Evanescenceevanesce example sentences

Related (10): disappear, fade, vanish, dissipate, dissolve, evanish, wane, pass, fleet, ebb

"Evanescenceevanesce" Example Sentences

1. The morning mist tends to evanesce as the sun rises higher.
2. Memories of her childhood home began to evanesce after moving away.
3. The fragrance of the flowers slowly began to evanesce as the hot sun beat down.
4. The evanescence of the dessert disappeared before he could get a picture.
5. The colors in the sunset were beautiful, but they soon began to evanesce.
6. The sadness in her heart slowly began to evanesce as time went on.
7. The moment she had been waiting for seemed to evanesce as the day went on.
8. The hope for a better future began to evanesce as the years passed.
9. The excitement she had felt for the concert began to evanesce as the day wore on.
10. As he drifted off to sleep, his worries began to evanesce.
11. The light from the fire began to evanesce as the night grew colder.
12. The noise from the party began to evanesce as she closed the door behind her.
13. His patience with the situation began to evanesce as the days passed.
14. The wonder in the child's eyes began to evanesce as they grew older.
15. The magic of the moment seemed to evanesce as reality set back in.
16. The joy she had felt began to evanesce as the news sunk in.
17. The mist over the lake evanesced as the sun warmed the earth.
18. The stress from work began to evanesce as she took a deep breath.
19. Her fear slowly began to evanesce as she faced the situation head on.
20. The love they shared began to evanesce as time passed.
21. The beauty of the snow began to evanesce as it melted away.
22. The feeling of safety began to evanesce as the storm grew stronger.
23. The excitement for the vacation began to evanesce as they faced cancelled flights and delays.
24. The feeling of accomplishment began to evanesce as he realized the task was not complete.
25. The energy in the room began to evanesce as the meeting dragged on.
26. The anticipation for the surprise began to evanesce as he accidentally spoiled it.
27. The enthusiasm for the project began to evanesce as the deadlines got closer.
28. The curiosity of what lay ahead began to evanesce as they faced the unknown.
29. The freedom she had felt began to evanesce as she realized the responsibility of adulthood.
30. The light in his eyes began to evanesce as he lost hope.

Common Phases

1. The morning mist began to evanesce as the sun rose higher in the sky;
2. Memories of her childhood began to evanesce as she grew older;
3. The singer's voice had an ethereal quality, seeming to evanesce into the air;
4. The dreamlike atmosphere of the movie slowly evanesced as the plot became more intense;
5. The delicate snowflakes evanesced as they landed on the warm ground;
6. The happiness she felt during the vacation slowly began to evanesce as she returned to reality.

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