Fixation example sentences

Related (9): obsession, preoccupation, infatuation, fascination, fixation, mania, addiction, compulsion, dependence

"Fixation" Example Sentences

1. He had an unhealthy fixation on her.
2. The scientist had a lifelong fixation with genetics.
3. The boy's obsession had become an unhealthy fixation.
4. Her fixation with neatness bordered on the pathological.
5. The psychiatrist tried to help the patient overcome his harmful fixation.
6. The artist's work portrayed his fixation with death and tragedy.
7. The detective was fixated on solving the difficult case.
8. She had an unhealthy fixation with her appearance and weight.
9. The media's fixation with celebrity gossip was irritating.
10. His every thought was fixated on revenge.
11. The critic accused the movie of having a fixation with violence.
12. The collector's fixation with rare coins grew more obsessive over the years.
13. Freud believed fixation at an early stage led to neuroses later in life.
14. The boy's fixation with dinosaurs made him a wealth of knowledge on the subject.
15. The scientist's life work was fixated on a cure for Alzheimer's disease.
16. The boss's fixation with minute details drove his staff crazy.
17. Her lifelong fixation with perfectionism caused her much stress.
18. The jury's attention seemed fixated on the defendant.
19. He had a weird fixation on clocks and timepieces.
20. The killer had a troubling fixation with young blondes.
21. The general's mind was fixated on strategies for winning the war.
22. Her fixation with organization bordered on compulsion.
23. The detective's every thought was fixated on solving the case.
24. The sports fans' fixation with their teams was bordering on unhealthy.
25. The toddler's fixation with cars made shopping trips challenging.
26. The other students teased her for her fixation with books and learning.
27. His fixation with online gaming was affecting his schoolwork and health.
28. Her fixation with celebrities represented an unhealthy need for vicarious life.
29. The child's fixation with superheroes consumed most of her spare time.
30. The detective became fixated on gathering enough evidence for an arrest.
31. His mind quickly became fixated on thoughts of revenge.
32. The manager's fixation with cutting costs was jeopardizing quality.
33. Her early experiences likely contributed to her lifelong fixation with cleanliness.
34. The writer's work seemed fixated on depicting the darker aspects of human nature.
35. The collector's fixation with obtaining all versions of the figurine grew over the years.
36. The psychologist studied the patient's fixation with self-harming behaviors.
37. The politician's speeches fixated on fear and division.
38. The boy's mind seemed fixated on baseball statistics.
39. The boy's fixation with space made him want to be an astronaut someday.
40. The activist's work fixated on environmental causes.
41. The writer's narratives often fixated on themes of loss and grief.
42. The patient's fixation with germs made daily life challenging.
43. The politician's speeches often fixated on divisive cultural issues.
44. His thoughts quickly became fixated on thoughts of vengeance.
45. The horror film fixated on depicting graphic depictions of violence.
46. The teacher tried to help the student overcome her harmful fixation.
47. The detective became fixated on finding the missing girl.
48. The professor accused the essay of having an unhealthy fixation with race.
49. The manager's fixation with cost-cutting led to decline in product quality.
50. His fixation with conspiracy theories consumed much of his free time.
51. The child's mind seemed completely fixated on dinosaurs.
52. Her work fixated on depicting the struggles of women.
53. The report fixated on the negative aspects of the policy.
54. The general's thoughts were completely fixated on winning the upcoming battle.
55. The author's writing often fixated on themes of social justice.
56. Her mind quickly became fixated on thoughts of revenge.
57. The student developed an unhealthy fixation with getting good grades.
58. The author's novel fixated on depicting the horrors of war.
59. The detective's thoughts became fixated on tracking down the suspect.
60. His fascination quickly turned into an unhealthy fixation.

Common Phases

1. His fixation on success quickly turned into an obsession.
2. Her fixation with perfectionism made her job interviews very uncomfortable.
3. The dot became an unhealthy fixation for the young child.
4. His visual and auditory fixations made concentrating difficult.
5. The psychologist tried to lessen the patient's unhealthy fixation on his ex-spouse.
6. She struggled with compulsive fixation and repetitive behaviors.
7. Her new haircut became an instant fixation for the little boy.
8. The psychologist diagnosed him with obsessive-compulsive fixation disorder.
9. The psychologist worked to reduce the man's unhealthy fixation on conspiracy theories.
10. The young girl's doll became the focus of her obsession and fixation.
11. The mechanic worked diligently to fix the faulty part.
12. The plumber came to fix the broken pipes under the sink.
13. The electrician came to fix the faulty wiring.
14. The handyman fixed the loose doorknob.
15. The carpenter fixed the sagging beam in the roof.
16. The mechanic quickly fixed the rattling noise coming from the engine.
17. They fixed the dent in the fender with some body filler and paint.
18. The construction crew fixed the cracks in the foundation.
19. The technician fixed the malfunctioning computer.
20. The contractor fixed the leaky roof.
21. The handyman fixed the torn screen door.
22. The repairman fixed the broken air conditioner.
23. The optometrist fixed his broken eyeglasses.
24. They fixed the hole in the wall with some joint compound and paint.
25. The locksmith fixed the jammed lock.
26. The auto technician fixed the faulty transmission.
27. The dentist fixed the crack in his tooth.
28. The veterinarian fixed the broken leg of the dog.
29. The nurse fixed the IV line that had come loose.
30. The doctor fixed the displaced joints of the patient's fingers.
31. He quickly fixed himself a sandwich for lunch.
32. She fixed him with an icy stare.
33. The spotlight fixed on the soloist during the performance.
34. His eyes were fixed on the horizon.
35. The plants were fixed in place with stakes and string.
36. The painting was fixed to the wall with nails.
37. The fractured bone was fixed in place with pins and plates.
38. The broken glasses were fixed with tape.
39. The runner's gaze was fixed ahead as she raced down the track.
40. The problem only seemed to fixate him further.
41. His fixation on the issue prevented any productive discussion.
42. The city's fixation on growth concerned the environmental activists.
43. The spotlight fixed on the offending player after the foul.
44. The hypnotist fixed his gaze on the subject's eyes.
45. Their conversation soon became fixated on whether Pluto is a planet.
46. The toddler's fixation on the ball made it hard to redirect his attention.
47. The doctor carefully fixed the dislocated joint back into place.
48. The ornithologist fixed her binoculars on the nest of fledglings.
49. They tried to fix the bicycle tire but were unsuccessful.
50. The vet fixed the broken leg of the dog with a cast and splint.
51. The park ranger fixed the loose sign back onto its post.
52. His dating fixation made it hard for him to focus on other priorities.
53. The mechanic quickly fixed the brakes on my car.
54. They tried to fix a meeting time that worked for everyone's busy schedules.
55. She fixed him with an intense stare.
56. The nurse fixed the IV line back into place.
57. The repairman came to fix the leaky faucet.
58. The mechanic fixed the flat tire on my car.
59. The repairman quickly fixed the broken appliance.
60. The police fixed him with handcuffs and put him in the back of the squad car.

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