Enslavev example sentences

Related (10): bondage, captivity, subjugation, domination, suppression, oppression, servitude, yoke, peonage, thralldom

"Enslavev" Example Sentences

1. The evil tyrant sought to enslavev the conquered people.
2. The practice of enslaving human beings is abhorrent.
3. The master sought to use fear to enslavev his servants.
4. The plantations were run by slave owners who sought to enslavev their workers.
5. The history of the United States is scarred by its past of enslaving African Americans.
6. Many countries have laws against enslaving other human beings.
7. The dictator sought to enslavev his people by controlling every aspect of their lives.
8. Colonial powers often tried to enslavev the native peoples of the lands they conquered.
9. Enslaving another person is a violation of their human rights.
10. The film tells the story of a group of people who were forced into slavery and enslavevment.
11. The experience of being enslavevd can cause lasting trauma and psychological damage.
12. Religious texts have been used to justify enslaving other people.
13. The abolition of slavery was a long and hard-fought battle.
14. Those who enslavev others typically view them as property rather than as human beings.
15. Many people risk everything to escape from their enslavevd situations.
16. Enslaving others for personal gain is a sign of extreme selfishness.
17. The mental and emotional scars of enslavevd people can persist for generations.
18. Enslaving others is not only morally wrong, it is also illegal in most countries.
19. The anti-slavery movement was led by people who recognized the value and dignity of every human being.
20. Enslavevd people have often used music and other forms of creative expression as a way to cope with their situation.
21. The practice of enslavevd labor is still alive and well in many parts of the world.
22. Enslaving people is a crime against humanity that must be eradicated from our society.
23. The horrors of the transatlantic slave trade have left a lasting legacy on the world.
24. Those who enslavev others are often blinded by their desire for power and control.
25. The process of dehumanizing people is a key component in the practice of enslavevment.
26. The abolition of slavery was a turning point in the fight for human rights.
27. The legacy of slavery and enslavevdment can still be felt today in many aspects of our society.
28. Enslaving others is a form of violence that must be stopped.
29. The practice of selling and buying human beings is a shameful and horrific part of human history.
30. Those who enslavev others are denying them the basic human right to freedom and self-determination.

Common Phases

not repeat the word "enslave"
1. The dictator wanted to enslave his people; he saw them as nothing more than pawns to further his own ambitions.
2. The corporation sought to enslave its workers, paying them meager wages and denying them basic rights and protections.
3. The mastermind behind the scheme sought to enslave the minds of the masses, using propaganda and manipulation to control their thoughts and beliefs.
4. The cult leader sought to enslave his followers, demanding complete obedience and submission to his authority.
5. The conquering army sought to enslave the defeated, forcing them into servitude and stripping them of their freedom.
6. The powerful wizard sought to enslave the magical creatures, using their powers for his own benefit and leaving them powerless and oppressed.
7. The ruthless vampire sought to enslave human victims, draining them of their blood and turning them into mindless thralls.
8. The greedy landlord sought to enslave his tenants, setting unfair rents and exploiting their vulnerability.
9. The corrupt government sought to enslave its citizens, denying them basic rights and freedoms and using fear and intimidation to maintain control.
10. The cruel queen sought to enslave her subjects, treating them as objects to be used and discarded at her whim.

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