storia fu emendata per renderla conforme ai valori della società.
The story was amended to make it conform to society's values.

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