Epithets example sentences

Related (3): insults, slurs, name-calling

"Epithets" Example Sentences

1. The critic hurled insults and epithets at the politician.
2. The angry crowd shouted epithets at the police officers.
3. The opposition leader responded to the prime minister's angry epithets with calm retorts.
4. The teacher reprimanded the students for using foul epithets toward each other.
5. Her epithets against her ex-husband became more vicious every year.
6. The woman reacted strongly against the epithets hurled at her by online trolls.
7. The dictator received many epithets of praise from his supporters.
8. The crowd responded to the epithets of the protestors with disdain.
9. He hurled a string of colorful epithets at his opponents.
10. The newspaper articles praised the president with extravagant epithets.
11. The witnesses were asked not to use any offensive epithets during their testimonies.
12. The debate devolved into name-calling and epithets on both sides.
13. Epithets of affection were exchanged between the lovers.
14. The author created epithets of esteem for her characters.
15. The writer bestowed epithets of honor on the king in his tale.
16. The use of epithets and insults revealed their deep animosity toward one another.
17. The judge warned the defendant against using foul epithets in the courtroom.
18. The epithets contained no consideration for the victims of their vitriol.
19. Epithets of virtue and valor were heaped upon the returning soldier.
20. The teacher would not tolerate epithets of disrespect from her students.
21. Epithets of respect were earned by the wise old sage through his teachings.
22. The young man reacted to the epithets hurled at him with anger and violence.
23. The woman's epithet for her former boss revealed her deep resentment.
24. The king was known by many epithets of praise and honor.
25. The guests responded warmly to the host's epithets of welcome.
26. The poet composed epithets of devotion for his beloved.
27. The audience reacted negatively to the performer's abusive epithets.
28. The epithets exchanged between the feuding families revealed centuries of animosity.
29. The child learned not to use epithets of disrespect toward her elders.
30. The campaign used epithets of fear and hatred to incite the crowd.
31. The controversy led to epithets of racism and bigotry from both sides.
32. The nasty epithet revealed the speaker's true feelings of contempt.
33. She responded calmly to the epithets hurled at her during the heated debate.
34. Epithets of profanity littered his tirade against his enemies.
35. He showered epithets of praise upon his favorite student.
36. The preacher bestowed epithets of righteousness upon his followers.
37. The hostile epithets revealed their deep feelings of mutual disrespect.
38. The guest speaker received many epithets of esteem from the audience.
39. The player responded to the epithets from the crowd with indifference.
40. The woman's epithet for her ex-husband revealed her deep-seated anger.
41. The opponents hurled epithets at each other across the aisle.
42. Epithets of fidelity were uttered by the loyal followers.
43. The politician received epithets of praise and esteem from his supporters.
44. The singer was showered with epithets of adoration by her fans.
45. The insults and epithets had no effect on the stoic monk.
46. The debate devolved into a shouting match full of epithets and insults.
47. The victims responded to the offenders' epithets with dignified silence.
48. The king received many epithets of majesty and glory.
49. The student received epithets of incompetence from his cruel teacher.
50. The gods bestowed epithets of wisdom and virtue upon the hero.
51. The man responded to his wife's epithets with irritated silence.
52. The queen received epithets of beauty and grace from her devoted ladies in waiting.
53. The teacher would not tolerate epithets of disrespect from her students.
54. Epithets of praise filled the air after the team's big victory.
55. His abusive epithet revealed a deep lack of respect for her.
56. The dictator showered epithets of praise and honor upon himself.
57. The crowd hurled angry epithets at the prison transport van.
58. Epithets of cowardice and scorn were hurled at the deserter.
59. The old man responded to the young people's epithets with annoyance.
60. The woman hurled epithets of abuse at her unfaithful husband.

