Emic example sentences

Related (11): culture, perception, perspective, language, worldview, values, beliefs, behavior, experience, understanding, interpretation.

"Emic" Example Sentences

1. The study employed an emic approach to understand the cultural phenomenon from the insider's perspective.
2. The researcher adopted an emic viewpoint to analyze the meaning and significance of rituals from the members' point of view.
3. Anthropologists use emic analysis to understand cultural concepts, categories, and logic from within the cultural system itself.
4. The ethnography provided an emic view of the community's social organization and values.
5. The researcher used emic categories to gain an insider's understanding of symbolic meanings within the culture.
6. An emic analysis produced descriptive terms derived from the cultural group's own conceptual scheme.
7. The classification system employed an emic conceptualization based on cultural distinctions meaningful to group members.
8. The study utilized emic terms that were culturally meaningful and relevant to group insiders.
9. The researchers used emic units of analysis to capture the cultural group's own perspective.
10. The interview protocol incorporated emic questions to elicit cultural insider's concepts and meanings.
11. The analysis relied on emic constructs to enable interpretation of cultural behaviors from members' frame of reference.
12. The findings were based on an emic perspective that privileged insider participants' understandings over external interpretations.
13. The goal of the study was an emic account that represented the cultural group's own perspective and subjective reality.
14. The researcher used emic interview questions to elicit participants' insider viewpoint.
15. The vocabularies that informants used reflected emic constructs and meanings.
16. The emic perspective allowed the researchers to understand cultural practices on participants' own terms.
17. The study utilized emic categories to reveal cultural beliefs, concepts, and norms from members' point of view.
18. The interpretation was grounded in emic constructs to capture insiders' understandings, experiences and perspectives.
19. The cultural analysis privileged emic meanings and interpretations over externally derived analytical frameworks.
20. An etic perspective was also adopted to compare cultural practices across different groups from an outsider's viewpoint.
21. The anthropologist first understood the emic perspective before imposing an etic interpretive framework.
22. The study employed both emic and etic perspectives to gain a holistic view of the cultural phenomenon.
23. The interpretive keys provided were primarily emic while noting relevant etic comparisons.
24. The analysis considered both emic and etic categorizations to capture both cultural insider and outsider perspectives.
25. The study revealed tensions between emic and etic perspectives in understanding cultural behaviors and meanings.
26. Universal concepts were compared with culture-specific emic constructs to gain a comprehensive analysis.
27. Anthropologists grapple with the balance between emic and etic accounts in cultural interpretation.
28. The cultural analysis highlighted how etic categories are inadequate without consideration of emic constructs.
29. The researcher navigated the interplay between emic understandings and etic analytical lenses.
30. Emic perspectives provide an experiential grounding for developing broader etic propositions and generalizations.
31. The cultural analysis privileged indigenous meanings and frameworks rather than imposing external theories.
32. The emic constructs revealed that cultural practices served different functions for insiders than outsiders assumed.
33. The results demonstrated the value of adopting an emic perspective to avoid misunderstandings due to superficial etic interpretations.
34. Anthropologists recognize the value of both emic and etic perspectives in developing cultural explanations.
35. The study employed an emic approach followed by an etic one to provide a nuanced interpretation of cultural phenomena.
36. The study revealed how etic categories often mask or distort indigenous meanings and conceptualizations.
37. Emic constructs served as a starting point for formulating etic generalizations and theory development.
38. The researcher translated emic constructs into etic concepts for communicating cultural meanings beyond the group.
39. The analysis shifted between emic and etic modes of interpretation to gain a multi-faceted understanding.
40. The study captured cultural complexities by incorporating both emic and etic perspectives.

