Epigraphein example sentences

Related (9): inscription, writing, engraving, etching, carving, lettering, chiseling, incising, impressing.

"Epigraphein" Example Sentences

1. The epigraph for her book was a quote from Shakespeare.
2. He spent hours researching for the perfect epigraph for his speech.
3. The epigraph on the tombstone was a Bible verse.
4. The novel started with a powerful epigraph.
5. The epigraph of the essay gave insight into the author's perspective.
6. The poet carefully chose an epigraph for her collection of poems.
7. The epigraph was written in Latin, which posed a challenge for translation.
8. The use of a historical epigraph added context to the story.
9. She sculpted a beautiful epigraph to adorn the entrance of the museum.
10. The epigraph on the memorial statue was inspirational.
11. The author's use of an epigraph from a song added layers of meaning to the chapter.
12. He sought out an epigraph from a famous philosopher to start his thesis.
13. The epigraph helped to set the tone for the entire novel.
14. Her epigraph was a beautiful poem that captured the essence of the book.
15. The playwright used an epigraph to create a parallel between the characters and a Shakespearean tragedy.
16. The epigraph acted as a foreshadowing for the events that would come.
17. The monograph's epigraph quoted a renowned historian.
18. The use of an epigraph made the non-fiction book more engaging to read.
19. The epigraph from a political leader added weight to the author's argument.
20. The poet added an epigraph to acknowledge the inspiration for the poem.
21. The novel's epigraph was an old proverb that held significance to the story.
22. She chose an epigraph from a Greek myth to add an element of mythology to her novel.
23. The epigraph from a religious text added a layer of spirituality to the essay.
24. The poet chose a personal quote as his epigraph to introduce his collection of poems.
25. The author's use of an epigraph highlighted the themes of identity and belonging.
26. The use of a bilingual epigraph added culture and diversity to the book.
27. The philosopher's epigraph added depth to the story's central theme.
28. The use of an epigraph from a classic novel drew attention to the parallels between the two stories.
29. The epigraph from a famous artist added an element of artistry to the essay.
30. The use of an epigraph conveyed the author's attitude towards the subject matter.

Common Phases

1. Epigraphein means to write an inscription;
2. The ancient Greeks used to epigraphein on various objects and monuments;
3. We can still find ancient epigrahes today, which provide valuable historical information;
4. Some examples of epigraphein include epitaphs, dedications, and commemorative inscriptions;
5. Many famous authors also used epigraphein in their work to add context or meaning to their writing;
6. Epigraphein can also refer to marking or inscribing something in a figurative sense, such as leaving a lasting impression on someone's memory.

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