Common Phases

1. The hateful epithets spewing from the crowd spoke of their deeply held prejudices.
2. She ignored the epithets and slurs hurled at her by the angry mob.
3. The internet troll's insulting epithets were designed to elicit an emotional response.
4. The racist epithets uttered by the caller led the radio host to cut the line.
5. His biting epithets wounded her more than any physical harm could.
6. The crowd flung epithets and rotten fruit at the performer they once adored.
7. The barrage of misogynistic epithets soon dissolved into threats of violence.
8. The crude epithets chiseled into the walls showed the school's lack of discipline.
9. Teachers struggle to curb the vulgar epithets that routinely fly from children's mouths.
10. His tendency to resort to cruel epithets alienated even his closest allies.
11. The talk show host drew criticism for the sexist epithets used against the female guest.
12. Anti-Semitic epithets have no place in civilized discourse.
13. The teacher encouraged students to replace insulting epithets with more positive speech.
14. The heated argument soon devolved into a volley of childish epithets.
15. Upon hearing the epithets shouted from the rival stands, the players' tempers quickly flared.
16. The epithets carved into the bathroom walls served as a grim reminder of the division between students.
17. The carefully crafted speech avoided any potentially offensive epithets.
18. The homophobic epithets uttered by the politician cost him the support of many once loyal voters.
19. Her calm demeanor did nothing to stem the flow of insulting epithets.
20. The media advisor urged the celebrity to avoid using potentially controversial epithets in interviews.
21. Instead of responding in kind with matching epithets, she maintained an air of dignified grace.
22. The audience gasped at the inappropriate epithets uttered by the seemingly refined gentleman on stage.
23. The latest epithets added to the chalkboard wall signified a further coarsening of community discourse.
24. His harsh epithets revealed a vitriolic anger toward those who disagreed with him.
25. The angry child spewed a stream of insulting epithets at her sibling.
26. The fans have begun to use insulting epithets rather than chant the player's name.
27. Rather than sinking to the level of her critics with matching epithets, she remained poised and professional.
28. His colorful epithets reflected his working-class upbringing more than any conscious disrespect.
29. The epithets employed in the debate did little to advance meaningful discussion of the issues.
30. She responded to his insulting epithets with calm, well reasoned arguments.
31. The media reported on the controversy surrounding the celebrity's use of offensive epithets in an interview.
32. New epithets and slang continue to emerge in the hallways and classrooms of every school.
33. The repeated epithets heaped on her emotional wounds like salt in an open sore.
34. The rude epithets shocked the audience members unaccustomed to such coarse language.
35. The witness refused to repeat the vulgar epithets shouted at her during the assault.
36. Though he disagreed deeply with his opponent's views, he refused to soil his arguments with insulting epithets.
37. Her longsuffering response to the constant stream of insulting epithets eventually shamed her attackers into silence.
38. Rather than hurling matching epithets, the dignified leader maintained an even tone and avoided inflammatory rhetoric.
39. The teacher urged her students to avoid epithets based on race, gender or ability when debating their peers.
40. Her calm demeanor never wavered in the face of his barrage of hateful epithets.
41. She responded to his epithets with such grace and poise that he soon felt ashamed of his behavior.
42. The fighting couple hurled epithets at one another in frustration and anger.
43. Repeated use of insulting epithets can breed contempt in even the most noble of causes.
44. The string of epithets spewed from the agitated fan showed a lack of sportsmanship and self control.
45. Though difficult, she chose not to engage with his petty epithets, focusing instead on the merits of the debate itself.
46. The mayor condemned the racist epithets targeting members of the local Asian community.
47. The torrent of misogynistic epithets revealed more about the speaker than the subject of his scorn.
48. The shocking epithets employed by the student startled even the jaded school staff.
49. As the litany of epithets fell from his tongue, her respect for him quickly faded.
50. His hurtful epithets were designed more to wound than to make an argument or further any constructive discussion.
51. Her composure never wavered in the face of his increasingly offensive epithets.
52. The teacher confiscated the notebook filled with racist and sexist epithets.
53. She turned away from his epithets, refusing to engage in such unproductive bickering.
54. His sharp epithets revealed the contempt he held for his political opponents.
55. The torrent of insulting epithets flowed easily from her sharp tongue.
56. The crowd's ugly epithets revealed an underside of intolerance and hatred.
57. His harsh epithets served only to further inflame the heated argument.
58. The epithets he hurled at his opponent revealed more about his own character than anything else.
59. As the parade of epithets intensified, any hope of actual discourse faded away.
60. His epithets elicited only pity from those with more compassion and wisdom.

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