Faint example sentences

Related (10): Dizzy, weak, feeble, woozy, lightheaded, fragile, delicate, limp, insubstantial, imperceptible.

"Faint" Example Sentences

1. She felt faint from hunger.
2. A faint smile played on his lips.
3. She heard faint music playing in the distance.
4. I could barely make out their faint conversation across the restaurant.
5. The light in the cave was faint and dim.
6. The radio signal was faint and crackly.
7. A faint hope remains that we may yet succeed.
8. A faint cough echoed through the quiet house.
9. I caught a faint whiff of her perfume as she walked by.
10. The stars were just faint pinpricks of light in the polluted city sky.
11. When I stood up too fast I felt faint and black spots clouded my vision.
12. The echo of their laughter faded into faint memories.
13. There is a faint chance that he may decide to come after all.
14. Her voice trailed off into a faint mumble.
15. She had a faint recollection of something similar happening before.
16. His eyes were fixed on some faint spot in the distance.
17. After the storm there was a faint rainbow visible in the sky.
18. I could detect a faint odor of gas in the room.
19. There was a faint whisper of wind stirring the leaves.
20. I heard a faint buzzing sound that seemed to be getting closer.
21. His light snoring was a faint comfort in the darkness.
22. The radio broadcast faded into a faint hiss of static.
23. The voices seemed to come from a faint distance away.
24. There was a faint ringing in my ears after the explosion.
25. Their hopes began to fade into faint memories of what might have been.
26. The coastline was just a faint line on the far horizon.
27. There was a faint trace of smoke still lingering in the air.
28. I could barely make out the faint traces of an old path.
29. A faint memory of her face suddenly crossed my mind.
30. The faint smell of coffee wafted through the café.
31. His handwriting was barely legible, just faint scribbles on the page.
32. The glow from the candle was faint but comforting.
33. There is a faint glow on the horizon as dawn approaches.
34. A faint murmur rippled through the crowd.
35. The church bells rang out their faint chimes in the distance.
36. A faint moan escaped his lips as he started to regain consciousness.
37. The moon cast a faint silvery light over the water.
38. I felt a faint flutter in my stomach as I prepared to step on stage.
39. The words slowly faded into a faint whisper.
40. I could detect a faint floral scent hanging in the air.
41. I could feel a faint fluttering in my chest as I climbed the stairs.
42. He gave her a faint wave as they passed on the street.
43. There was a faint ringing in my ears after the explosion.
44. The singer's voice faded into a faint crooning.
45. There was a faint patina of dust covering everything.
46. With one faint gasp and shudder, the machine fell still.
47. She gave him a faint smile and turned away.
48. The chimes produced only a faint ringing.
49. I could barely detect a faint trace of her perfume.
50. I was overcome by a faint feeling of nausea.
51. A faint sigh escaped her lips before she fell silent.
52. The radio swiftly deteriorated into a faint crackle of static.
53. I heard the faint jingle of bells in the distance.
54. There was a faint pattern visible under the grime.
55. A faint melody floated through the open window.
56. The song faded into a faint murmur.
57. I noticed a faint reddish glow on the horizon.
58. The smoke formed a faint plume against the bright sky.
59. There was a faint beeping noise coming from somewhere.
60. The sunrise painted a faint flush of pink across the clouds.

Common Phases

1. Faint of heart - lacks courage or resolution
2. Feel faint - feel dizzy or weak, especially from illness, lack of food, etc.
3. Faint praise - mild or lukewarm approval
4. Faint memory - a very vague recollection
5. Faint hope - a hope that has little or no basis in reality
6. Faint smile - a barely discernible smile
7. Faint glow - a weak or barely discernible luminosity
8. Faint trace - a barely detectable amount or indication
9. Faint voice - a very quiet or weak voice
10. Faintly smiling - smiling in a subtle, barely discernible manner
11. Faintly familiar - recognizable in an indistinct way
12. Faint murmur - a weak or indistinct whispering sound

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