Enmesh example sentences

Related (11): entangle, embroil, ensnare, trap, involve, entrap, catch, snare, mesh, net, intertwine

"Enmesh" Example Sentences

1. The family's troubles seemed to enmesh them further and further, trapping each member in a web of dysfunction.
2. The corrupt politician became further enmeshed in the scandal as more evidence was uncovered.
3. Trying to avoid getting enmeshed in the conflict, they maintained diplomatic neutrality.
4. Her web of lies quickly enmeshed her with more and more people, making it difficult to escape.
5. The child's parents struggled to avoid becoming enmeshed in their child's problems at school.
6. The business partners quickly became enmeshed in a nasty legal battle over profits and ownership.
7. Her own personal issues enmeshed her deeper and deeper into a cycle of depression and isolation.
8. The more the company tried to avoid liability, the more enmeshed they became in the lawsuit.
9. As the crisis unfolded, nations became further enmeshed in complex efforts to reduce tensions.
10. Their close friendship quickly enmeshed them into each other's daily struggles and issues.
11. His obsession and addiction soon enmeshed him in a dark underworld of illegal activity.
12. The investigation threatened to enmesh top political figures in the growing scandal.
13. The failed relationship continued to enmesh her in unhealthy patterns for years after it ended.
14. The web of lies continued to enmesh more and more unsuspecting people as it spread.
15. The spreading conflict threatened to enmesh neighboring countries into a costly war.
16. Their children's lives quickly enmeshed them into social circles and activities they had never imagined.
17. He struggled to cut ties that further enmeshed him in a toxic environment.
18. The scandal threatened to enmesh members of both political parties.
19. The media coverage continued to enmesh public figures into the growing outrage.
20. His desires quickly enmeshed him into an illicit online world.
21. The more she tried to hide her secrets, the more enmeshed she became in an intricate web of deception.
22. The tangled economic issues threatened to enmesh the world's major powers into a gridlock.
23. Their parents' problems enmeshed them into a chaotic household at an early age.
24. Their early history enmeshed the neighboring nations into a complex web of cultural ties.
25. The political system continued to enmesh citizens into lifelong party loyalty.
26. His initiative threatened to enmesh the company into controversial social issues.
27. The spreading scandal threatened to enmesh more and more celebrities.
28. The conflict quickly enmeshed civilians into its violence and brutality.
29. The crisis threatened to enmesh top officials from both nations.
30. The secret past continued to enmesh him into decisions guided by shame and guilt.
31. His emotional issues quickly enmeshed her into unhealthy patterns of codependence.
32. The class quickly became enmeshed in debate on the complex issues.
33. The intertwined economies threatened to enmesh the nations into unhealthy dependencies.
34. Their parents' problems quickly enmeshed them into family battles at a young age.
35. Financial issues threatened to enmesh their marriage into insurmountable debt.
36. The spreading rumors threatened to enmesh innocent people into libelous lies.
37. The twins quickly became enmeshed into each other's interests and social circle.
38. Her obsession enmeshed her into online worlds of dysfunction and deceit.
39. Their neighbor's issues quickly enmeshed them into a bitter dispute.
40. The crisis quickly enmeshed major corporations into its threats and uncertainties.
41. The dysfunctional household quickly enmeshed them into cycles of abuse and neglect.
42. His addiction quickly enmeshed him into the shady underworld of drug dealers.
43. The continuing conflict threatened to enmesh their children into the violence.
44. The spreading controversy threatened to enmesh more and more politicians.
45. The financial issues threatened to enmesh the entire neighborhood into a downward spiral.
46. Her insecurities quickly enmeshed him into unhealthy attempts to soothe her.
47. The intertwined histories enmeshed the countries into cultural exchanges for centuries.
48. The ongoing issues threatened to enmesh their children into unhealthy coping mechanisms.
49. His actions threatened to enmesh innocent passengers into the growing chaos.
50. Their secret past continued to enmesh them into decisions guided by fear and danger.
51. The complex social issues threatened to enmesh the community into bitter debate.
52. The neighborhoods quickly became enmeshed through block parties and shared celebrations.
53. The news quickly enmeshed everyone into discussions on the complex implications.
54. Her emotional issues quickly enmeshed her friends into unhealthy patterns.
55. The tangled events threatened to enmesh major institutions into a worldwide scandal.
56. The spreading sickness threatened to enmesh every household into its dangers.
57. The spreading controversy threatened to enmesh more and more public figures.
58. His secret life threatened to further enmesh him into danger and risk.
59. The spreading conflict threatened to enmesh neighboring towns into its violence.
60. Their early friendship quickly enmeshed them into each other's hopes and dreams.

Common Phases

1. Become enmeshed in: The card scheme quickly became enmeshed in controversy.
2. Enmesh someone/something in: The affair threatened to enmesh the whole company in scandal.
3. Enmesh oneself in: She enmeshed herself in the drama of the reality show.
4. Further enmesh: Financial woes further enmeshed them in debt.
5. Deeply enmeshed: They were deeply enmeshed in the conspiracy.
6. Threaten to enmesh: The controversy threatened to enmesh more politicians.
7. Risk becoming enmeshed: There is a risk of becoming enmeshed in dangerous situations.
8. Struggle to avoid becoming enmeshed: They struggled to avoid becoming enmeshed in their friends' problems.
9. Continue to be enmeshed: They continued to be enmeshed in legal battles for years.
10. Quickly become enmeshed: The neighbors quickly became enmeshed in a property dispute.

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