Common Phases

1. The study focused on the emic perspective of the culture.
2. From an emic standpoint, the rituals make perfect sense within that cultural framework.
3. The researcher adopted an emic approach to understand the cultural practice from an insider's perspective.
4. The anthropologist sought to understand the culture from the emic point of view of the participants.
5. An emic analysis examines cultural phenomena from the viewpoint of the members within that cultural system.
6. The study uses an emic approach in relation to the participants' own cultural terms and meanings.
7. Researchers must gain an emic understanding of the cultural meanings behind people's behaviors.
8. The emic significance of the ritual is salient to understanding its cultural functions.
9. The language in use among the villagers provides an emic perspective on the social structure of their community.
10. The ethnographer employed emic categorization schemes to classify cultural artifacts.
11. Indigenous categories provide an emic way of separating different types of musical traditions within that culture.
12. To understand the phenomenon emically, scholars must engage in prolonged observation within the cultural milieu.
13. An emic concept is only meaningful from within the frame of reference of a particular culture.
14. We explored the topic from an emic standpoint to gain insider perspectives on cultural practices.
15. They embedded themselves within the cultural group to acquire an emic conceptual scheme.
16. The study relied on emic accounts to shed light on cultural meanings and social relations.
17. We focused on the emic categories used by group members to make sense of their world.
18. Researchers noted both the emic and etic implications of the customs and traditions.
19. Emic perspectives provide cultural insider views about norms, values and experiences.
20. The study examined the ceremony through the lens of emic cultural concepts and categories.
21. An emic analysis seeks to capture local understandings of cultural phenomena.
22. Insider accounts and perspectives yielded important emic interpretations of social behaviors.
23. The research employed emic terminologies used by cultural members themselves.
24. Our analysis used emic constructs to categorize various cultural practices.
25. Interviews aimed at eliciting emic descriptions of cultural beliefs and practices.
26. Anthropologists try to grasp emic distinctions held by cultural members.
27. The textbook presented the theory from an emic standpoint familiar to people within that culture.
28. Most research into the practice has focused solely on emic interpretations.
29. The researchers embraced the emic standpoint of cultural insiders.
30. The anthropologist recorded emic terms and taxonomies used by members of the cultural group.
31. Our methodology utilized dominant emic models to analyze cultural products.
32. The study placed high value on eliciting emic concepts within the cultural framework.
33. Emic descriptions help illuminate cultural meanings that outsiders may not recognize.
34. Researchers embedded themselves to fully grasp emic understandings of social dynamics.
35. Linguistic analysis focused on emic categories of color used by cultural group members.
36. Local norms and values shaped the emic interpretation of cultural customs.
37. Informant accounts provided important insights into emic cultural perspectives.
38. Indigenous models provide an emic framework for understanding cultural practices.
39. They adopted the emic perspective of cultural insiders to interpret social behaviors.
40. The textbook used emic illustrations familiar to people within that cultural context.
41. The analysis revealed important emic nuances within cultural concepts.
42. The study examined territoriality through the lens of emic motives and meanings.
43. Interviews aimed at eliciting emic metaphors used within that cultural system.
44. The analysis utilized emic terminology employed by cultural members themselves.
45. Emic explanations help illuminate cultural meanings held by group members.
46. The ritual held diverse emic significances for participants within that culture.
47. Emic constructs permeate cultural narratives, artifacts and storytelling.
48. The analysis highlighted emic distinctions grounded in cultural experience.
49. The scholarship focused solely on emic subjectivities within that cultural milieu.
50. Participants described emic variations within cultural categories and concepts.
51. The analysis centered on emic attitudes prevalent within that society.
52. The research tradition favored emic interpretations grounded in cultural mores.
53. Their account focused on the emic experience of cultural members.
54. We strived to grasp emic nuances within cultural models and meanings.
55. The study privileged emic understandings common to participants.
56. The researcher sought to understand the practice through the emic eyes of cultural insiders.
57. The analysis aimed at capturing emic frames held by cultural members.
58. Emic perspectives help illuminate cultural distinctions recognized by group members.
59. We analyzed the cultural artifacts according to emic categories used by the artists themselves.
60. The interview questions elicited emic motivations and rationales for cultural practices.

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