Fascistic example sentences
Related (18): authoritarian, oppressive, dictatorial, tyrannical, totalitarian, nationalist, right-wing, autocratic, despotic, militant, aggressive, chauvinistic, xenophobic, repressive, anti-democratic, supremacist, jingoistic, militaristic.
fascism (noun)
- an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
- extremely authoritarian, intolerant, or oppressive ideas or behavior:
- very intolerant or domineering views or practices in a particular area:
authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy, Nazism, rightism, militarism, nationalism, xenophobia, racism, corporativism, corporatism, Hitlerism, Francoism, Falangism, democracy, liberalism, Wikipedia, Legal"Fascistic" Example Sentences
1. Critics accused the authoritarian government of harboring fascistic tendencies.
2. The leader's extreme nationalism and xenophobia led many to believe he had fascistic political views.
3. The party platform contained many fascistic policies, including a desire for military expansion and the suppression of dissent.
4. Under the guise of law and order, the government enacted increasingly fascistic laws that curtailed civil liberties.
5. The far-right movement promoted fascistic ideals like the subordination of the individual to the state.
6. His fascistic rhetoric demonized immigrants and other minority groups.
7. The new laws gave the government sweeping powers in what many viewed as a fascistic move.
8. The crowd at the rally displayed symbols and chanted slogans with fascistic overtones.
9. The federally funded organization has been accused of promoting fascistic agendas in school curriculum.
10. Critics denounced his fascistic desire to censor the media and control public opinion.
11. Many called his extreme patriotism and demands for unquestioning obedience to authority as fascistic.
12. The party's goals of racial purity and fascistic handling of dissent dangerously echoed the oppressive regimes of the past.
13. The dictator's fascistic regime crushed all political opposition and curtailed basic freedoms.
14. His proposal to ban certain books was widely condemned as fascistic and authoritarian.
15. The violently enforced national unity program had distinctly fascistic overtones.
16. The political drift toward fascistic authoritarianism worried many civil libertarians.
17. The regime's rise to power was fueled by militaristic fervor and fascistic ideologies.
18. His fascistic tendencies were already on display in his promotion of jingoistic nationalism and demonization of minorities.
19. The protesters marched in opposition to the government's increasingly fascistic policies.
20. The police used fascistic tactics to break up the demonstration and arrest protest leaders.
21. Many on the political left condemned what they viewed as the president's fascistic impulses.
22. The bill granting expanded police powers was decried as fascistic and unconstitutional by civil rights groups.
23. From his early political platforms espousing fascistic ideologies to his presidency engulfed in authoritarianism, his career came to represent a dark chapter in the nation's history.
24. Those opposed to the increasingly fascistic policies coined the term "Ministry of Truth" as an Orwellian reference to the state propaganda machine.
25. The president espoused fascistic principles like extreme nationalism, militarism, obedience of authority, and machismo.
26. Political opponents were tortured, jailed and killed under the fascistic regime.
27. Critics accused his media empire of promoting fascistic agendas through their news coverage.
28. The politician's fascistic policies threatened basic freedoms and democratic principles.
29. The politicians denounced the president's fascistic attempts to subvert and undermine the democratic process.
30. The fascistic leader declared a state of emergency that suspended constitutional rights and ramped up censorship and surveillance of citizens.
31. Opponents of the bill argued that granting the government such sweeping powers represented a fascistic threat to civil liberties.
32. His promise to rid the country of "undesirables" had distinct fascistic overtones that caused alarm among human rights activists.
33. Right-wing militias marched through the streets proclaiming fascistic slogans and making Nazi salutes.
34. The dictatorship lived by the fascistic mottos of obedience and conformity and had little patience for dissent.
35. The law mandating state curriculum in schools was decried as fascistic government overreach.
36. The assembly passed what many labelled a fascistic piece of legislation that gave the government vast control over citizens' personal lives.
37. His vision of a state-centric society in which individuality and dissent were severely limited had distinctly fascistic characteristics.
38. The leader's fascistic rhetoric demonized immigrants and minorities as threats to national identity.
39. The protests were against the fascistic policies of the authoritarian government that criminalized dissent and stamped out free speech.
40. Many argued that singling out minorities for special restrictions represented a fascistic drift for the nation.
41. The march was organized to protest against the fascist and increasingly fascistic tendencies of the government.
42. His policies that aimed to crush dissent, impose extreme nationalism, and assert state control over citizens showed the fascistic nature of his regime.
43. The dictator came to power championing fascistic ideals of national rebirth through authoritarianism and militarism.
44. The group marched under fascistic banners and badges promoting far-right ideologies.
45. Opponents accused the proposal of containing fascistic measures that threatened basic freedoms.
46. Critics feared the law granting the government broad emergency powers represented a fascistic slide into authoritarianism.
47. Far-right groups promoting fascistic agendas held rallies in the capital to exert pressure on the government.
48. The increasingly fascistic policies were sold to the public under the guise of patriotism and national self-interest.
49. His desire for a return to an imagined glorified past and his fascistic policies of ethnic exclusion alarmed citizens.
50. The speechwriters pruned away what they deemed his more fascistic rhetoric to make him appear moderate for the national audience.
51. The junta came to power through a military coup and instituted a series of fascistic policies that curtailed civil liberties.
52. Opponents criticized the leader for embracing fascistic ideals like hypernationalism and the glorification of militarism.
53. His fascistic economic policies focused on corporate interests and militarism at the expense of social welfare programs.
54. The king's autocratic reign and fascistic policies turned many against the once popular monarch.
55. The bill was criticized as a fascistic attempt to instate government censorship of political views.
56. The group marched for democratic freedoms in the face of increasingly fascistic policies from the authoritarian regime.
57. His vision of a racially pure society with only one official culture had distinct fascistic undertones.
58. Activists protested against what they saw as the fascistic objectives of the extremist political party.
59. The autocratic leader exerted fascistic control over the press and banned political opposition in the name of stability.
60. The critics accused the department of espousing a fascistic philosophy focused on conformity, masculinity, obedience and militarism.
Common Phases
1. Fascistic tendencies: indicating a tendency toward extreme authoritarianism and nationalism.
2. Display fascistic overtones: exhibiting characteristics resembling fascism or authoritarian nationalism.
3. Promote fascistic agendas: advance or seek to advance political goals that align with authoritarian nationalism.
4. Under fascistic rule: during the governance of an authoritarian nationalist regime or leader.
5. Have fascistic impulses: to have inclinations or instincts that align with authoritarian nationalism.
6. Take fascistic actions: to enact policies or measures that mirror those of authoritarian nationalist regimes.
7. Espouse fascistic ideals: to advocate or support goals and philosophies in line with fascism and authoritarian nationalism.
8. Lead a fascistic regime: to govern an authoritarian nationalist system of rule.
9. Embrace fascistic policies: to accept and implement strategies of governance that echo those of fascist regimes.
10. Decry as fascistic: to condemn or express disapproval of something as characteristic of fascism or authoritarian nationalism.
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