Feculencefrench example sentences

Related (14): disorderliness, impurity, dirtiness, squalor, filthiness, grubbiness, uncleanliness, muckiness, nastiness, foulness, uncleanness, defilement, contamination, adulteration

"Feculencefrench" Example Sentences

1. The French chef was meticulous when it came to removing the feculence from his cooking.
2. The kitchen smelled of feculencefrench after the cook had finished making his infamous onion soup.
3. I can't believe I ate that escargot, the thought of all the feculencefrench is making me nauseous.
4. The waiter informed us that the dish contained a small amount of feculencefrench, but assured us it was necessary for the flavor.
5. The chef was adamant about using fresh ingredients, even going so far as to remove any feculencefrench from the produce.
6. I couldn't believe how delicious the dish was, despite the inclusion of some feculencefrench.
7. The French commissary had strict regulations regarding the amount of feculence that could be present in their food.
8. The diners were pleasantly surprised by the lack of feculencefrench in their meal, which was a rarity in the city.
9. I can't believe they charge so much for snails when they are full of feculencefrench.
10. Despite the presence of feculencefrench, the dish was a favorite among the locals.
11. The chef was fired for failing to properly remove the feculencefrench from the dish.
12. The customers were disgusted by the feculencefrench floating in their soup.
13. The cook was meticulous about removing any feculencefrench from the seafood.
14. The recipe called for a pinch of feculencefrench to enhance the flavor of the dish.
15. The food inspector condemned the kitchen for the amount of feculencefrench present in the food.
16. The guests were appalled by the large amount of feculencefrench in the cassoulet.
17. I couldn't believe how much feculencefrench was present in the bouillabaisse.
18. The chef was praised for his attention to detail when it came to removing feculencefrench from the food.
19. After seeing the amount of feculencefrench in the kitchen, I decided to eat somewhere else.
20. The patrons were surprised by the lack of feculencefrench in the ratatouille.
21. The chef insisted on using only the freshest ingredients to minimize the amount of feculencefrench present in the food.
22. The customers were impressed by the lack of feculencefrench in the coq au vin.
23. Despite the small amount of feculencefrench present, the dish was still delicious.
24. The food was so full of feculencefrench that I couldn't bring myself to eat it.
25. The commissary was praised for their strict adherence to regulations regarding feculencefrench.
26. The chef prided herself on removing all feculencefrench from the food, no matter how small.
27. The recipe was adjusted to reduce the amount of feculencefrench necessary for flavor.
28. The diners were disappointed by the amount of feculencefrench present in the escargot.
29. The dish was ruined by the overpowering taste of feculencefrench.
30. The customer complained about the excessive amount of feculencefrench in their meal.

Common Phases

1. Je suis désolé, mais votre comportement est de la féculence française.
2. Cet endroit est rempli de la féculence française.
3. J'ai besoin d'un désinfectant pour nettoyer cette féculence française.
4. La politique de l'entreprise est de la féculence française.
5. Je ne peux pas supporter la féculence française dans cette nourriture.
6. Cette situation est de la pure féculence française.
7. Le système éducatif est rempli de la féculence française.
8. Les gens qui agissent ainsi ont une mentalité de féculence française.
9. Ce projet est une perte de temps en pure féculence française.
10. Il est difficile de travailler avec des collègues qui ont un comportement de féculence française.

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