Encumbered example sentences

Related (9): hindered, burdened, restricted, impeded, restrained, overwhelmed, saddled, obstructed, hampered

"Encumbered" Example Sentences

1. The old woman was encumbered with many bags as she walked down the street.
2. The hiker's backpack became encumbered with unnecessary items.
3. The injured soldier was encumbered with casts and bandages.
4. The set of keys encumbered the man's pocket as he walked.
5. The toddler encumbered her mother as she clung tightly to her leg.
6. The narrow staircase was encumbered with boxes and furniture.
7. The elevator was encumbered with too many people to bring the stroller in.
8. The duty soldier was encumbered with too much gear to move quickly.
9. The executive's desk was encumbered with piles of paperwork.
10. The narrow path was encumbered with fallen branches after the storm.
11. The files encumbered the desk, threatening to spill onto the floor.
12. The mover became encumbered with several pieces of heavy furniture.
13. The candidate's campaign promises encumbered his ability to govern effectively.
14. The thick underbrush encumbered their progress through the woods.
15. Their lives remained encumbered with debts and financial difficulties.
16. The rescue operation was encumbered by debris from the flood.
17. The soldier's pack became encumbered with extra ammunition.
18. Their vacation was encumbered with obligations and chores.
19. His aspirations remained encumbered by his lack of education.
20. The attic became encumbered with old, forgotten items.
21. The vehicle became encumbered with flat tires and broken parts.
22. The backpacker's pack became encumbered with extra food and a sleeping bag.
23. The child became encumbered with several library books.
24. The arguments encumbered their efforts at reconciliation.
25. Her work was encumbered with time-wasting distractions.
26. The applicant's resume was encumbered with irrelevant information.
27. The new mother was encumbered with diapers, wipes and bottles.
28. The moving truck became encumbered with too much furniture.
29. Her thoughts remained encumbered with worries and anxieties.
30. The storage room became encumbered with years worth of clutter.
31. Their business dealings remained encumbered with legalities and restrictions.
32. The project became encumbered with delays and setbacks.
33. The debtor remained encumbered with loans and overdue bills.
34. Her mind remained encumbered with doubts and insecurities.
35. The ship's sails became encumbered with barnacles and debris.
36. The kitchen counter became encumbered with dirty dishes.
37. Their joy was encumbered with grief over lost loved ones.
38. His accomplishments remained encumbered by past failures.
39. The pavement became encumbered with fallen leaves and debris.
40. The floor became encumbered with toys and throw pillows.
41. Their hopes remained encumbered with frustrations and disappointments.
42. The carport became encumbered with unused and broken items.
43. Their budget remained encumbered with overspending and debt.
44. The yard sale items encumbered the living room and garage.
45. Their progress remained encumbered by bureaucracy and red tape.
46. The dumpster became encumbered with trash and waste.
47. His freedom remained encumbered by social obligations.
48. The counter became encumbered with unfinished projects.
49. The hallway became encumbered with shoes, backpacks and coats.
50. Her desk became encumbered with mail, receipts and coupons.
51. The trash cans became encumbered with discarded wrappers and bottles.
52. The bookshelf became encumbered with dust collecting books.
53. Her worries encumbered her daily activities.
54. Their freedom remained encumbered with conditions and stipulations.
55. The branch became encumbered with snow from the last storm.
56. The walkway became encumbered with fallen tree limbs.
57. Her mind remained encumbered with worries and grievances.
58. His wardrobe became encumbered with clothes he no longer wore.
59. The table became encumbered with dirty plates and empty glasses.
60. The driveway became encumbered with leaves that needed raking.

Common Phases

1. The load was too heavily encumbered for the mule to carry.
2. The expedition was encumbered with too much excess baggage.
3. Our inheritance was encumbered by debt that had to be paid off.
4. The property came with many restrictions that encumbered its potential value.
5. His passion was encumbered by fear and doubt.
6. His mind was too encumbered by memories to think clearly.
7. The legislation was heavily encumbered with many needless provisions.
8. The project was encumbered by unnecessary bureaucracy.
9. The committee was encumbered with burdensome regulations.
10. Her new responsibilities heavily encumbered her free time.
11. The plan was encumbered by too many complicated details.
12. She felt encumbered by the expectations of her family.
13. His creativity was encumbered by self-doubt.
14. Their relationship became encumbered by resentment and mistrust.
15. The movement was encumbered by internal conflicts.
16. Their finances were heavily encumbered with debt.
17. The abused animal was encumbered with flea collars, tags, and chains.
18. Her joy was encumbered by sorrow.
19. The encumbered bank account could not be used for any new purchases.
20. The author's genius was somewhat encumbered by her lack of education.
21. The ill-equipped forces were hopelessly encumbered.
22. The encumbered forest was overcome with vines and thorns.
23. Her decision was encumbered with negative thoughts.
24. His vision was heavily encumbered with cynicism.
25. Their good intentions were encumbered by greed.
26. The treaty was encumbered by harsh terms.
27. The policy was encumbered by red tape.
28. Her steps were weighed down and encumbered by worry.
29. Their journey was encumbered by inclement weather.
30. Our progress was encumbered by bureaucracy and delays.
31. The outcome was encumbered with doubt.
32. His mind was too encumbered with mundane cares.
33. The encumbered river was choked with debris.
34. The plans were hopelessly encumbered with unnecessary details.
35. The project was heavily encumbered by infrastructural problems.
36. His heart was too encumbered by hatred to experience love.
37. The success of the mission was heavily encumbered by lack of funding.
38. Their ambitions were encumbered by a lack of experience.
39. The suitcase was far too encumbered to carry comfortably.
40. The encumbered road was littered with potholes and obstacles.
41. Her joy was encumbered by worries for her loved ones.
42. The warship was encumbered with too many troops to move quickly.
43. The path was encumbered by numerous obstacles and difficulties.
44. The agreement was encumbered with unreasonable demands.
45. Their lives were heavily encumbered with unnecessary possessions.
46. The new technology was heavily encumbered with bugs and flaws.
47. His ability was encumbered by his own intolerance.
48. The garden was too encumbered by weeds to harvest any vegetables.
49. The king's power was heavily encumbered by the demands of his vassals.
50. Their relationship was encumbered with mistrust.
51. Her dreams were too encumbered by negativity to come true.
52. The funds were encumbered with many legal restrictions.
53. Her mind was far too encumbered with trivialities to see the real issue.
54. Their enthusiasm was encumbered by disappointment.
55. Her emotions were heavily encumbered by sorrow.
56. The issue was hopelessly encumbered with bureaucracy.
57. The cause was encumbered by intolerance.
58. The trail was overly encumbered with fallen branches and debris.
59. Her happiness was encumbered by resentment.
60. The course of action was too encumbered by fears to be taken.

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